Reverse Dependencies of gwdatafind
The following projects have a declared dependency on gwdatafind:
- bruco — Brute force coherence
- cisdb — LIGO channel information system
- dqsegdb — Client library for DQSegDB
- gwcelery — Low-latency pipeline for annotating IGWN events
- gwdama — A GW data manager package and more
- gwdetchar — A python package for gravitational-wave detector characterisation
- gwpy — A python package for gravitational-wave astrophysics
- gwsumm — A python toolbox used by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration for detector characterisation
- igwn-monitor — Nagios (Icinga) monitoring plugins for IGWN
- mly — Toolkit package to run GW search using ML.
- omicron-gap — Utilities to analyze and fill gaps in omicron triggers
- PyCBC — Core library to analyze gravitational-wave data, find signals, and study their parameters.
- pyDischarge — A python package for gravitational-wave astrophysics
- pyomicron — Python utilities and wrappers for GW Omicron
- vitamin-b — A user-friendly machine learning Bayesian inference library