Reverse Dependencies of hackyargparser
The following projects have a declared dependency on hackyargparser:
- change-proc-priority — Constantly checks and changes the priority of processes based on the provided parameters - Windows only
- constant-check-and-kill — Convenient and customizable solution for monitoring and terminating processes - Windows only
- copytool — copytool copies files hell-bent for leather
- cv2imshow — cv2.imshow without freezing - Windows only
- cv2obs — OpenCV Images (NumPy Arrays) to OBS Virtual Cam
- dfcsv2parquet — converts large CSV files into smaller, Pandas-compatible Parquet files
- hcdel — Deletes files (hardcore mode - Windows only)
- schirmshots — records multiple (background) windows using ctypes and ffmpeg - Windows only
- shellextools — Adds Python functions/methods to the Windows context menu
- subprocess-multipipe — Uses subprocess.stdin.write and named pipes (Windows) to read data from / write data to a subprocess
- subprocesskiller — Some functions for killing (sub)processes + children with ctypes - works with shell=True
- whats2df — Whatsapp to Pandas DataFrame (csv/xlsx/pkl) Doesn't require root access!