Reverse Dependencies of hydra-core
The following projects have a declared dependency on hydra-core:
- abses — ABSESpy makes it easier to build artificial Social-ecological systems with real GeoSpatial datasets and fully incorporate human behaviour.
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- acmetric — acmetric package and sample project.
- aequitas — no summary
- agilerl — AgileRL is a deep reinforcement learning library focused on improving RL development through RLOps.
- aiflows — aiFlows implements the abstraction of Flows proposed in "Flows: Building Blocks of Reasoning and Collaborating AI" and greatly simplifies the design and implementation of complex (work)Flows involving humans, AI systems, and tools.
- airflow-config — Airflow utilities for configuration of many DAGs and DAG environments
- airflow-supervisor — Supervisor operators and configuration for long-running tasks
- airi-test-task — This library contains the code used to run a test job to AIRI.
- allencell-segmenter-ml — A plugin to leverage ML segmentation in napari
- allennlp-hydra — Hydra plugin for allennlp
- allin1 — All-In-One Music Structure Analyzer
- alphafold3-pytorch-lightning-hydra — AlphaFold 3 - Pytorch
- anemoi-graphs — A package to build graphs for data-driven forecasts.
- anemoi-models — A package to hold various functions to support training of ML models.
- anemoi-training — A package to hold various functions to support training of ML models.
- annolid — An annotation and instance segmentation-based multiple animal tracking and behavior analysis package.
- ANPR — Automatic Number Plate Recognition(ANPR)
- anypy — A collection of python utilities, without hard dependencies
- aquacrop-abses — no summary
- ARLBench — Python Boilerplate that contains all the code you need to create a Python package.
- armory-testbed — Adversarial Robustness Test Bed
- asleep — A sleep classification tool for wearables
- atommic — Advanced Toolbox for Multitask Medical Imaging Consistency (ATOMMIC)
- audiossl — no summary
- Audyn — A PyTorch toolkit for audio synthesis.
- autoalbument — AutoML for image augmentation
- autogluon-assistant — ML Assistant for Competitive Machine Learning
- autointent — A tool for automatically configuring a text classification pipeline for intent prediction.
- autrainer — A Modular and Extensible Deep Learning Toolkit for Computer Audition Tasks.
- aws-fortuna — A Library for Uncertainty Quantification.
- bauwerk — Simple building control environments for reinforcement learning.
- bayesian-lora — Bayesian LoRA adapters for Language Models
- bbrl — RL library inspired from salina
- bbrl-algos — BBRL algos, a library of reinforcement learning algorithms
- bdpy — Brain decoder toolbox for Python
- bert-squeeze — Tools for Transformers compression using PyTorch Lightning
- bigpipe-response — Bigpipe, Pipelining web pages for high performance, django response object
- bioimage_embed — no summary
- biomed-multi-alignment — MAMMAL (Molecular Aligned Multi-Modal Architecture and Language), a flexible, multi-domain architecture with an adaptable task prompt syntax.
- birdset — BirdSet: A multi-task benchmark and data pipeline for deep learning based avian bioacoustics
- blade2blade — Adversarial Training and SFT for Bot Safety Models
- blenderless — Blenderless is the python package for easy headless rendering using blender.
- bliss-deblender — Bayesian Light Source Separator
- bliss-toolkit — Bayesian Light Source Separator
- boltz — Boltz-1
- breaching — Framework for Attacks against Privacy in Federated Learning
- bunruija — A text classification toolkit
- camphr-cli — no summary
- caped-ai — Content aware prediction and detection based on artificial intelligence.
- ccflow — Composable Configuration Flow
- cen — Contextual Explanation Networks.
- chope-data-haidilao — Featurestore wrapper
- clarena — An open-source machine learning package for continual learning research
- classy-core — A powerful tool to train and use your classification models.
- clinical-zeroshot-labeler — A MEDS PyTorch Dataset, leveraging a on-the-fly retrieval strategy for flexible, efficient data loading.
- cmfd-handler — no summary
- codebook-features — Sparse and discrete interpretability tool for neural networks
- codeflare-torchx — TorchX SDK and Components
- combustion — Helpers for PyTorch model training/testing
- commonroad-geometric — Contains basic functionality for facilitating research on graph neural networks for autonomous driving and provides an interface between CommonRoad and Pytorch Geometric.
- compassionai-garland — CompassionAI Project Garland - machine translation for classical Tibetan
- compassionai-manas — CompassionAI Project Manas - a bidirectional Tibetan transformer
- cool-graph — Python library for building Graph Neural Network by few steps
- core-lib — basic onion architecture library utils
- cosyvoice-package — cosyvoice package by xp
- crescendo — Machine learning made easy
- criteria — Deep learning loss functions and models for image similarity
- curator-torch — Library for implementation of message passing neural networks in Pytorch
- cyto-dl — Collection of representation learning models, techniques, callbacks, utils, used to create latent variable models of cell shape, morphology and intracellular organization.
- danoliterate — Benchmark of Generative Large Language Models in Danish
- dashit — Custom Command Submitit Launcher for Hydra apps
- data-dictionary-cui-mapping — This package allows you to load in a data dictionary and map cuis to defined fields using either the UMLS API or MetaMap API from NLM.
- data-gradients — DataGradients
- dbally — "Efficient, consistent and secure library for querying structured data with natural language"
- DBAnomTransformer — A collection of useful util functions
- deep-learning-utils — no summary
- deepchopper — A Genomic Language Model for Chimera Artifact Detection in Nanopore Direct RNA Sequencing
- deepke — DeepKE is a knowledge extraction toolkit for knowledge graph construction supporting low-resource, document-level and multimodal scenarios for entity, relation and attribute extraction.
- deepqmc — Deep-learning quantum Monte Carlo for electrons in real space
- deeptrade-mbrl — A simple trading system for backtesting Model Based RL strategies
- demucs3 — Music source separation in the waveform domain.
- denoiser — Speech enhancement in the waveform domain. Supports offline and streaming evaluation. Implementation for For training, please directly clone the github repository.
- denoiser-compat — Speech enhancement in the waveform domain. Supports offline and streaming evaluation. Implementation for For training, please directly clone the github repository.
- devnet — Unofficial pytorch implementation of deviation network for table data.
- df-qc-tools — Package for easy datarequests from sensortings
- dguard — Speech Diarization and Speaker Embedding
- diff-plonk — Diffusion Geolocalization package for PLONK models
- dimet — A tool for Differential analysis of Isotope-labeled targeted Metabolomics data
- distify — Easy wrapper for parallelizing Python executions
- dive-into-graphs — DIG: Dive into Graphs is a turnkey library for graph deep learning research.
- dklfm — no summary
- dlhpcstarter — Deep Learning and HPC Starter Pack
- dlio-benchmark — An I/O benchmark for deep Learning applications
- dlproject — The opinionated deep learning template.
- dlu_core — My utility functions for work
- dlunch — The ultimate web app for a well organized lunch.
- dMO — A package for learning cutting planes for mixed-integer optimization problems.
- domsdatabasen — Scraper and PDF text processor for
- dpvs — no summary