Reverse Dependencies of googletrans
The following projects have a declared dependency on googletrans:
- AI-Jarvis — AI Jarvis Tools
- AI-Robot-Tools — AI_Robot_Tools
- ai-rules — A powerful CLI toolkit for extending and enhancing AI capabilities through customizable rules and commands.
- ALbedo — A package for pre-trained image classification and context-decider for question-answering chatbots.
- AList — Anime/manga manager with other features
- alphabet — Uses various methods to recognize text
- ammico — AI Media and Misinformation Content Analysis Tool
- anki-card-create — no summary
- apptranslate — Android App Translator v2
- arekit-ss — Low Resource Context Relation Sampler for contexts with relations for fact-checking and fine-tuning your LLM models, powered by AREkit
- arelight — About Mass-media text processing application for your Relation Extraction task, powered by AREkit.
- audioft — *AFT is an audio translator nano framework* based on python who transcribe and translate an audio file to another language.
- AudioText — Convert Arabic Audio To English Text Module
- BackTranslation — Back translation for Natural Language Processing (NLP) using Google Translate
- bendihua — googletrans command line interface to translate your i18n file into 106 languages
- Bilingual-conversational-bot — A Real-Time Live Bilingual Conversation bot for English to Spanish and Spanish to English using Streamlit
- BlackBlazeFw — A Minimalistic Web Framework
- BsSalary-Extractor — This repository contains a Python program designed to execute Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Facial Recognition on images.
- Btranslation — Back Translator using Google translation API
- cca-core — NLP and ML modules for processing civic input
- ChainTranslator — a package to mess up text via google translate
- ChelsiAI — ChelsiAI is python library to build your own AI virtual assistant with natural language processing.
- chistes-hub-malaga — no summary
- cloud-translator — Use the same api to call the third party translator apis, such as google, tencent, baidu.
- cmtt — A library for processing Code Mixed Text. Still in development!
- conjugate — Conjugate - Simplify Verb Conjugation in Python
- contexto — Librería para el procesamiento y análisis de texto con Python
- csv-trans — A package for translating csv files across multiple languages
- Dall-ALSA — This package does Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis on user comments
- dalsa — This package does Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis (ALSA) on user comments about a given product
- DAnki — Automate deck creation for Anki to learn german
- datascrub — A Python package for cleaning and preprocessing data in pandas DataFrames
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-autotranslate2 — A simple Django app to automatically translate the pot (`.po`) files generated by django's makemessages command using google translate.
- Django-translate-po — Automatic PO file translator
- dkbotz — Package containing basic functions to build telegram bots.
- dkbotzz — Package containing basic functions to build telegram bots.
- docrx — search in documents
- easy-translation — A quick Chinese<->English translation
- esanalyzer — Emotion("fear", "anger", "surprise", "sadness", "disgust", "joy") and Sentiment("Positive","Negative") Analysis
- facebook-page-info-scraper — A Python package capable of crawling Facebook page information.
- Fiddling-with-minfin — A small library for getting info about Ukrainian banks
- flask-Captchaify — Protect against bots and DDoS attacks
- Flask-Googletrans — Googletrans google translation flask extension
- florestdevinstruments — Личная библиотека Флореста, написанная на Python.
- fnw — A small library for getting info about Ukrainian banks
- fridayAI — fridayAI
- fy — Translate words via command line
- genanki-chinese — Packages which automates the creation and update of chinese notes for Anki
- Gifu — Usando um programa para traduzir, e criando baralhos para o anki
- gtranstomp3 — Create a mp3 file include English words and translated Traditional Chinese and its example sentenses.
- gyakuhonyaku — Use google translate ambiguity to make funny sentence
- happy-learning — Toolbox for reinforced developing of machine learning models (as proof-of-concept)
- helptranslator — A Python module that uses Google Translate to automatically translate Python help text to any language.
- Highlighted-PDF-2-Anki-FlashCards — No description yet
- hindImageOcr — no summary
- HuggingChatAPI — The project is an unofficial API for the site
- idvpackage — This repository contains a Python program designed to execute Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Facial Recognition on images.
- Image2Story — Create Short Story from image caption
- jarvisub — A Secure and Powerful Python-Telethon Based Library For Ultroid Userbot.
- JeffBrain — Vocal Assisstant
- jupyter-translate — A Python script for translating Jupyter notebook files.
- katia — Katia is a wonderfull assistant created for help people to iteract with the digital world
- kenu-ai — Python Chat AI
- kiwicalc — Extremely simple interface for mathematics.
- koRTT — Round Trip Translation tool for Korean data augmentation
- ktextaug — data augmentation tool for Korean
- kwx — BERT, LDA, and TFIDF based keyword extraction in Python
- l10n — A library and CLI for translating Python applications and libraries.
- Language-Translator — Converting native languages to English
- laoshi — no summary
- lazy-crawler — Lazy Crawler is a Python package that simplifies web scraping tasks. It builds upon Scrapy, a powerful web crawling and scraping framework, providing additional utilities and features for easier data extraction. With Lazy Crawler, you can quickly set up and deploy web scraping projects, saving time and effort.
- LWD-utils — rename-version of PaperCrawlerUtil
- machinariurne — Tools & Classes Collection
- MeetMa — The Google Meet bot is a Python application that automates participation in Google Meet meetings. This bot extracts real-time subtitles, translates them, and detects questions to enhance the user experience in online meetings. You can also save the meeting in a file.
- MI-RLMS-MO — Multimodal Summarization using RLMS approach
- mnemocards — Flashcards generator. You won't forget anything...
- MO-RLMS — Multimodal Summarization using RLMS approach
- montyalex — Personal python related stuff for >=3.12
- mproxy — Mproxy
- multilingual — A command line application that automatically translates the input sentence to multiple languages adds the translations to respective translation json files
- murasame — Python application development framework used by Suisei Entertainment.
- netcook-v2 — A package to check Netflix cookies status.
- newsegmentation — Package for news segmentation architecture.
- nlator — A simple translator package for multiple languages.
- nwae.lang — ML
- nwe — Criar Cartões do anki e pdf, do site News Web Easy
- ocr_translate-google — Plugin to implement google translation for ocr_translate.
- openmmla-audio — Audio module for the OpenMMLA platform
- openodia — Open source Odia language tools
- package-web-Analyze — Analyze_web_source.
- pagermaid — A telegram utility daemon and plugin framework.
- PaperCrawlerUtil — a collection of utils
- paraphraser — A python module which returns list of sentences with same contextual meaning as given sentence
- pdf-translator — A tool to translate PDF text to Japanese and save as a text file.
- picklepie — a Python Package
- PikaTgBot — A Secure and Optimized Python-Telethon Based Library For Pikachu UserBot aka Pikabot.
- postmark-template-translate — A library to send Postmark templates with translated content
- potranslator — A python package to easily translate po and pot files in any language supported by Google Translate.
- prayer-tool — The prayer tool api is a complete api to get the prayer schedule in your city. Fast, updated and easy to use !