Reverse Dependencies of gurobipy
The following projects have a declared dependency on gurobipy:
- abcvoting — A Python library of approval-based committee (ABC) rules
- Bayanpy — Bayanpy is a powerful Python library for community detection in complex networks, designed to provide optimal or near-optimal solutions for modularity maximization. It features a highly efficient branch-and-cut algorithm and is backed by Integer Programming (IP) formulations.
- biclustpy — bi-cluster editing library
- biosimulators-cobrapy — BioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the COBRApy simulation program <>.
- bofire — no summary
- cardsol — Cardinality constrained Solver
- carpoolsim — A simulation tool to find as many as carpool-able trips given drive-alone trips
- carta-cell — Python package for cell differentiation mapping
- CellCover — CellCover
- cnapy — An integrated environment for metabolic network analysis.
- commonpower — A package for the exploration of safe single/multi-agent reinforcement learning in smart grids.
- conformal-region-designer — Creates intelligently shaped conformal prediction regions that respect multimodality and convexity.
- conv-opt — High-level Python package for solving linear and quadratic optimization problems using multiple solvers
- cosa-scheduler — A constrained-optimization based scheduler for spatial DNN accelerators
- cvxpy — A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python.
- cvxpy-base — A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python.
- cvxpy-gurobi — Translate CVXPY problems into gurobipy models
- deatool — Data envelopment analysis efficiency calculator
- decisify — Add your description here
- dMO — A package for learning cutting planes for mixed-integer optimization problems.
- dmpcpwa — Distributed Model Predictive Control for Piecewise Affine Systems
- DomiKnowS — A library provides integration between Domain Knowledge and Deep Learning.
- drrank — Implement the Empirical Bayes ranking scheme developed in Kline, Rose, and Walters (2023)
- durandal — Cutting Plane method to solve convex NLP with affine constratins
- eflips-opt — A collection of pre-simulation optimization algorithms for eFLIPS.
- el0ps — An Exact L0-Problem Solver
- energiapy — Python-based energy systems modeling and optimization tool
- entmoot — no summary
- EOSpython — A set of functions encompassing a centralized Earth Observation Satellite scheduling system
- eTraGo — electric transmission grid optimization
- ev2gym — A realistic V2G simulator environment
- EVRPTW-PR-ALNS — EVRPTW_PR ALNS algorithm sovler and heuristic solution initializer with MILP feasibility checker
- EVsSimulator — A realistic V2X environment using gym
- exact-kmeans — Computes an optimal k-means solution for small instances and small k.
- fasterfva — Faster Flux Variability Analysis - Solve FVA Problems FAST
- feloopy — FelooPy: Efficient and feature-rich integrated decision environment
- fipepy — A simple Python package for Funcationally-Identical Pruning of Ensemble models
- fpowerkit — A Distflow PDN solver based on Gurobi.
- fsam — no summary
- gboml — GBOML: Graph-Based Optimization Modeling Language
- GeoPrivacy — A python package for implementing geo-indistinguishability privacy mechanisms
- GOUD — Modelos heuristicos o porgrmación lineal de Ingeneria Industrial para Pronosticos, Planeacion Agregada y Plan Maestro de Producción
- GridPath — A versatile simulation and optimization platform for power-system planning and operations.
- gurobi-machinelearning — package to insert ML models in Gurobi
- gurobi-modelanalyzer — Model analysis tools for explaining ill-conditioning and analyzing solutions.
- gurobi-optimods — Data-driven APIs for common optimization tasks
- gurobipy-pandas — Pandas accessors for gurobipy interaction
- gurobipy-stubs — Type stubs for gurobipy
- imatpy — "Python implementation of the Integrative Metabolic Analysis Tool (iMAT) algorithm for context specific metabolic modeling."
- interaction-inference — Infer gene interaction via constrained optimization
- jpeg-antecedent — Find possible antecedents of JPEG compression and decompression when the JPEG pipeline is known.
- leap-backend — The backend of the LEAP framework
- linopy — Linear optimization with N-D labeled arrays in Python
- ltoolx — Common tool packaging
- mach2 — Migration Analysis of Clonal History 2
- mapel-core — Map of Elections---essential parts
- mapof — Map of Objects---essential parts
- masspy — MASSpy is a package for dynamic modeling of biological processes.
- mec — description of the package
- metworkpy — Tools for creating and working with network models of metabolism.
- micodag — A Python package of mixed integer convex programming for directed acyclic graphs.
- miom — Mixed Integer Optimization for Metabolism
- miplearn — Extensible Framework for Learning-Enhanced Mixed-Integer Optimization
- misosoup — no summary
- mmrbipy — mmrbipy: A solver for the min-max regret binary integer programming problem (MMR-BIP)
- moving-targets — Moving Targets: a framework for constrained machine learning
- mptool — Enumeration and sampling of minimal pathways in metabolic (sub)networks.
- MRCpy — Library for minimax risk classifiers
- mulearn — A python package for inducing membership functions from labeled data
- networkcommons — Integrated framework for network inference and evaluation using prior knowledge and omics data
- nsma — NSMA: A Memetic Procedure for Global Multi-Objective Optimization.
- odtlearn — A package for tree-based statistical estimation and inference using optimal decision trees.
- omlt — OMLT is a Python package for representing machine learning models (such as neural networks) within the Pyomo optimization environment.
- opt-sugar — no summary
- optboolnet — The optimization toolbox for control problems of a Boolean network
- OptiGuide — Large Language Models for Supply Chain Optimization
- owlipy — Present mathematical equality and inequality in symbol format.
- polors — Add your description here
- PolyRound — A python package for rounding polytopes.
- powergridsim — Optimization Model of Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch with Calculation of LMP Prices
- ppopt — Extensible Multiparametric Solver in Python
- primo-optimizer — PRIMO - The P&A Project Optimizer
- prodsys — A useful module for production system simulation and optimization
- pycity-scheduling — A Python framework for the development, testing, and assessment of optimization-basedpower scheduling algorithms for multi-energy systems in city districts
- pyepo — PyTorch-based End-to-End Predict-then-Optimize Tool
- pyflexad — Python Flexibility Aggregation and Disaggregation.
- pymgpipe — Community level microbiome metabolic modeling in Python
- pyoframe — Blazing fast linear program interface
- pyorlib — A powerful Python library for operations research. Define, solve, and interact with mathematical models in a standardized manner across different optimization packages.
- pyOSCUD — Libreria de python para Programacion y Control de Operaciones
- pypsa — Python for Power Systems Analysis
- pyrankability — Ranking Python Library
- pyRDDLGym-gurobi — pyRDDLGym-gurobi: Gurobi compilation of RDDL description files, and optimization tools.
- PySINDy — Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics
- PySoAL — Solver abstraction layer for power system optimization
- pyzefir — no summary
- qbc-dsbm — Codes for quasibiclique
- QHyper — Quantum and classical problem solvers
- qiskit-optimization — Qiskit Optimization: A library for optimization applications using quantum computing
- qLDPC — Tools for constructing and analyzing quantum low density parity check (qLDPC) codes.