Reverse Dependencies of graphene-django
The following projects have a declared dependency on graphene-django:
- ai-django-core — Ambient toolbox - Lots of helper functions and useful widgets
- aleksis-core — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Core
- allianceauth-graphql — GraphQL integration for AllianceAuth
- ambient-toolbox — Python toolbox of Ambient Digital containing an abundance of useful tools and gadgets.
- balder — no summary
- caluma — Caluma Service providing GraphQL API
- chronos_ai — no summary
- dj-graphene — A graphene-django wrapper to do more writing less 💃🕺
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-app-graphql — Some stuff that i used when developing with django
- django-autographql — A Django app to automatically generate graphql apis from django code.
- django-cbim-general-service — Django app that every service implemented using DJango in CBIM should use
- django-countries — Provides a country field for Django models.
- django-countries-mwisslead — Provides a country field for Django models.
- django-countryfield — Provides a country field for Django models.
- django-describer — A tool for automated generation of several APIs from a Django webapp.
- django-facebook-login — A GraphQL endpoint and authentication backend to signup or login a valid user access token from Facebook
- django-graphbox — Package for easy building GraphQL API with Django
- django-graphene-auth — Graphql and relay authentication with Graphene for Django.
- django-graphene-auth-code — Graphql and relay authentication with Graphene for Django.
- django-graphene-authentication — A variant of djhango-graphql-jwt that can work with federations
- django-graphene-filters — Advanced auto related filters for Graphene Django
- django-graphiql-debug-toolbar — Django Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE.
- django-graphql-auth — Graphql and relay authentication with Graphene for Django.
- django-graphql-bp — Boiler plate for API projects based on Django 2 & graphql (graphene) 2
- django-graphql-extensions — A collection of custom extensions for Django GraphQL
- django-graphql-geojson — GeoJSON support for Django GraphQL
- django-graphql-google-accounts — no summary
- django-graphql-jwt — JSON Web Token for Django GraphQL.
- django-graphql-jwt-using-rest-framework-jwt — we use rest-framework-jwt algorithms to implement in django-graphql-jwt
- django-graphql-persist — Persisted queries for Django GraphQL
- django-graphql-ratelimit — Use django-ratelimit for graphql
- django-graphql-social-auth — Python Social Auth support for Django GraphQL
- django-hpo-terms — Django app to parse, store, and update HPO terms
- django-ilmoitin — Django app for sending notifications.
- django-koldar-utils — Some stuff that i used when developing with django_toolbox
- django-relay-endpoint — Django addon to automatically configure graphql endpoints based on Django models.
- django-simple-graphql — A stupid simple GraphQL setup for Django
- django-uw-graphene — A Django app that extends the graphene interface and helpers
- generate-graphene — Generate Django-Graphene (graphql) queries and mutations for your Django models
- gql-graphene-django-subscriptions — Graphene-Django-Subscriptions add subscriptions support to graphene-django through Channels module
- gql-lazy-paginator — Lazy GraphQL pagination tools.
- graph-wrap — Extend an existing Django REST Framework or Tastypie API with a GraphQL interface with a only a couple of lines of code.
- graphene-crud-maker — This is a project to auto generate a graphql crud using graphene django
- graphene-django-ai — Toolbox for changes to streamline graphene-django.
- graphene-django-crud — Turns the django ORM into a graphql API
- graphene-django-cruddals — Framework for trivial code, Easy and Fast for learn, Easy and Fast for use
- graphene-django-cud — Create, update and delete mutations for graphene-django
- graphene-django-extensions — Extensions for graphene-django
- graphene-django-extras — This library add some extra funcionalities to graphene-django to facilitate the graphql use without Relay, allow paginations and filtering integration and add some extra directives
- graphene-django-filter — Advanced filters for Graphene
- graphene-django-flufy — This library add some extra funcionalities to graphene-django to facilitate the graphql use without Relay, allow paginations and filtering integration and add some extra directives
- graphene-django-opencrud — Opencrud Graphene Django implementation
- graphene-django-permissions — A performant holistic permissions layer for graphene-django/GraphQL.
- graphene-django-plus — Tools to easily create permissioned CRUD endpoints in graphene.
- graphene-django-query-optimizer — Automatically optimize SQL queries in Graphene-Django schemas.
- graphene-django-sentry — Capture Sentry exceptions in Graphene views
- graphene-django-subscriptions — Graphene-Django-Subscriptions add subscriptions support to graphene-django through Channels module
- graphene-djmoney — GraphQL Money types for Django using graphene and django-money (djmoney).
- graphene-file-upload — Lib for adding file upload functionality to GraphQL mutations in Graphene Django and Flask-Graphql
- graphene-gis — GIS support for graphene-django
- graphene-jwt-auth — JSON Web Token based authentication for Django and Graphene
- graphene-jwt-auth-registration — Authentication and registration with django graphene and JWT
- graphene-luna — Websocket backend for GraphQL (Graphene) subscriptions, does not require Django Channels
- graphene-pagination — no summary
- graphene-permissions — Simple graphene-django permission system.
- graphene-permissions2 — Simple graphene-django permission system.
- graphene-protector — Protects graphene, graphql or strawberry against malicious queries
- graphene-sentry — Capture Sentry exceptions in Graphene views
- graphene-subscriptions — A plug-and-play GraphQL subscription implementation for Graphene + Django built using Django Channels.
- graphene-t2 — An extension for graphene
- graphi_crud — Graphene Dajngo CRUD generator
- graphql-ws — Websocket backend for GraphQL subscriptions
- graphql-ws-apollo — Websocket backend for GraphQL subscriptions fixed for apollo client
- graphql-ws-subs — Websocket server for GraphQL subscriptions that includes subscriptions implementation from hballard
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- jnt-django-graphene-toolbox — no summary
- min-cart — no summary
- muses-lpdp — Muses from La Passion des Poèmes.
- muses-msapi — Django Muses Api app
- muses-mscore — Django Muses Core app
- netbox-pip — netbox but on pypi
- openimis-be-controls — The openIMIS Backend controls reference module.
- openimis-be-payroll — The openIMIS Backend payroll reference module.
- pb-graphene — Additional utils to work with graphene, such as file uploads
- pytigon-batteries — Pytigon library
- rescape-graphene — Graphene helpers for rescape projects
- rjango.graphql — Tools and utilities to easy graphql API development with Rjango
- scaife-viewer-atlas — Aligned Text and Linguistic Annotation Server (ATLAS)
- serious-django-graphene — A Django extension for using Graphene with Forms.
- sharedql — Break graphene in multiples apps with single decorator
- shuup-graphql — A Shuup GraphQL API implementation.
- simpl-cloud — Base models and API for Django-based simulations.
- smartbox-smartapi — A small example package
- sortinghat — A tool to manage identities.
- wagtail-bifrost — A django app that speeds up and simplifies implementing a GraphQL endoint!
- wagtail-graphql — An app to automatically add GraphQL support to a Wagtail website
- wagtail-graphql-api — wagtail-graphql-api
- wagtail-grapple — A Wagtail package that speeds up and simplifies implementing a GraphQL endpoint!
- weenspace-django-jwt — JSON Web Token for Django REST and GraphQL.