Reverse Dependencies of holoviews
The following projects have a declared dependency on holoviews:
- ltf-abcm — Longtail Financial Augmented Bonding Curve Model
- lumen — A monitoring solution built on Panel.
- lumflux — Illuminating web applications.
- masthay-helpers — Helper functions for repetitive and useful tasks
- mesmerize — Calcium imaging analysis platform
- mindfoundry-optaas-client — Mind Foundry Optimization as a Service: Python Client
- mofdscribe — Ecosystem for digital reticular chemistry
- moraine — Modern Radar Interferometry Environment, A simple, stupid InSAR postprocessing tool in big data era
- mortgage_simulator — A package for simulating mortgages
- nbsmoke — Basic notebook checks. Do they run? Do they contain lint?
- ncplot — Interactive viewing of NetCDF data
- netcdfella — Netcdfella is providing multiple ways to convert netcdf filed into other data types such as ASCII, PNG and JPG, and even create graphs.
- nima — Numerical IMage Analyses.
- ninetysix — A general package for tidying, annotating, and analyzing 96-well plate data.
- omacase — a tool to analyze optical mapping data, with _de novo_ repeat motif detection and analysis capabilities
- openhsi — Library to calibrate, trigger and capture data cubes for the open source hyperspectral camera.
- opics — Open-source frequency domain circuit simulator for photonic integrated circuits.
- paithon — Explore and share your AI Models in no time.
- panel — A high level app and dashboarding solution for Python.
- parambokeh — ParamBokeh provides an easy way to generate a UI for param based classes in the notebook or on bokeh server.
- paramnb — Generate ipywidgets from Parameterized objects in the notebook
- pharaoh-report — Pharaoh is a Sphinx-based Python framework for generating reports in various formats by combining the power of configurable Jinja templates and Python scripts for asset generation.
- pipefunc — A Python library for defining, managing, and executing function pipelines.
- podlozhnyy-module — One place for the most useful methods for work
- postopus — Postopus (the POST-processing of OctoPUS data) is an environment, written in python, that can help with the analysis of data that was computed using the Octopus package.
- proteinworkshop — no summary
- pyecsca — Python Elliptic Curve cryptography Side Channel Analysis toolkit.
- pyeyes — A GUI viewer for high-dimensional image visualization in Python
- pyhard — Analyze, explore and visualize instance hardness within datasets
- pyHDX — Derive ΔG for single residues from HDX-MS data
- PyHyperScattering — Utilities for loading, reducing, fitting, and plotting hyperspectral x-ray and neutron scattering data.
- pyliger — The Python version of LIGER package.
- pyloric-network-simulator — Pure-Python, JAX-accelerate implementation of the pyloric circuit model described by Prinz et al (Nat. Neurosci., 2004)
- pyposeidon — Framework for Sea Level Hydrodynamic simulations
- pyposeidon-viz — no summary
- pySailingVLM — 'Vortex Lattice Method for initial aerodynamic analysis of upwind sails.'
- pythoncharmers-meta — Meta package with dependencies for Python Charmers training courses
- Pyttoresque — Library for working with NyanCAD tools
- pyVIA — no summary
- pyvizbee — a dualtext alingner based on holoviz panel
- pyxll-holoviz — PyXLL extension for Holoviz charts and panels
- qaa — Quasi-Anharmonic Analysis
- recurse-words — find words that have other words in them that when you take the inner words out what's left is still a word
- replay-classification — Non-parametric categorization of replay content from multiunit spiking activity
- rhkpy — A python package for processing Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) data from RHK, based on the spym project.
- risksutils — Scripts for credit scoring analysis
- RMK-support — Python modules and notebooks used to initialize and analyze ReMKiT1D runs
- roicat — A library for classifying and tracking ROIs.
- satpy — Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing
- scikit-fdiff — Automatic finite difference discretization for 1D PDE with fast temporal solvers.
- scmvae — a comprehensive single-cell multimodal analysis python package based on mixed variational autoencoder
- scplot — Single cell plotting
- shadems — Rapid Measurement Set plotting with dask-ms and datashader
- shaolin — Interactive visualization with holoviews and panel
- shiny — A web development framework for Python.
- sid-dev — Simulate the spread of COVID-19 with different policies.
- sier2 — Blocks of code that are executed in dags
- sier2-blocks — Blocks for sier2
- sim2bids — App to preprocess and convert simulation data
- simphox — no summary
- smttask — Task wrapper for the Sumatra API
- snpio — Reads and writes VCF, PHYLIP, and STRUCTURE files and performs data filtering on the alignment.
- spark-rapids-user-tools — A simple wrapper process around cloud service providers to run tools for the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark.
- SpatialDM — SpatialDM: Spatial co-expression Detected by bivariate Moran
- spatialpandas — Pandas extension arrays for spatial/geometric operations
- spearmint — Refreshing hypothesis testing in python!
- spider-st — Identifying spatially variable interactions
- spinsight — MR image simulator for teaching purposes
- terrainbento — TerrainBento suite of landscape evolution models
- testJvis-learn — A generalization of tSNE and UMAP to single cell multimodal data
- Thalassa — A library for visualizing large scale results of hydrodynamic simulations
- timelens — A tool to analyze and understand time series in convolutional neural networks
- tissue-tag — Tissue Tag: jupyter image annotator
- tobvalid — Python library and a program for the statistical analysis and validation of ADPs (Atom Displacement Parameters)
- triflow — Automatic finite difference discretization for 1D PDE with fast temporal solvers.
- umap-learn — Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
- uxarray — Xarray extension for unstructured climate and global weather data analysis and visualization.
- venim — Python tools for Venus Image Analysis
- waloviz — An interactive audio player with a spectrogram built-in, as a Jupyter widget or as HTML.
- wisdom-sdk — Wisdom SDK
- wrftamer — A python package to help you mangaging WRF projects and experiments
- xcompact3d-toolbox — A set of tools for pre and postprocessing prepared for the high-order Navier-Stokes solver XCompact3d
- xdart — A pyFAI based GUI utility to rebin and visualize X-ray Diffraction data
- xedro — Kedro helps you build production-ready data and analytics pipelines
- xomx — xomx: a python library for computational omics
- zvi — Zorroa Visual Intelligence ML Environment