Reverse Dependencies of gunicorn
The following projects have a declared dependency on gunicorn:
- domain-stats — Malicious Domain Detection base on domain creation and first contact
- DomApi — Python tool for completion time analysis of batch pizza orders
- domus-tdd-api — A modular and semantic Thing Description Directory
- dotreact — Web apps in pure Python.
- dotserve — Web apps in pure Python.
- dp-cubed — Dynamic Profile Processing Platform
- drf-yasg2 — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code
- ds-planner — A package for zap platform
- dsFramework — Data science framework library
- dsFrameworkTest — Data science framework library
- dspygen — A Ruby on Rails style framework for the DSPy (Demonstrate, Search, Predict) project for Language Models like GPT, BERT, and LLama.
- Dts-OpenFisca-Core — A versatile microsimulation free software
- dug-test — Dug is a semantic searching and indexing software.
- dumb-file-drop — A simple webserver-based drop box which allows file uploads. Good for quickly sharing files on your local network.
- dummyrest — Dummy API for testing REST functions
- dynamic-batcher — A daemon processor for gathering requests into a batch.
- dynoscale — A simple yet efficient scaling agent for Python apps on Heroku
- eaasy — Build your e-commerce ea(a)sily
- eagle-kaist — Stock Extractor library
- eaist-wire — Extends Selenium to give you the ability to inspect requests made by the browser.
- easy-auth — Create a centralized Authentication and Authorization token server. Easily secure FastAPI endpoints based on Users, Groups, Roles or Permissions with very little database usage.
- easy-automation-test — Easy to create a web or api automation test project
- easycaching — Shared, persistent, and smart caching via a single shared interface for storing and retreiving data from memory among many processes(forks) of an application
- eaxum-zou — Zou is an API to store and manage the data of your CG production.
- eazyserver — A simple python web framework for creating RESTful and JSON-RPC services
- EcoStock — A Python package designed for finance professionals and economists
- edc — EDC core modules for clinicedc/edc projects.
- edu-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- efficient-track-anything — Efficient Track Anything
- elita — Continuous deployment (continuous delivery) and infrastructure management REST framework
- emma — Emma -- Productivity analysis tool.
- emmet-api — Emmet API Library
- emoter — A chatbot system integrated with a sentiment analyzer library (Emote) that is able to empathize with users.
- enochecker3 — FastAPI based library for building async python checkers for the EnoEngine A/D CTF Framework
- EOxServer — EOxServer is a server for Earth Observation (EO) data
- ephemeral — Self-destructing messages
- es-lmr-iwf-api-helper — Helper for creating REST APIs
- es7s — es7s system (un-)installer, shared code, settings manager
- etc-player — ETC Design Audio Playlist Player - turn a rasberry pi into a scheduled audio player.
- etiket — no summary
- evanduke — no summary
- eventy — Qotto/eventy
- ewatercycle-experiment-launcher — Webservice to generate and launch a Jupyter notebook
- exoctk — Observation reduction and planning tools for exoplanet science
- exonweb — Simple lightweight framework and utils for web applications.
- exponential — A Python package with a built-in web application
- ezrules — no summary
- F4RATK — A Fama/French Finance Factor Regression Analysis Toolkit.
- f8s — Framework for building K8s-ready Flask applications.
- face-orientation-prep-natchapolt — A simple face image orientation pre-processor package
- factgenie — Lightweight self-hosted span annotation tool
- faissdb — Key Value Database for Vectors
- fake-server — A fake server than catch all path and response success message or whatever data you defined.
- falcon-core — Falcon Core Inspired by Django for Falcon API Framework.
- falsy — falcon.swagger.yaml
- fastagency — The fastest way to bring multi-agent workflows to production
- fastango-v1 — Python Web Framework build for learning purposes
- fastapi-apscheduler — Allow manage APScheduler with FastAPI router
- fastapi-build — no summary
- fastapi-manage — FastAPI template generation, database version management tools
- fastapp — Machine Learning ASGI Server with FastAPI
- fastdeploy — Deploy DL/ ML inference pipelines with minimal extra code.
- fastdetect — A lightweight language detection server
- fastluks — Storage encryption through LUKS
- fc-functions-framework — An open source FaaS (Function as a service) framework for writing portable Python functions
- feast-doris — Python SDK for Feast
- feastmo — Python SDK for Feast
- featuren — A simple application for managing your features in production.
- federatedcode — Share software metadata and vulnerabilities in a federated manner over ActivityPub and git
- fedn — Scaleout Federated Learning
- feedancy-client — сервис по сбору вакансий
- filetracker — Filetracker caching file storage
- finitelycomputable-cherrypy-mount — The CherryPy-based wsgi app using tree.mount() for the microsites of
- finitelycomputable-django-apps — The microsites of run inside Django
- finitelycomputable-falcon-addroute — The Falcon-based wsgi app for the microsites of
- finitelycomputable-flask-blueprints — The Flask-based wsgi app using blueprints to combine the microsites of
- finitelycomputable-flask-dispatcher — The Flask-based wsgi app using werkzeug.middleware.dispatcher to combine the microsites of
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-cherrypy — A hello_world implementation in CherryPy
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-cherrypy-falcon — hello_world in CherryPy from an implementation in Falcon
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-cherrypy-flask — hello_world in CherryPy from an implementation in Flask
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-cherrypy-morepath — hello_world in CherryPy from an implementation in Morepath
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-cherrypy-quart — hello_world in CherryPy from an implementation in Quart
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-django — description='A hello_world implementation in Django'
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-falcon — A hello_world implementation in Falcon
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-falcon-cherrypy — hello_world in Falcon from an implementation in CherryPy
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-falcon-flask — hello_world in Falcon from an implementation in Flask
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-falcon-morepath — hello_world in Falcon from an implementation in Morepath
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-falcon-quart — hello_world in Falcon from an implementation in Quart
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-flask — A hello_world implementation in Flask
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-flask-cherrypy — hello_world in Flask from an implementation in CherryPy
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-flask-falcon — hello_world in Flask from an implementation in Falcon
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-flask-morepath — hello_world in Flask from an implementation in Morepath
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-flask-quart — hello_world in Flask from an implementation in Quart
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-morepath — A hello_world implementation in Morepath
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-morepath-cherrypy — hello_world in Morepath from an implementation in CherryPy
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-morepath-falcon — hello_world in Morepath from an implementation in Falcon
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-morepath-flask — hello_world in Morepath from an implementation in Flask
- finitelycomputable-helloworld-morepath-quart — hello_world in Morepath from an implementation in Quart
- finitelycomputable-idtrust-app-falcon — The Falcon-dependent code for a microsite to explore identifying game-theory strategies
- finitelycomputable-idtrust-app-flask — The Flask-dependent code for a microsite to explore identifying game-theory strategies