Reverse Dependencies of grpc-stubs
The following projects have a declared dependency on grpc-stubs:
- acs-sdk — Python SDK for Accelerated Cloud Storage service
- arg-services — gRPC definitions for microservice-based argumentation machines
- buildgrid — A remote execution service
- buildgrid-common — Shared Python library for BuildGrid ecosystem
- chalkpy — Python SDK for Chalk
- datasurface — Automate the governance, management and movement of data within your enterprise
- declaredata_fuse — PySpark-compatible Python client for the DeclareData Fuse Server, a blazing fast drop-in data processing engine and alternative to Spark.
- dispatch-functions — Python SDK for Dispatch Stateful Functions
- frequenz-api-assets — Frequenz gRPC API to retrieval platform assets information
- frequenz-api-common — Frequenz common gRPC API and bindings
- frequenz-api-dispatch — Frequenz gRPC API to propagate dispatches to microgrids
- frequenz-api-electricity-trading — Specification for Electricity Trading API.
- frequenz-api-microgrid — Frequenz gRPC API for monitoring and control of microgrids
- frequenz-api-reporting — Frequenz gRPC API to aggregate component data from microgrids
- frequenz-api-weather — Frequenz gRPC API for retrieving weather forecasts.
- frequenz-client-base — Utilities for writing Frequenz API clients
- frequenz-client-dispatch — Dispatch API client for Python
- frequenz-client-electricity-trading — Electricity Trading API client for Python
- frequenz-client-microgrid — Microgrid API client for Python
- frequenz-client-reporting — Reporting API client for Python
- frequenz-dispatch — A highlevel interface for the dispatch API
- frequenz-sdk — A development kit to interact with the Frequenz development platform
- friendli-client — Client of Friendli Suite.
- google-ads-stubs — Type stubs for google-ads
- google-auth-stubs — Type stubs for google-auth
- googleapis-common-protos-stubs — Type stubs for googleapis-common-protos
- kerfed.protos — Built Python bindings for the Kerfed Proto messages.
- kes-RHDHV — KES python client
- lucidmotors — no summary
- nebius — Nebius Python SDK
- nucliadb — NucliaDB
- paperpilot-common — PaperPilot 公共包及接口定义
- phonexia-grpc — Library for communication with microservices developed by phonexia using grpc application interface.
- prodvana — Prodvana's client libraries
- remotivelabs-broker — RemotiveLabs Broker gRPC API
- remotivelabs-cli — CLI for operating RemotiveCloud and RemotiveBroker
- rgrpc — A simple to use Python gRPC Reflection Client
- sentry-protos — Generated python code for sentry-protos
- sila2-interop-communication-tester — no summary
- streamstore — Python SDK for S2, the Stream Store
- swh.graph — Software Heritage graph service
- thirdwave-sdk — Thirdwave Python SDK for interacting with blockchain wallet intelligence API
- unified-planning — Unified Planning Framework
- utxorpc-spec — Auto-generated structs for the UTxO RPC spec.
- velocitas-sdk — A Python SDK for Vehicle app