Reverse Dependencies of grip
The following projects have a declared dependency on grip:
- aiorequestful — An asynchronous HTTP and RESTful API requests framework for asyncio and Python
- CelluKeyGA — A Python library that integrates **Cellular Genetic Algorithm (Cellular GA)** with **Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA)** to enhance optimization capabilities.
- cuppa — Cuppa, an extension package to simplify and extend Scons
- dbt-contracts — Enforce standards for your dbt projects through automated checks and generators
- geeet — Evapotranspiration (ET) models for use in python and with integration into Google Earth Engine.
- gripe — Shell helper utilities for python
- mdrec — record python object to markdown file & convert to html.
- mpgameserver — Python Multiplayer Game Server
- musify — A Swiss Army knife for programmatic music library management
- pycellga — A Python Package for Improved Cellular Genetic Algorithms
- PyESD — Python Package for Empirical Statistical Downscaling. pyESD is under active development and all colaborators are welcomed. The purpose of the package is to downscale any climate variables e.g. precipitation and temperature using predictors from reanalysis datasets (eg. ERA5) to point scale. pyESD adopts many ML and AL as the transfer function.
- pynchon — Autodocs for python projects
- pyshbundle — PySHbundle: A Python implementation of GRACE Spherical Harmonics Synthesis MATLAB codes SHbundle
- terrascope-sdk — A software development kit for developing projects on TerraScope
- timesheet-gitlab — produce timesheets using activity data from GitLab API calls
- vbjax — Virtual brains w/ JAX