Reverse Dependencies of hydra-submitit-launcher
The following projects have a declared dependency on hydra-submitit-launcher:
- ARLBench — Python Boilerplate that contains all the code you need to create a Python package.
- bioagent — BioAgent Library
- harpy-analysis — single-cell spatial proteomics analysis that makes you happy
- hydra-submitit-extension — A more flexible hydra submitit launcher
- HyperSweeper — Hydra sweeper integration of our favorite optimization packages, utilizing ask-and-tell interfaces.
- INSPIRE-MEDS — An ETL pipeline to extract INSPIRE data into the MEDS format.
- jz-hydra-submitit-launcher — Jean Zay tailored Hydra submitit launcher.
- MEDS-transforms — MEDS ETL and transformation functions leveraging a sharding-based parallelism model & polars.
- MIMIC-IV-MEDS — An ETL pipeline to extract MIMIC-IV data into the MEDS format.
- minihack — MiniHack The Planet: A Sandbox for Open-Ended Reinforcement Learning Research
- mmlearn — A modular framework for research on multimodal representation learning.
- mtrl — MTRL: Multi Task RL Algorithms
- multibeast — no summary
- MultiEL — Multilingual Entity Linking model by BELA model
- NWICU-MEDS — An ETL pipeline to extract NWICU data into the MEDS format.
- pyclarity — Tools for the Clarity Challenge
- torchrl — no summary
- torchrl-nightly — no summary
- wrangl — Parallel data preprocessing for NLP and ML.