Reverse Dependencies of hdx-python-country
The following projects have a declared dependency on hdx-python-country:
- aa-toolbox — Toolbox for anticipatory action
- django-countries-hdx — Adds extra M49 data to django-countries using hdx-python-country.
- financial-entity-cleaner — Normalization of data for entity matching
- hdx_cli_toolkit — HDX CLI tool kit for commandline interaction with HDX
- hdx-python-api — HDX Python API for interacting with the Humanitarian Data Exchange
- hdx-python-scraper — HDX Python scraper utilities to assemble data from multiple sources
- hdx-scraper-ophi — OPHI Scraper
- ocha-anticipy — Access data for anticipating humanitarian risk
- pydeflate — Package to convert current prices figures to constant prices and vice versa