Reverse Dependencies of image
The following projects have a declared dependency on image:
- aima — Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach 4th Ed by Peter Norvig and Stuart Russel
- aperturedb — ApertureDB Python SDK
- autoneuro-pypi — Template python package
- biofrost — The magic bifrost bridge of bioinformatic
- bugdoc — BugDoc library
- carl-bench — CARL- Contextually Adaptive Reinforcement Learning
- clienBBS — clienBBS: Retro-style BBS interface for the community
- color-pallete — Outputs the color pallete of the provided image..
- command_history_wordcloud — Generates word cloud images for frequency of commands usage on your shell
- commandchat — use command to chat with openai models
- did-endpoint — did-endpoint python
- django-lostplaces — A django app to manage lost places
- Easy-GRID — A GUI for field segmentation
- extension-maker — Easily create browser extensions/add-ons for browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.
- files-organizer — Move files by date into folders month by month
- fold-core — A Time Series Cross-Validation library that lets you build, deploy and update composite models easily. An order of magnitude speed-up, combined with flexibility and rigour.
- fortools — forensics python library fortools
- funicorn — Funicorn
- gnes — GNES is Generic Neural Elastic Search, a cloud-native semantic search system based on deep neural network.
- harp-image-preprocess — Cross-platform application for automating the processing of μCT and OPT image data.
- ibm-watson-machine-learning — IBM Watson Machine Learning API Client
- ibm-watsonx-ai — IBM API Client
- jina — Jina (v%s) is a cloud-native semantic search engine powered by deep neural networks.It provides a universal solution of large-scale index and query for media contents.
- krisi — Testing and Reporting framework for Time Series Analysis
- LINEBOOP — LINE API! Upgrade Proxy
- longling — This project aims to provide some handy toolkit functions to help construct the architecture.
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- Mask-Face-Inference — Mask Face detection
- mecord-cli — mecord tools
- mera-tvm-runtime — Mera TVM: An End to End Tensor IR/DSL Stack for Deep Learning Systems, adapted to Mera ( environment.
- meuprojetos3 — projeto exemplo
- mgoelAuto — Template python package
- newsie — How about a daily printed newspaper, govna!
- open-nsfw-python3 — A useful package to detect sexual content based on yahoo's open_nsfw.
- p-ttauto-crawler — template tools
- photo-grid — A GUI for field segmentation
- pneuro — Python API for Automated ML
- pnp — Pull 'n' Push
- pyramid_oereb — pyramid_oereb, extension for pyramid web frame work to provide a basic server part for the oereb project
- rbclassifydoc — Classify documents using rule based approach
- rf-seleniumextensionlibrary — Selenium Extension Library
- ryry-cli — ryry tools
- Simple-Process-REPL — An extensible application framework with REPL for creating processes with side effects.
- smac — SMAC3, a Python implementation of 'Sequential Model-based Algorithm Configuration'.
- stictionanalyser — Stiction analysis of time series data in Seeq
- zaailabcorelib — A useful tools inside ZAI Lab