Reverse Dependencies of haskellian
The following projects have a declared dependency on haskellian:
- binance-python — Python Binance Rest + User Data WS API client, with typings.
- chess-scraping — Scraping from chess pairing websites
- chess-transformer — package_description
- chess-utils — Higher level utilities over the `chess` library
- files-dataset — Simple, composable standard for storing datasets as one sample per file
- fs-tools — Simple, exception-free filesystem tools
- func-az — Tools for Azure Functions
- game-prediction — A beam search algorithm to decode OCR predictions
- game-prediction2 — Game prediction, simplified. No edits, no GCP. Everything's just `AsyncIterables` in and out.
- images-dataset — Simple, composable standard for storing image datasets
- kv-api — Interface for any Key-Value DB. Completely exception-free, and backed by `haskellian` for powerful composability
- kv-azure-blob — KV API implementation on Azure Blob Storage
- kv-fs — Key-Value DB API on the filesystem
- kv-rest — Rest API and client for a server-side KV
- kv-sqlite-sync — Key-Value interface over SQLite. Supports any datatype, including JSON and BLOB
- lines-dataset — Dead simple standard for storing/loading datasets as lines of text. Supports zstd compression.
- moveeread-dfy-connector — Daemons to connect Moveread DFY and the pipeline
- moveread-boxes — Annotating and exporting boxes for Moveread
- moveread-core — Core Moveread Dataset
- moveread-dfy-connector — Daemons to connect Moveread DFY and the pipeline
- moveread-export — Exporting data from annotations of the Moveread Core
- moveread-finetuning — Round-to-round finetuning for the Moveread OCR
- moveread-labels — Annotating and exporting labels
- moveread-ocr — Moveread OCR model, in tensorflow
- moveread-pipelines-auto-extract — Auto-extraction Moveread pipeline
- moveread-pipelines-game-correction — Moveread game correction, revamped: single-player, with edits, locks and out-of-memory caches for multiple worker support
- moveread-pipelines-ocr — package_description
- moveread-pipelines-ocr-predict — OCR Prediction pipeline for Moveread
- moveread-pipelines-preprocess — no summary
- moveread-sdk — Python SDK for the Moveread Core
- moveread-tatr — Moveread Table Transformer model
- ocr-dataset — Dead simple standard for storing/loading OCR datasets (image + label pairs)
- pipeteer — Simple, explicit durable execution framework on top of ZeroMQ and SQLModel.
- pushed-over — Typed, async client for the Pushover API
- queue-api — ABC for asynchronous, point-readable, exception-free read/write queues
- queue-http — HTTP Client-Server Read-Write Queue implementation
- robust-extraction — Automatic preprocessing of chess scoresheets
- robust-extraction2 — Robust Extraction, rewrited
- scoresheet-models — Tools for storing, rendering and parsing chess scoresheet models
- syncopate — Pure asynchronous orchestrations
- templang — A simple annotation-based language to generate code from templates
- tf-serving — Client for OCR predictions against TensorFlow Serving
- tfs-client — Tools to simplify access to TFServing via HTTP, specially for Moveread