Reverse Dependencies of hmmlearn
The following projects have a declared dependency on hmmlearn:
- aideml — Autonomous AI for Data Science and Machine Learning
- bbstrader — Simplified Investment & Trading Toolkit
- clearCNV — Clinical sequencing panel CNV caller and visualizer
- comet-toolbox — Dynamic functional connectivity toolbox for multiverse analysis
- compiam — Common tools for the computational analysis of Indian Art Music.
- cr-features — A library for calculating features suitable for context recognition
- daric — DARIC, a computational framework to find quantitatively differential compartments from Hi-C data
- ddsp — Differentiable Digital Signal Processing
- deepbgc — DeepBGC - Biosynthetic Gene Cluster detection and classification
- deepsleep — Sleep EEG classification
- ds-methods — Pipelines architecture for common data science methods and time series analysis
- dylightful — Package to uncover hidden interaction patterns in supramolecular complexes
- echidna-sc — Mapping genotype to phenotype through joint probabilistic modeling of single-cell gene expression and chromosomal copy number variation.
- ethoscopy — A python based toolkit to download and anlyse data from the Ethoscope hardware system.
- geniml — Genomic interval toolkit
- hiscanner — High-resolution single-cell copy number analysis.
- HiTIPS — HiTIPS: High-Throughput Image Processing Software for FISH data analysis
- hmmCDR — Find CDR locations using bedmethyl file and CenSat annotations. (REQUIRES BEDTOOLS INSTALLED)
- hmmviz — A package for visualizing state transition graphs from hidden Markov models or other models.
- libmv — a library to create music videos
- lisbet — LISBET (LISBET Is a Social BEhavior Transformer)
- ml-pitch-models — Machine-learning models for monophonic pitch (F0) estimation
- nanosense — A comprehensive package for solid state nanopore data analysis and visualization.
- nilmtk_s14pe — no summary
- papylio — Single-molecule fluorescence data extraction and analysis.
- pyAudioKits — Powerful Python audio workflow support based on librosa and other libraries
- pycbp — A Library for Constrained Belief Propagation
- pydfc — This package aims to provide a comprehensive framework for assessing dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) using multiple methods and comparing results across methods.
- pyErmine — Estimate Reaction-rates by Markov-based Investigation of Nanoscopy Experiments (ermine) using Python.
- pyhumour — A module for the characterization and quantification of concise humour
- ReacNetGenerator — ReacNetGenerator: An automatic reaction network generator for reactive molecular dynamics simulation.
- sc-echidna — Mapping genotype to phenotype through joint probabilistic modeling of single-cell gene expression and chromosomal copy number variation.
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- scgenome — Code for analyzing single cell whole genomes
- scikit-allel — A Python package for exploring and analysing genetic variation data.
- sequentia — Scikit-Learn compatible HMM and DTW based sequence machine learning algorithms in Python.
- sfHMM — step finding based HMM
- simple-asr — Wrapper module around wav2vec2 designed for ease of use
- skweak — Software toolkit for weak supervision in NLP
- spectral-rhythm-detector — Identify spectral rhythm events
- spindle-detector — Identify spindle events
- stepcount — Step counter for wrist-worn accelerometers compatible with the UK Biobank Accelerometer Dataset
- syntheon — Inference parameters of music synthesizers with deep learning
- tketool — Some base methods for developing
- TraceAnalyser — Time Series Analysis Software
- tsbootstrap — A Python package to generate bootstrapped time series
- UCTB — Urban Computing ToolBox
- vame-py — Variational Animal Motion Embedding.
- visualizing-training — Modelling Training Dynamics and Interpreting the dynamics