Reverse Dependencies of ifaddr
The following projects have a declared dependency on ifaddr:
- adcm-pytest-plugin — The pytest plugin including a set of common tools for ADCM testing
- aiodiscover — Discover hosts by arp and ptr lookup
- aiogovee — Python 3 /asyncio library for communication with Govee devices using their local API
- aioice — An implementation of Interactive Connectivity Establishment (RFC 5245)
- aioice2 — An implementation of Interactive Connectivity Establishment (RFC 5245)
- aiolifx — API for local communication with LIFX devices over a LAN with asyncio.
- aiosenseme — SenseME by Big Ass Fans asynchronous Python library
- aiowebthing — High performance implementation of Web of Things
- alphamini — python sdk for ubtech alpha mini robot
- audio-cast — A system to cast audio input to chromecast devices.
- — Backend.AI commons library
- bottle-sipper — Simple, zero-configuration command-line static HTTP server.
- catt — Cast All The Things allows you to send videos from many, many online sources to your Chromecast.
- CK-InoDrive-API — InoDrive API Library
- cloudtoken — AWS Token Vending assuming roles
- deluge — BitTorrent Client
- devolo-plc-api — devolo PLC devices in Python
- dns-local — Simple python3 DNS server
- docker-container-domain-connector — Local DNS server for exposing docker containers on bridge networks
- easydrop — Tool that makes using AirDrop on Linux *easy*
- eurekapy — A eureka client written in python. Support registering your python component to Eureka Server, as well as calling remote services by pulling the the Eureka registry.
- exasol-notebook-connector — Components, tools, APIs, and configurations in order to connect Jupyter notebooks to Exasol and various other systems.
- exasol-saas-api — API enabling Python applications connecting to Exasol database SaaS instances and using their SaaS services
- fhempy — Python binding for FHEM to support Python modules
- fieldedge-utilities — Utilities package for the FieldEdge project.
- fleece-network — P2P socket built on aiortc.
- genlib — This is the basic library for xkit.
- haaiolifx — API for local communication with LIFX devices over a LAN with asyncio.
- hart — Opinionated salt-cloud alternative
- hololinked — A ZMQ-based Object Oriented RPC tool-kit for instrument control/data acquisition or controlling generic python objects.
- hue-entertainment-pykit — A comprehensive Python toolkit for Philips Hue Entertainment API
- imcpy — Python bindings for DUNE-IMC
- inex-library — A comprehensive Python library for AI integration, web development with FastAPI/Flask, advanced encryption, secure database management, file operations, library development, text styling, system management, translation services, video creation, web automation, and cryptocurrency token analysis. Features include JWT handling, password management, rate limiting, input sanitization, and more.
- ingeniamotion — Motion library for Novanta servo drives
- ipapython — FreeIPA python support library
- IPRemote — no summary
- kayalab — UI to create virtual machines and install HPE Ezmeral products.
- keba-kecontact — A python library to communicate with the KEBA charging stations via udp
- lanutils — Small package to probe ip addresses and ports on a local network
- libcoapy — Python module to communicate over the CoAP protocol
- lifxlan — API for local communication with LIFX devices over a LAN.
- limelightlib-python — Built to interface with any Limelight Smart Camera
- midea-beautiful-dehumidifier — A library to control Midea dehumidifiers via the Local area network
- midea-local — Control your Midea M-Smart appliances via local area network
- midea-local-ben — Control your Midea M-Smart appliances via local area network
- monkeytoolbox — Miscellaneous convenience utilities for Python programs
- msmart — A library to control Midea appliances via the Local area network
- ndrop — File Transfer Tool.
- neon-skill-ip-address — Neon IP Address Skill
- nxdk-pgraph-test-runner — Executes and captures the results of in an emulator
- open-stage-zeroconf — Custom wheel for BlenderDMX Extension
- opendrop — An open Apple AirDrop implementation
- openhub — An open source iOT controller.
- openhub-api — An open source GUI for the openhub iOT controller.
- openplugin-py — Toolkit and Collection for Plugins of Large Language Models
- ovos-skill-ip — IPSkill
- picast — A simple wireless display receiver/sink for Raspberry Pi
- pop-genlib — AIoT serbot2 communication library
- proxylib — Proxy models and functions to build proxy configurations or get the systems proxy information and parse their result
- punctuation-stylometry — This package represents the code used for the publication of the article
- py-eureka-client — A eureka client written in python. Support registering your python component to Eureka Server, as well as calling remote services by pulling the the Eureka registry.
- pyappleinternal — Apple internal iOS devices build for NPI
- pyatv — A client library for Apple TV and AirPlay devices
- pyaware — Framework for reading connected devices and publishing to the AWARE cloud
- pybragi — pybragi is server framework
- pycbsdk — Pure Python interface to Blackrock Neurotech Cerebus devices
- pygase — game-ready client-server architecture and UDP-based network protocol - built to be easy to use, lightweight, fast, scalable and reliable
- pyimclsts — Python bindings of the IMC message schema
- PyIRCIoT — IRC-IoT is the universal protocol for building IoT
- pymobiledevice3 — Pure python3 implementation for working with iDevices (iPhone, etc...)
- pynetkit — Reverse engineering utilities for several popular network protocols
- pysonos — A SoCo fork with fixes for Home Assistant.
- python-upnp — UPnP library in pure python
- pythonhere — Here is the Kivy based app to run code from the Jupyter magic %there
- pywemo — Lightweight Python module to discover and control WeMo devices
- pywilight — Python API for WiLight in Home Assistant
- r0b0-io — Library for connecting hardware and software, like aconnect for anything.
- realtime-aioice — An implementation of Interactive Connectivity Establishment (RFC 5245)
- roboidai — Python Package for Roboid AI
- roonapi — Provides a python interface to interact with Roon
- rosys — Modular Robot System With Elegant Automation Capabilities
- sdc11073 — Pure python implementation of IEEE11073 SDC protocol
- secator — The pentester's swiss knife.
- slick-app — Easy to use secure file sending & chatting
- smart-tv-telegram — A Telegram Bot to stream content on your smart TV
- soco — SoCo (Sonos Controller) is a simple library to control Sonos speakers.
- soco-cli — Sonos command line control utility, based on SoCo
- thingtalk — Web of Things framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- toptica-lasersdk — TOPTICA Python Laser SDK
- txp — Txp is the main Python Package from Tranxpert predictive maintenance solution
- uphy-device — no summary
- uPnPClient — Python 3 library for accessing uPnP devices.
- webthing — HTTP Web Thing implementation
- wfx-common-tools — Silicon Laboratories WFx Wi-Fi tools for all supported platforms
- wgmesh — Wireguard Mesh Maker
- xknx — An Asynchronous Library for the KNX protocol. Documentation:
- XTablesClient — Team 488 XTABLES Python
- yeelight — A Python library for controlling YeeLight RGB bulbs.
- zeroconf — A pure python implementation of multicast DNS service discovery
- zeroconf-py2compat — Pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library (Bonjour/Avahi compatible)