Reverse Dependencies of h5netcdf
The following projects have a declared dependency on h5netcdf:
- abayestest — no summary
- acs-axiom — A prototype utility for validating/applying metadata templates for scientific data.
- adc-compliance-checker — ADC Compliance Checker
- arviz — Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
- arviz-base — Base ArviZ features and converters.
- arviz-plots — ArviZ-plots provides ready to use and composable plots for Bayesian Workflow.
- arviz-stats — Statistical computation and diagnostics for ArviZ.
- ashdisperse — Steady state advection-diffusion-sedimentation solver for volcanic ash dispersion
- atmos-validation — A python library containing automated data validation tools for the Atmos Data Service
- azure-quantum-tgp — Topogap protocol code
- beaker-climate — no summary
- CADS — Python Package to add new download services to Copernicus and make easier managing voluminous data requests.
- cdflib — A python CDF reader toolkit
- cdm_reader_mapper — Common Data Model reader and mapper toolbox
- cerbere — A python API to manipulate spatial and temporal observations, compatible with many existing formats, normalizing and typing the representation of these observations.
- chelsa-cmip6 — This package contains function to create monthly high-resolution climatologies for a selected geographic area for min-, max-, and mean temperature, precipitation rate and bioclimatic variables from anomalies and using CHELSA V2.1 as baseline high resolution climatology. Only works for GCMs for which tas, tasmax, tasmin, and pr are available.
- climate-indices — Reference implementations of various climate indices typically used for drought monitoring
- clouddrift — Accelerating the use of Lagrangian data for atmospheric, oceanic, and climate sciences
- cmip6-aws — download data from NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP-CMIP6)
- coloc-sat — no summary
- copernicusmarine — Command line interface and Python API for accessing Copernicus Marine data and related services.
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- cryoforge — Metadata genrator for ITS_LIVE velocity scenes
- cryoswath — Swath processing toolbox for CryoSat-2
- cythonarrays — cython cdef-class to facilitate numpy-arrays as attributes
- damnit — The Data And Metadata iNspection Interactive Thing
- dantro — Handle, transform, and visualize hierarchically structured data
- dataicer — Ice (save) your data and high level objects for use later.
- deepsardl — This is a main package for processeing data for DeepSAR
- DeltaMetrics — Tools for manipulating sedimentologic data cubes.
- dgpost — datagram post-processing toolkit
- digitalarztools — Digital Arz tools for applications
- dive-EPR — Python package for Bayesian analysis of dipolar EPR spectroscopy data through Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling with PyMC.
- dscim — Data-Driven Spatial Climate Impact Model core component code
- e4clim — The Energy for CLimate Integrated Model for climate-aware renewable energy mixes
- earth2studio — Open-source deep-learning framework for exploring, building and deploying AI weather/climate workflows.
- earthaccess — Client library for NASA Earthdata APIs
- easyclimate — A line of code to analyze climate
- elePyant — Package that performs compression by rounding.
- enstools — no summary
- enstools-encoding — no summary
- eoreader — Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR constellations, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
- eosets — This library aims to simplify any process working with different sets of EO data handled by EOReader.
- eppaurora — Atomspheric ionization from auroral particle precipitation
- era5-downloader — A lightweight and fast downloader for ERA5 data from the Google Cloud ARCO store.
- erlab — Python package for ARPES data analysis and visualization.
- esm-tools — ESM Tools external infrastructure for Earth System Modelling
- FanInSAR — A fantastic InSAR processing library, in a more pythonic way, to accelerate your InSAR processing workflow.
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- fluiddyn — Framework for studying fluid dynamics.
- fluidimage — Fluid image processing with Python.
- fluidsim — Framework for studying fluid dynamics with simulations.
- foxes — Farm Optimization and eXtended yield Evaluation Software
- freva — Free Evaluation and Analysis Framework (Freva)
- frites — Framework of Information Theory for Electrophysiological data and Statistics
- FTPsubsetMO — Python module able to download a file from FTP and subset it using time-range,bounding-box,variables and depths
- fusets — Time Series Fusion toolbox integrated with openEO
- gaitalytics — easy gait-metrics for everyone
- gcviz — Gorgeous and Captivating Visualization of air measurements data.
- gedidb — A toolbox to download, process, store and visualise Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) L2A-B and L4A-C data
- geospatial-analysis-environment — Geospatial analysis environment.
- gfdlvitals — Tools for calculating scalar diagnostics from GFDL models
- goes-ortho — A python package for downloading GOES-R ABI imagery, orthorectifying with a DEM, and creating timeseries
- goes2go — Retrieve GOES Satellite data from AWS. Also proves some RGB recipes.
- granitewxc — granite-wxc - Weather and climate downscaling model.
- gridmarthe — python package to read/write/manage Marthe Grids
- hipersim — A collection of wind energy simulation tools
- hydrotools.gcp-client — Retrieve National Water Model data from Google Cloud Platform.
- HyperCoast — A Python package for processing hyperspectral data in coastal regions
- hyperquest — A Python package for Hyperspectral quality estimation in hyperspectral imaging (imaging spectroscopy)
- icepyx — Python tools for obtaining and working with ICESat-2 data
- icon-uxarray — Awesome icon_uxarray created by jcanton
- innate-stable — Interpolator and Neural Network Architecture for TEnsors
- insardev-toolkit — (Python InSAR): Geospatial Processing Toolkit
- intake-informaticslab — Intake catalogues and associated drivers providing access to hundreds of terabytes of Met Office data.
- intake-thredds — Intake interface to THREDDS data catalogs.
- ioos-qc — IOOS QARTOD and Quality Control tests implemented in Python
- IS2view — Interactive visualization and data extraction tool for the ICESat-2 ATL14/15 Gridded Land Ice Height Products
- kedro-datasets — Kedro-Datasets is where you can find all of Kedro's data connectors.
- kerchunk — Functions to make reference descriptions for ReferenceFileSystem
- libera-utils — Utility package for Libera Science Data Processing and the Libera Science Data Center. Copyright 2022 University of Colorado.
- LorenzCycleToolkit — no summary
- lusos — Spatial calculation of GHG emissions from SOMERS modelling results
- matrixconverters — package to read and write PTV-Visum Matrix Formats
- mbari-pbp — PyPAM based Processing
- meeg-tools — EEG/MEEG data preprocessing and analyses tools
- met-office-datasets — DESCRIPTION
- metadata-inspector — Inspect metadata of weather/climate datasets
- metoffice-weather-datahub — Python wrapper for the UK Met Office Weather DataHub API
- mipas-noxy — MIPAS level-2 NOx/NOy calculater
- miranda — Python utilities for climate data collection, conversion, and management
- mlossp — A package to spatially join and concatenate Satellite data into time series.
- mne-connectivity — mne-connectivity: A module for connectivity data analysis with MNE.
- mne-pipeline-hd — A Pipeline-GUI for MNE-Python from MEG-Lab Heidelberg
- mogreps-uk-dataset — DESCRIPTION
- mooda — Module for Ocean Observatory Data Analysis
- ncompare — Compare the structure of two NetCDF files at the command line
- neural-transport — Neural Transport - A Python library to train neural network emulators of atmospheric transport models.
- ngiab_data_preprocess — Graphical Tools for creating Next Gen Water model input data.
- nlmod — Python package to build, run and visualize MODFLOW 6 groundwater models in the Netherlands.