Reverse Dependencies of imageio
The following projects have a declared dependency on imageio:
- abcdrl — Modular Single-file Reinfocement Learning Algorithms Library
- AbdomenAtlas — A package for 3D medical image segmentation using deep learning techniques.
- abTEM — no summary
- acopoweropt — Ant Colony Power Systems Optimizer
- adampy — Python Adam API
- agrid — A grid for spatial multidimensional processing
- ahlive — animate your data to life
- aics-dask-utils — Utility functions and documentation related to Dask and AICS
- aicsimageio — Image Reading, Metadata Conversion, and Image Writing for Microscopy Images in Pure Python
- AIPySdeAnalyzer — AI Powered Photoswitchable Screen analysis
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- alan — A programming language for designing Turing machines
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- aliby — Process and analyse live-cell imaging data
- alpha-automl — Alpha-AutoML: NYU's AutoML System
- ampy — Python-based Processing Tool for Active Matter Experiments
- amzqr — Generater for amazing QR Codes. Including Common, Artistic and Animated QR Codes.
- andi-datasets — Generate, manage and analyze anomalous diffusion trajectories.
- angorapy — Build Goal-driven Models of the Sensorimotor Cortex with Ease.
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- animask — Visualization of the predictions of the network during training.
- animate-transit — Generates an animation and lightcurve for a transiting 2-body system
- AnimatedGraphs — Build and awesome animated graph easily
- animateplot — Library for generate gif or video from plots
- anishot — Animate a long screenshot
- ankylosaurus — Various utils.
- annolid — An annotation and instance segmentation-based multiple animal tracking and behavior analysis package.
- ansys-additive-core — A Python client for the Ansys Additive service
- ansys-dpf-core — Data Processing Framework - Python Core
- ansys-mapdl-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys MAPDL.
- ansys-mechanical-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Mechanical
- apiprompting — Package for an easy implementation of paper "Attention Prompting on Image for Large Vision-Language Models".
- arcana-xnat — An extension of the Arcana framework to apply workflows and analyses on data stored within XNAT data repositories
- arcanumpy — Personal collection of various Python tools and utilities.
- arctic-ai — Python package for Arctic Workflow. Mirrors jupyter developments.
- arenaxlabs-gym — A suite of Gymnasium environments for the different tasks in the ArenaX Labs Researcher Platform
- argueview — ArgueView is a tool for generating text-based presentations for machine-learning predictions and feature-importance based explanation tools. The tool makes use of Toulmin's model of argumentation for structuring the text-based explanations.
- arpes — Modular data analysis code for angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)
- artemis-labs — Artemis Labs
- artemis7 — Personal library to compute and draw
- artific — An algorithm visualization pip package for Python
- artificial-artwork — Create artificial artwork by transfering the appearance of one image (eg a famous painting) to another user-supplied image (eg your favourite photograph).
- artis-tomo — Scientific Methods for tomography
- artistools — Plotting and analysis tools for the ARTIS 3D radiative transfer code for supernovae and kilonovae.
- asciipy-any — python library and cli tool to convert images and videos to ascii.
- asciisciit — asciisciit is a Python toolbox for displaying and converting images, movies, and camera feeds into ascii.
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- ascvid — ASCII Video player.
- asset-sizer — no summary
- astro-elk — This python package computes, and corrects ensemble light curves for TESS pixels within a specified aperature, from TESS FFI data.
- atlas-uiautomator2 — SIDIA ATLAS customization for Python Wrapper for Google Android UiAutomator2 test tool
- atr-dan — Teklia DAN
- atx — Automation test library for android based on opencv
- audiossl — no summary
- aug — Augmentation library based on OpenCV.
- auro-sensors — sensors for auromix application
- autoballs — Python package for segmentation of axons and morphological analysis.
- autocurve — Curve Fitting Tool
- autodiffvis-teapeople — This package implements automatic differentiation with visualization of the forward computation graph.
- autopc — An image recognition framework running on a computer
- av-helper — An Audio-Video Helper Utility Package in Python
- avalon-rl — Avalon: A Benchmark for RL Generalization Using Procedurally Generated Worlds
- avici — Amortized Inference for Causal Structure Learning
- AxonDeepSeg — Axon/Myelin segmentation using AI
- aydin — Aydin - Denoising but chill
- babelscan — BabelScan is a format independent data structure for holding different types of data from a scan file
- baby-seg — Birth Annotator for Budding Yeast
- babyrobot — An OpenAI Gym Environment for BabyRobot
- barc4sr — A Python package for Synchrotron Radiation calculations
- BasePage-QHMS — Base_page for selenium automation
- bblib — beambusters library to refine the detector center for crystallography data processing.
- bbo-calibcam — Calibrate intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of cameras with charuco boards
- bbo-ccvtools — Work with BBO CCV files
- bbo-labelgui — GUI for guided data labeling
- bbo-multitrackpy — Detect head positions from MTT files
- bbo-svidreader — Video reader on top of imageio that compares returned frames to a list of hashes
- beambusters — no summary
- bears — no summary
- bellman — A Toolbox for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning in TensorFlow
- betterplotlib — Some wrappers for matplotlib to make plotting easier and nicer.
- bevpo — City-scale car traffic and parking analysis tool
- bfscale — Best fit image scaling
- bifs — Bayesian Imaging in Fourier Space (BIFS)
- bildkedde — Lightweight sensor modeling package
- Bimbmaan — bimbmaan: A Shaktiman to process high quality images for research publication
- bimvee — Batch Import, Manipulation, Visualisation and Export of Events etc
- biobridge — A library for simulating all biology related things, analyzing them and visualizing them.
- bioimageio.core — Python functionality for the bioimage model zoo
- bioimageio.spec — Parser and validator library for specifications
- bioio — Image reading, metadata management, and image writing for Microscopy images in Python
- bioio-imageio — A BioIO reader plugin for reading simple image formats using imageio.
- birm-nm-foo — Neural Modules with Adaptive Nonlinear Constraints and Efficient Regularization
- blackbeard2109 — This library is designed for people who need to optimize time in an agile way with an ease of understanding and could
- blechpy — Package for exrtacting, processing and analyzing Intan and OpenEphys data
- blenderless — Blenderless is the python package for easy headless rendering using blender.
- blossom — A simple evolution simulator
- bmiptools — BioMaterial Image Processing tools (bmiptools) is a python library of functions for image processing of certain type of biological images (e.g. FIB-SEM, Back-scattering, ecc... ). The library is equipped with a minimal GUI thought for non-expert users.
- bmmltools — BioMaterial Machine Learning tools (bmmltools), package to do machine learning with large binary 3d images
- — Run biometric recognition algorithms on videos
- — Basic IO for Bob