Reverse Dependencies of gwcs
The following projects have a declared dependency on gwcs:
- astrodata — A package for managing astronomical data through a uniform interface
- astrogrism — HST & JWST Grism Data Analysis
- dkist — DKIST User Tools
- dkist-inventory — A shared library for dataset inventory and asdf generation.
- drizzle — A package for combining dithered images into a single image
- jdaviz — Astronomical data analysis development leveraging the Jupyter platform
- ndcube — A package for multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate aware arrays.
- photutils — An Astropy package for source detection and photometry
- reproject — Reproject astronomical images
- roman-datamodels — data models supporting calibration of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
- romancal — Library for calibration of science observations from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
- romanisim — Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope WFI Simulator
- specreduce — Astropy coordinated package for Spectroscopic Reductions
- specutils — Package for spectroscopic astronomical data
- spike-psf — Drizzle/resample HST, JWST, and Roman PSFs for improved analyses.
- stcal — STScI tools and algorithms used in calibration pipelines
- stpreview — build downsampled previews of space telescope products
- tweakwcs — A package for correcting alignment errors in WCS objects