Reverse Dependencies of hdmf
The following projects have a declared dependency on hdmf:
- allensdk — core libraries for the allensdk.
- dandi — Command line client for interaction with DANDI instances
- filterframework-to-nwb — Convert files from Loren Frank Lab old matlab format to NWB 2.0
- franklab-nwb-extensions — Frank lab nwb specific extensions
- hdmf-ai — A schema and API for storing the results from AI/ML workflows
- hdmf-docutils — Collection of CLIs, scripts and modules useful to generate the NWB documentation
- hdmf-ml — A package for using the HDMF-ML schema
- hdmf-zarr — A package defining a Zarr I/O backend for HDMF
- hdmf_zarr_bjh — A package defining a Zarr I/O backend for HDMF - forked to fix a bug
- jaeger-lab-to-nwb — NWB conversion scripts and tutorials.
- kyutils — kyu's utils
- lincbrain-cli — Command line client for interaction with LINC Brain archive elements
- ndx-acquisition-module — NWB extension to add acquisition module
- ndx-binned-spikes — to-do
- ndx-dbs — This extension is developed to extend NWB data standards to incorporate DBS(DeepBrainStimulation) experiments.
- ndx-depth-moseq — Extension for MoSeq-extract output
- ndx-dynamic-routing-metadata — Type to store metadata for dynamic routing experiments at Allen Institute
- ndx-extract — NWB extension for storage of parameters and output of EXTRACT pipeline.
- ndx-fiber-photometry — This is an NWB extension for storing fiber photometry recordings and associated metadata.
- ndx-fllab-novela — NovelaNeurotechnologies Namespaces
- ndx-franklab-novela — NovelaNeurotechnologies Namespaces
- ndx-hed — NWB extension for HED data
- ndx-lflab-novela — NovelaNeurotechnologies Namespaces
- ndx-multichannel-volume — extension to allow use of multichannel volumetric images
- ndx-nirs — An NWB extension for storing Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) data
- ndx-odor-metadata — NWB Extension for documenting odor stimulus metadata
- ndx-ophys-devices — This is an NWB extension for storing metadata of devices used in optical experimental setup (microscopy, fiber photometry, optogenetic stimulation etc.)
- ndx-optogenetics — NWB extension to enhance support for optogenetics data and metadata in NWB
- ndx-patterned-ogen — patterned (holographic) optogenetic extension to NWB standard
- ndx-photostim — Holographic photostimulation extension to NWB standard
- ndx-pinto-metadata — The NWB extension for storing ViRMEN experimental metadata for the Pinto lab.
- ndx-pose — NWB extension to store pose estimation data
- ndx-probeinterface — Extension for defining neural probes in the probeinterface format
- ndx-sound — Represent acoustic stimuli and responses
- ndx-subjects — An NWB extension for custom species metadata.
- ndx-turner-metadata — The NWB extension for storing Turner lab specific metadata
- ndx-whisk — NWB extension to store whisker tracking measurements computed with Whisk (Janelia Whisker Tracker) or other video-based whisker tracking methods.
- ndx-zebrafish — NWB extensions for storing (larval) zebrafish expreiment related data
- neuroconv — Convert data from proprietary formats to NWB format.
- np-vba — Python package for analyzing behavioral data for Brain Observatory: Visual Behavior. Forked to specify dependencies in pyproject.toml and support Python >3.7.
- npc-sessions — NWB-conversion for behavior and epyhys sessions from the Mindscope Neuropixels team, in the cloud.
- nwb-conversion-tools — Convert data from proprietary formats to NWB format.
- nwb-docutils — Collection of CLIs, scripts and modules useful to generate the NWB documentation
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- nwbext-simulation-output — Extension for storing large-scale simulation output in the Neurodata Without Borders: Neurophysiology format
- pynwb — Package for working with Neurodata stored in the NWB format.
- silverlabnwb — Python tools for working with Silver Lab data in the NWB2 format
- spyglass-neuro — Neuroscience data analysis framework for reproducible research