Reverse Dependencies of grpclib
The following projects have a declared dependency on grpclib:
- aetcd3 — NOTICE: Please use aetcd package instead
- aioshadowsocks — shadowsocks build with asyncio , also support many user in one port
- alt-betterproto — A CLONE of better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- anduril-lattice-sdk — Anduril Lattice SDK in Python
- aptos-indexer-protos — Code generated from protobuf definitions for the Aptos Indexer tech stack
- aristaproto — Arista Protobuf / Python gRPC bindings generator & library
- avast.betterproto — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- bananaproto — A BANANA Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- beta9 — no summary
- betterproto — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- betterproto-beta9 — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- betterproto-clipsalcortex — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library (forked by Clipsal Cortex)
- betterproto-for-temporal-python-sdk — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- betterproto-twirp — A better Protobuf / Twirp generator & library
- betterproto-twirp-new — A better Protobuf / Twirp generator & library
- betterproto2 — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- betterproto2_compiler — Compiler for betterproto2
- bigeye-sdk — Bigeye SDK offers developer tools and clients to interact with Bigeye programmatically.
- boson-sdk — Python SDK for Boson Geospatial Service Mesh Providers
- bputils — BP utils
- bxserum — Python SDK for bloXroute's Serum API
- bxsolana-trader — Python SDK for bloXroute's Solana Trader API
- chassisml-protobuf — no summary
- chatapi — Python Chat API for Python applications that need instant messaging
- chatie-grpc — gRPC for Chatie
- clouddrive — Python wrapper for CloudDrive.
- codefly-cli — no summary
- comdexpy — Python SDK for interacting with comdex node
- delphai-utils — delphai backend utilities
- dotaservice — DotaService is a service to play Dota 2 through gRPC
- DroidRpc — Python client for connecting to LORA Technologies' bot services.
- easy-grpc — Helper module to build GRPC service easily
- envoy-extproc-sdk — A python SDK for envoy External Processors
- evo-featureflags-protobuf — Protocol Buffers stub files for feature flags service
- evo-featureflags-server — Feature flags server
- exchanges-wrapper — REST API and WebSocket asyncio wrapper with grpc powered multiplexer server
- fabric-protos-python — Hyperledger Fabric gRPC and Protocol Buffer Bindings for python
- fb-idb — iOS debug bridge
- flow-py-sdk — A python SKD for the flow blockchain
- flow-py-sdk-legacy — A python SDK for the flow blockchain
- gozargah-node-bridge — python package to connect your project with gozargah node go
- gtl-ville — GTL Ville common packages
- ingot-grpclib — Provides gRPC functionality based on the grpclib package
- istsos-proto — Module containing all istsos compiled proto files.
- mapped.pb — public Mapped Platform Service Definitions using protobuf
- mcp-server-memos — Add your description here
- memos-webhook — A webhook server for memos
- mergetb — MergeTB Python client library
- mergetbapi — Client interface to the MergeTB API
- modAL — Python client library for Modal
- momotor-engine-proto — Momotor Engine Protocol Library
- nextx — Basic structure for fastapi microservices with specific support for blueprint project solution.
- nobi-flow-py-sdk — A python SKD for the flow blockchain
- porerefiner — To help you manage your pores
- protoconfloader — no summary
- pyband — Python library for BandChain
- pymap-admin — Tool for administering running pymap instances.
- python-seabird — no summary
- qm-octave — SDK to control an Octave with QUA
- qm-qua — QUA language SDK to control a Quantum Computer
- qua — SDK to interact with a quantum computer at the pulse level
- qualang-tools — The qualang_tools package includes various tools related to QUA programs in Python
- redactive — Redactive Python SDK
- remote-llm — Remote LLM
- scarx-api-client — Client for Scarx API
- secret-ai-sdk — Secret AI Confidential VM SDK
- serving-utils — Some utilities for tensorflow serving
- statelydb — Python client for StatelyDB API
- synerex-harmovis — Python library for Synerex and HarmoViS
- tbh — tbh sdk
- temporal-python-sdk — Unofficial Python SDK for the Temporal Workflow Engine
- tesseract-sdk — Python SDK for Tesseract Models
- tfweb — Server for exposing tensorflow models though HTTP JSON API
- tierkreis — Python client and utilities for tierkreis.
- trinsic-sdk — Trinsic Services SDK bindings
- uface-test-server-client — no summary
- unacastclient — Unacast Python client
- unacatlib — Unacat Python client
- wechaty-grpc — Wechaty Puppet Service gRPC API
- wechaty-puppet-hostie — Python Hostie Puppet for Wechaty
- wechaty-puppet-itchat — Itchat Puppet for Wechaty
- xchat — xchat