Reverse Dependencies of GPUtil
The following projects have a declared dependency on GPUtil:
- abdutils — A bag of utility functions.
- acids-msprior — MSPRIOR: A multiscale prior model for realtime temporal learning
- acids-rave — RAVE: a Realtime Audio Variatione autoEncoder
- actorch — Deep reinforcement learning framework for fast prototyping based on PyTorch
- adams — this is a program for fast protein structure search
- ai-economist — Foundation: An Economics Simulation Framework
- ai-models — A package to run AI weather models.
- ai-models-gfs — A package to run AI weather models with GFS initial conditions.
- ai-serving-server — Mapping a variable-length sentence to a fixed-length vector using BERT model (Server)
- aicmder — a simple ai cmder
- ailab — An environment to manage all your running ai experiments across multiple computers.
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- altadb — AltaDB platform Python SDK!
- astar-devopstool — Python devopstool
- auto-ts — Automatically Build Multiple Time Series models fast - now with Facebook Prophet!
- autoparis — Python package for Autoparis Workflow.
- autotune — Hyperparameter tuning
- avalanche-lib — Avalanche: a Comprehensive Framework for Continual Learning Research
- baconian — model-based reinforcement learning toolbox
- bert-base — Use Google's BERT for Chinese natural language processing tasks such as named entity recognition and provide server services
- bert-multitask-server — A service to serve bert_multitask_learning models(server)
- bert-serving-multilingual-server — Mapping a variable-length sentence to a fixed-length vector using BERT model (Server)
- bert-serving-server — Mapping a variable-length sentence to a fixed-length vector using BERT model (Server)
- Bert2TF — ('A framework for user easy to load pre trained models with tensorflow keras, like bert gpt2 etc',)
- beta-rec — Beta-RecSys: Build, Evaluate and Tune Automated Recommender Systems
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- cam-tool — Cloud Assignment Manager Tool
- carla-gym — Multi-agent reinforcement learning interface for CARLA Autonomous Driving simulator compatible with PettingZoo.
- cdt — A Toolbox for causal graph inference
- chia — Concept Hierarchies for Incremental and Active Learning
- Chocolate-App — no summary
- clusterops — Paper - Pytorch
- cohere-core — no summary
- colpali-engine — The code used to train and run inference with the ColPali architecture.
- cuBNM — A toolbox for biophysical network modeling on GPUs
- cycoda — no summary
- d3m — project
- data-toolkit — ML & data helper code!
- DataFed-TorchFlow — Add a short description here!
- deepcomp — DeepCoMP: Self-Learning Dynamic Multi-Cell Selection for Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP)
- deepmodels — framework for build, train and test deep learning models
- DeepMuon — Interdisciplinary Deep Learning Platform
- deeptech — A library to help writing ai functions with ease.
- — Package for Robust Statistics
- devsnets — Devsnets
- dexp — Light-sheet Dataset EXploration and Processing
- discord-system-observer-bot — A Discord bot that observes a local machine, issues warnings and can be queries from Discord chat.
- distributed-computing — Distributed GPU computing with python
- docker-run-cli — 'docker run' and 'docker exec' with useful defaults
- drMD — drMD: Molecular Dynamics for Protein Scientists
- dryml — Don't Repeat Yourself Machine Learning: A Machine Learning library to reduce code duplication, and increase portability and interoperability in the Machine Learning Space.
- effective-horizon — Code for the NeurIPS 2023 paper "Bridging RL Theory and Practice with the Effective horizon" and the ICLR 2024 paper "The Effective Horizon Explains Deep RL Performance in Stochastic Environments".
- emphases — Crowdsourced and Automatic Speech Prominence Estimation
- esa-local-llm — ESA Local-LLM is a llama.cpp server in Docker with OpenAI Style Endpoints.
- exp — Python tool do design and run experiments with global optimisation and grid search
- face-rhythm — A pipeline for analysis of facial behavior using optical flow
- fave-asr — Automated transcription and diarization of linguistic data
- fedml — A research and production integrated edge-cloud library for federated/distributed machine learning at anywhere at any scale.
- feloopy — FelooPy: Efficient and feature-rich integrated decision environment
- finrl-meta — FinRL-Meta: A Universe of Market Environments for Data-Driven Financial Reinforcement Learning
- flowlogger — This is a small library for logging while training ML. Current version is 0.2.2, its a feature-poor pre-alpha.
- flwr-monitoring — A package for monitoring Flower federated learning framework using Prometheus and WandB
- FranKGraphBench — pip install package for frankgraphbench.
- geniusrise — An LLM framework
- geniusrise-listeners — listeners bolts for geniusrise
- gibson2 — no summary
- giotto-llm — Wrapper of many OS libraries to finetune LLMs and run them in inference mode efficiently.
- gnes — GNES is Generic Neural Elastic Search, a cloud-native semantic search system based on deep neural network.
- gpu-sentinel — Monitor idle GPU usage.
- gpumon — A simple GPU monitoring tool.
- heart-library — Hardened Extension of the Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (HEART) supports assessment of adversarial AI vulnerabilities in Test & Evaluation workflows.
- HTPolyNet — Automated MD System Builder for Amorphous Network Polymers
- humbug — Humbug: Do you build developer tools? Humbug helps you know your users.
- hypo-run — A CLI tool to run the complex experiments
- ibm-watson-machine-learning — IBM Watson Machine Learning API Client
- ibm-watsonx-ai — IBM API Client
- ice-learn — A high-level Deep Learning framework that extends PyTorch and PyCUDA.
- imsy-htc — Framework for automatic classification and segmentation of hyperspectral images.
- infirunner — no summary
- InternEvo — an open-sourced lightweight training framework aims to support model pre-training without the need for extensive dependencies
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jina — Jina (v%s) is a cloud-native semantic search engine powered by deep neural networks.It provides a universal solution of large-scale index and query for media contents.
- lazyqml — LazyQML benchmarking utility to test quantum machine learning models.
- leanai — A library to help writing ai functions with ease.
- livedc — Useful mathmatical models/caculators for daily life and cloud deployment
- llm-bench — LLM Benchmarking tool for OLLAMA
- llm_benchmark — LLM Benchmark for Throughputs via Ollama
- local-llm — Local-LLM is a llama.cpp server in Docker with OpenAI Style Endpoints.
- loreme — Extract Methylation calls from ONT or PB long read data
- macad-gym — Learning environments for Multi-Agent Connected Autonomous Driving (MACAD) with OpenAI Gym compatible interfaces
- machin — Reinforcement learning library
- maestror — no summary
- mantik — mantik for mlflow
- mappertrac — Probabilistic tractography for high-performance computing
- mccode_antlr — ANTLR4 grammars for McStas and McXtrace
- MDSuite — A postprocessing tool for molecular dynamics simulations.
- mecord-cli — mecord tools
- ML-Inz-example — A project with Flask backend and ML service for search answers in documents.
- ml-swissknife — Reusable ML research primitives for fast prototyping.
- mlauto — no summary