Reverse Dependencies of habanero
The following projects have a declared dependency on habanero:
- academic-tracker — Find publications on PubMed, Crossref, ORCID, and Google Scholar for given authors or references.
- basiclive — A Framework for creating beamline LIMS
- bibchk — Simple command line program to return the BibTeX string of a given DOI or ISBN.
- biblyser — A bibliometric workflow for evaluating the bib metrics of an individual or group of people
- bibmancli — Simple CLI tool to manage BibTeX files.
- bibster — A bibliography app for Wagtail.
- bibtheque — Bibliography management tool.
- citeman — A simple command line citation manager for your academic manuscript.
- ConferenceCorpus — python api providing access to academic events and event series from different sources
- crystal-toolkit — no summary
- django-tailordev-biblio — TailorDev Biblio Bibliography management with Django.
- hestia-earth.extend-bibliography — Hestia library to extend Bibliography Nodes with different APIs
- hy-bibsearch — Generate bibtex entries from Crossref, and Google Books searches
- information-composer — A toolkit for collecting and composing information from various web resources
- Magazine — Let your code take comprehensive notes and publish notes and figures as a beautiful consolidated PDF document.
- metapub — Pubmed / NCBI / eutils interaction library, handling the metadata of pubmed papers.
- naimai — Python library to help with scientific literature research
- orcid2markdown — A simple package to parse an ORCID works entry into a Markdown format for static website generators
- papis — Powerful and highly extensible command-line based document and bibliography manager
- potentials — API database tools for accessing the NIST Interatomic Potentials Repository: explore and download interatomic potentials and computed properties.
- pygetpapers — Automated Download of Research Papers from various scientific repositories
- pyked — Package for manipulating Chemical Kinetics Experimental Data (ChemKED) files.
- pysotsog — no summary
- qrcite — Small python tool to generate qr codes with doi links out of .bib files.
- scienceai-llm — An AI powered scientific literature search engine
- sioyek — Python tools and extensions for sioyek PDF reader
- tamu_crossref — no summary