Reverse Dependencies of i2
The following projects have a declared dependency on i2:
- allude — Building precise functionality from vague specifications
- config2py — Simplified reading and writing configurations from various sources and formats
- cosmograph — Visualize large-scale network graphs and machine learning embeddings
- dagapp — Making apps from DAGs by just snapping your fingers
- guide — Simple object to navigate complex python objects
- hum — Generate synthetic signals for ML pipelines
- ju — JSON schema Utils
- jy — Tools to control JS from Python (jy for Js pY or Js python proxY)
- kroki — Access kroki from python
- lexis — Wordnet wrapper - Easy access to words and their relationships
- lined — Building simple pipelines simply.
- manual — Python interfaces to system calls
- meshed — Link functions up into callable objects
- mongodol — MongoDB Data Object Layer
- mood — no summary
- oa — Python interface to OpenAI
- pipoke — Utils to acquire stuff from pypi and interrogate it
- posted — Interfacing with message-broker functionality
- py2http — Declarative HTTP service entry point.
- py2json — Tools for json serialization of python objects
- raglab — Backend of a system to explore RAG operations
- redisposted — Concrete implementation of posted for Redis
- smart-cv — Tools to retrieve and check information and generate information based on CVs
- sung — Music data access
- tabled — A (key-value) data-object-layer to get (pandas) tables from a variety of sources with ease
- taped — Python's serene audio accessor
- titbit — A place to dump might-be-useful-again code as an alternative of leaving in a notebook where it will never be found again