Reverse Dependencies of IDUtils
The following projects have a declared dependency on IDUtils:
- ames — Automated Metadata Service: Manage metadata from different sources.
- datacite — "A Python client for DataCite MDS and REST APIs."
- fair-test — A library to define and publish FAIR metrics tests APIs complying with the FAIRMetrics working group specifications. Each API can expose multiple metric tests endpoint, each test assesses the compliance of a subject URL with a FAIR principle. Those APIs can be used by FAIR evaluation services, such as FAIR enough and the FAIR evaluator.
- iga — The InvenioRDM GitHub Archiver (IGA) automatically archives GitHub releases in an InvenioRDM repository.
- inspire-dojson — INSPIRE-specific rules to transform from MARCXML to JSON and back.
- inspire-schemas — Inspire JSON schemas and utilities to use them.
- invenio-deposit — Invenio module for depositing metadata using workflows.
- marshmallow-utils — Extras and utilities for Marshmallow.
- mavecore — MaveCore implements shared functionality for MaveTools and MaveDB.
- mavedb — API for MaveDB, the database of Multiplexed Assays of Variant Effect.
- mavetools — Useful functions for manipulating Multiplex Assay of Variant Effect datasets.
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- oarepo-rdm-records — OARepo rdm records data model
- oarepo-runtime — A set of runtime extensions of Invenio repository
- rogue-scholar-api — API for the Rogue Scholar science blogging platform.
- techlib-nr-common — NR common data types
- techlib-nr-common-metadata — NR common data types
- techlib-nr-generic — NR generic model REST API