Reverse Dependencies of html-sanitizer
The following projects have a declared dependency on html-sanitizer:
- acquisition-sanitizer — Clean scraped decisions for better pattern matching.
- acquisition-statute-parser — Parse statutes into fields after acquisition from scraping.
- decision-utils — Preprocess frontmatter-ish markdown with Philippine artifacts, statutes, citations.
- django-boris — no summary
- django-lc-utils — Utilities for Django application
- feincms3 — CMS-building toolkit for Django
- jupyterhub-announcement — JupyterHub Announcement Service
- libreforms-fastapi — FastAPI implementation of the libreForms spec
- prelawsql — Fetch, store, process files prior to database insertion.
- py3moin — no summary
- rwc — A reStructuredText and Markdown wordcounter
- slicer-package-manager — Manage Slicer application and extension packages.
- springheel — Static site generator for webcomics
- uprock-sdk — no summary
- xerparser — Parse a P6 .xer file to a Python object.