Reverse Dependencies of gpytorch
The following projects have a declared dependency on gpytorch:
- albert-toolkit — Python toolkit for Albert Invent
- alfi — An approximate latent force model library with variational inference for non-linear ODEs and PDEs.
- atomai — Deep and machine learning for atom-resolved data
- autoemulate — A python package for semi-automated emulation
- baybe — A Bayesian Back End for Design of Experiments
- beanmachine — Probabilistic Programming Language for Bayesian Inference
- beebo — Batched Energy-Entropy acquistion for Bayesian optimization
- blop — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- bloptools — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- bocoel — Bayesian Optimization as a Coverage Tool for Evaluating Large Language Models
- bolift — BayesOPT with LIFT
- botorch — Bayesian Optimization in PyTorch
- calisim — A toolbox for the calibration and evaluation of simulation models.
- catasta — _Catasta_ is a Python library designed to simplify the process of Machine Learning model experimentation. Optimization, training, evaluation and inference all in one place!
- copulagp — A Copula-GP (Gaussian Process) package
- csle-common — Common functionality of the Cyber Security Learning Environment (CSLE)
- csle-system-identification — Scripts for system identification in CSLE
- discontinuum — Estimate discontinuous timeseries from continuous covariates.
- dklfm — no summary
- eagpytorch — We have created a module to run the Gaussian process model. We have implemented the code based on GPyTorch.
- edbojz — Bayesian reaction optimization as a tool for chemical synthesis.
- EMAI — Electron microscopy AI tools
- forecastblurdenoise — no summary
- gdrf — Pytorch+GPytorch implementation of GDRFs from San Soucie et al. 2020.
- GP-Plus-functions — A short description of your package
- GPErks — A Python library to (bene)fit Gaussian Process Emulators.
- gpforecaster — Hierarchical time series forecasting model using Gaussian Processes
- gpim — Gaussian processes for image analysis
- gpplus — Python Library for Generalized Gaussian Process Modeling
- gpyconform — Extends GPyTorch with Gaussian Process Regression Conformal Prediction
- gpytorch-lattice-kernel — Lattice kernel for scalable Gaussian processes in GPyTorch
- gpytorch-mogp — A package which extends GPyTorch with correlated multi-output GPs
- greattunes — Toolset for easy execution of Bayesian optimization for either step-by-step or closed-loop needs.
- harlow — Adaptive surrogate modelling
- HEBO — Heteroscedastic evolutionary bayesian optimisation
- heron-model — Heron is a toolkit for making machine learning-based gravitational waveform models in python.
- hpo4dl — Hyper parameter optimization for deep learning
- htsmodels — Forecasting algorithms for hierarchical time series
- invariantkernels — Transformation-invariant kernels in GPyTorch
- ipp-toolkit — A general framework for informative path planning experiments, with a focus on wrapping datasets, sensors, planners, and visualization in a modular manner
- itabpfn — Interface for using interfeature TabPFN and library to train TabPFN'
- itabpfn-l1 — Interface for using interfeature TabPFN and library to train TabPFN'
- itabpfn2 — Interface for using interfeature TabPFN and library to train TabPFN'
- kats — kats: kit to analyze time series
- lightning-uq-box — Lightning-UQ-Box: A toolbox for uncertainty quantification in deep learning
- lotus-nlte — Determine atmospheric stellar parameters in non-LTE
- — no summary
- moebius — Python package for optimizing peptide sequences using Bayesian optimization (BO)
- molflux — A foundational package for molecular predictive modelling
- multinterp — Multivariate Interpolation.
- nemo-bo — Multi-objective optimization of chemical processes with automated machine learning workflows
- netcal — The net:cal calibration framework is a Python 3 library for measuring and mitigating miscalibration of uncertainty estimates, e.g., by a neural network.
- nextorch — Experimental design and Bayesian optimization library in Python/PyTorch
- nlp-uncertainty-zoo — PyTorch Implementation of Models used for Uncertainty Estimation in Natural Language Processing.
- nubopy — A transparent Python package for Bayesian optimisation
- nussl — A flexible sound source separation library.
- obsidian_apo — Automated experiment design and black-box optimization
- OpenMEASURE — Python package for soft sensing applications
- optuna-integration — Integration libraries of Optuna.
- paref — Pareto reflection based multi-objective optimization
- petboa — Parameter Estimation using Bayesian Optimization
- pfns — PFNs made ready for BO
- pfns4bo — PFNs made ready for BO
- pgmuvi — A python package to interpret multiwavelength astronomical timeseries with GPs
- polyatomic-complexes — no summary
- profit — Probabilistic response model fitting with interactive tools
- projectedlmc — A short package based on gpytorch implementing the Projected LMC model
- proteusAI — ProteusAI is a python package designed for AI driven protein engineering.
- PyEGRO — A Python library for efficient global robust optimization
- pygem — Python Glacier Evolution Model (PyGEM)
- pynm — ('Python implementation of Normative Modelling', 'with GAMLSS, Gaussian Processes, LOESS & Centiles approaches.')
- pytorch-dragon — A pytorch integrated Machine Learning / Deep learning utilities library
- pytorch-gpx — An official implementation of "Gaussian Process Regression With Interpretable Sample-Wise Feature Weights"
- qPOTS — A BoTorch wrapper for solving multiobjective optimization problems with an implementation of the qPOTS algorithm.
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- QuickTune — Quick-Tune: Quickly Learning Which Pretrained Model to Finetune and How
- QuickTuneTool — A Framework for Efficient Model Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization
- rapid-models — Python package (Reciprocal Data and Physics models - RaPiD-models) to support more specific, accurate and timely decision support in operation of safety-critical systems, by combining physics-based modelling with data-driven machine learning and probabilistic uncertainty assessment.
- rctorch — A Python 3 toolset for creating and optimizing Echo State Networks. This library is an extension and expansion of the previous library written by Reinier Maat:
- self-driving-lab-demo — Software and instructions for setting up and running an autonomous (self-driving) laboratory optics demo using dimmable RGB LEDs, a 10-channel spectrometer, a microcontroller, and an adaptive design algorithm.
- skorch — scikit-learn compatible neural network library for pytorch
- sober-bo — Fast Bayesian optimization, quadrature, inference over arbitrary domain (discrete and mixed spaces) with GPU parallel acceleration based on GPytorch and BoTorch.
- SPACEL — SPACEL: characterizing spatial transcriptome architectures by deep-learning
- spateo-release — Spatiotemporal modeling of molecular holograms
- spatial-eggplant — Landmark-based transfer of spatial transcriptomics data
- svise — State estimation of a physical system with unknown governing equations
- swa-gaussian — SWA-Gaussian repo
- TabPFNbaseline — Interface for using interfeature TabPFN and library to train TabPFN'
- taxus — Gaussian Process models for transcriptome data
- tigramite — Tigramite causal inference for time series
- tsroots — Optimizing Posterior Samples for Bayesian Optimization via Rootfinding
- uber-turbo — Packaged fork from uber-research/TuRBO
- UncertaintyPlayground — A Python library for uncertainty estimation in supervised learning tasks
- uq360 — Uncertainty Quantification 360
- vanguard-gp — Various easy-to-use extensions for Gaussian process models and a framework for composition of extensions.
- veropt — The Versatile Optimiser (VerOpt)
- waggon — WAsserstein Global Gradient-free OptimisatioN (WAGGON) methods library.
- wdbo-algo — W-DBO Algotithm for Dynamic Bayesian Optimization
- wenda-gpu — Fast domain adaptation for genomic data
- word2ket — word2ket is an effiecient embedding layer for PyTorch that is inspired by Quantum Entanglement.