Reverse Dependencies of hurry.filesize
The following projects have a declared dependency on hurry.filesize:
- abdal-net-py — Powerful security network package
- alectiolite — Integrate customer side ML application with the Alectio Platform
- arc-ai — Economies of models
- arcnet — Economies of models
- arcos — Economies of models
- artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- artifactory-du — Artifactory Disk Usage command line interface (artifactory-du)
- bpforms — Unambiguous representation of modified DNA, RNA, and proteins
- ciscodnacbackupctl — Cisco DNA Center Backup CLI
- cli-pylinx — A lightweight CLI for uploading and managing your files on a linx-server instance.
- collective.exportimport — An add-on for Plone to Export and import content, members, relations, translations and localroles.
- cso-classifier — A light-weight Python app for classifying scientific documents with the topics from the Computer Science Ontology (
- cvstudio — Computer vision projects annotation tools
- cylinter — CyLinter
- dblp-sax-parser — A parsing package for dblp using the Simple API for XML (SAX)
- delta-nlp — DELTA is a deep learning based natural language and speech processing platform.
- django-cbim-general-service — Django app that every service implemented using DJango in CBIM should use
- django-collect-offline-files — Add file-based data transfer to server for offline-use
- django-graphene-authentication — A variant of djhango-graphql-jwt that can work with federations
- eml2pdf — Convert .eml (email) files to PDF using Python.
- fiases — FIAS Elasticsearch integration
- hammr — Command-line tool for building conistent and repeatable machine images for multiple cloud platforms
- hammr-3.6 — Command-line tool for building conistent and repeatable machine images for multiple cloud platforms
- ioccheck — A tool for simplifying the process of researching IOCs.
- ipynbcompress — Compress images in IPython/Jupyter notebooks
- kaas-cli — Command line utility for K as a Service
- KatFetch — A minimal and customizable fetch script.
- konduit — konduit: Enterprise Runtime for Machine Learning Models
- ldt — Linguistic diagnostics for word embeddings
- metadata-inspector — Inspect metadata of weather/climate datasets
- mongodump-s3 — Backup utility for MongoDB. Compatible with Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform.
- mvtsdatatoolkit — A Toolkit for Multivariate Time Series Data
- mycloud-cli — myCloud Command Line Interface
- mynetwork — no summary
- mysqlsheet — Push Big XL sheet in MySQL database table
- nbmetalog — nbmetalog helps you log jupyter notebook metadata
- news-please — news-please is an open source easy-to-use news extractor that just works.
- nexushousekeeper — A module to keep a nexus directory clean
- nut-cloud — A website featuring a cloud drive and an online shop.
- ostop — Cross-Compatible Python implementation of top command.
- pyflexebs — Pyflexebs will allow you to monitor and expand/contract you EBS volumes in aws
- pyonedesk — PyOneDesk
- pyvid — Video shrinker that uses ffmpeg.
- pyxa — pyXA is an open-source, flexible, high-performance function serving framework for Charlotte AI.
- repopip — no summary
- sparc-spy — A python tool to enhance the accessibility of SPARC scaffold visualisations and their analyses in accordance with FAIR principles.
- spock-config — Spock is a framework designed to help manage complex parameter configurations for Python applications
- steinloss — Package loss measuring tool
- stjudecloud-merge-counts — Utility for merging RNA-seq expression counts files from St. Jude Cloud.
- streaminghub-curator — A web interface to package datasets with DFDS metadata
- talus-aws-utils — Talus AWS Utils
- tgtlg — A Telegram Torrent (and youtube-dl) Leecher based on Pyrogram.
- tsetdomocli — A cli tool for docker monitoring with prometheus and cAdvisor
- tuxpub — The Serverless File Server
- uforgecli — no summary
- ussclicore — UShareSoft cli core module
- voltron-robotics — Voltron: Language-Driven Representation Learning for Robotics.
- webexteamsarchiver — Room archiver utility for Webex Teams
- yarnlog — Download Apache Hadoop YARN log to your local machine.
- zkygr-artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- zkygr2-artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- zkygr3-artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- zwf — Tools for Zwift WAD files