Reverse Dependencies of google-crc32c
The following projects have a declared dependency on google-crc32c:
- acb — Default template for PDM package
- acmecontentcollectors-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel to collect data about the Islamic Recruitments.
- aiortc — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- aiortc-datachannel-only — Jeremy Lainé's aiortc library with only datachannel support and no extra dependencies
- aiortc-rtp — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- aiortc2 — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- avroconvert — Utility to convert avro files to csv, json and parquet formats
- beepbeep — data pipeline utility functions for
- beepbeep-bq — no summary
- beetlebox — Server-side admin tools.
- bigflow — BigQuery client wrapper with clean API
- bucketpusher — Push local files to cloud storage bucket
- c7n_gcp — Cloud Custodian - Google Cloud Provider
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
- cloud-files — Fast access to cloud storage and local FS.
- cloud-io — Handle I/O from cloud buckets
- cloudops-google-secretmanager — no summary
- cloudops-secret-manager-google — The cloudops-secret-manager-google package
- cnvrgv2 — Python SDK library for using cnvrg
- counterfactual — This project is a framework for counterfactual analysis
- coupeutils — Library with utilities for projects.
- crackle-codec — Crackle 3D dense segmentation compression codec.
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- crosslab-aiortc — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- dappier-py — Dappier Python SDK for interacting with Dappier APIs
- database-factory — Database Factory;
- deploy-box-cli — CLI for managing Deploy Box operations
- dfio — no summary
- digitalarztools — Digital Arz tools for applications
- dissect.btrfs — A Dissect module implementing a parser for the Btrfs file system, a commonly used Linux filesystem.
- django-doclib — A Document library
- DNS-Command-Line-Tool — no summary
- do-data-utils — Functionalities to interact with Google and Azure, and clean data
- ds-planner — A package for zap platform
- elyuf — This bot has been created independently for El-Yurt Umidi Foundation for easily searching Universities global rankings based on three top sources such as QS World University Rank, Times Higher Education Rank, US News & World Report Rank.
- embed-service — A simple command-line tool for testing srv-embed-service.
- ensuro-analytics — Ensuro analytics library
- ffostrame — A do-it-all Python package for you and me
- fleece-network — P2P socket built on aiortc.
- gardener-cicd-cfg-mgmt — Gardener CI/CD Config Management
- gcp-storage-emulator — A stub emulator for the Google Cloud Storage API
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- genflowly-lambda-utils — no summary
- geniusrise-databases — listeners bolts for geniusrise
- ggvlib — no summary
- google-cloud-bigtable — Google Cloud Bigtable API client library
- google-cloud-storage — Google Cloud Storage API client library
- google-resumable-media — Utilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable Uploads
- gpt-pdf-md — A Python package that utilizes GPT-4V and other tools to convert PDFs into Markdown files.
- GPT-PDF-Reader — A Python package that utilizes GPT-4V and other tools to extract and process information from PDF files
- graphtomation — An AI utility package to build and serve Crew and LangGraph workflows as FastAPI routes, packed with reusable components for AI engineers.
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- gsaiortc — gsaiortc
- indxdatalaketools — Package that allows the upload of files to a datalake
- ingestr — ingestr is a command-line application that ingests data from various sources and stores them in any database.
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- kcli — Provisioner/Manager for Libvirt/Vsphere/Aws/Gcp/Hcloud/Kubevirt/Ovirt/Openstack/IBM Cloud and containers
- kiwi-booster — Python utility functions and classes for KiwiBot AI&Robotics team
- leveldb-export — Package to export documents from LevelDB export (for instance Firestore).
- libvisualwebarena — This is an unofficial, use-at-your-own risks port of the visualwebarena benchmark, for use as a standalone library package.
- liveramp-automation — This is the base liveramp_automation_framework
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- luminarycloud — Luminary Cloud SDK
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- marquez-integration-common — Marquez common python library for integrations
- matos-gcp-provider — Python matos gcp provider
- metamart-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for MetaMart
- modsys — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- myz-tools — Python helper tools
- octue — A package providing template applications for data services, and a python SDK to the Octue API.
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- openlineage-integration-common — OpenLineage common python library for integrations
- openmetadata-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- pak8 — no summary
- pangea-sdk — Pangea API SDK
- pii-data-generator — It generats the dummy 'Personally identifiable information' data
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- predictnow-api — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- pyinsta-functions — no summary
- r0b0-io — Library for connecting hardware and software, like aconnect for anything.
- raiden — no summary
- robustraster — Running user-defined functions on large datasets via out-of-core computation simplfied.
- sebschmi-snakemake — Snakemake is a workflow management system that aims to reduce the complexity of creating workflows by providing a fast and comfortable execution environment, together with a clean and modern specification language in python style. Snakemake workflows are essentially Python scripts extended by declarative code to define rules. Rules describe how to create output files from input files.
- selenium-auto-executor — selenium_auto_executor
- sentinel-downloader — A Python package for downloading and processing Sentinel satellite images.
- shaku-database — Shaku Database util
- shaku-database-latest — Shaku Database util
- six-python — Six offical python ackage
- sixth-python — Sixth offical python package
- sixth-sense — Six offical python ackage
- skyatc — no summary
- snakemake-storage-plugin-gcs — A Snakemake storage plugin for Google Cloud Storage
- soda-sql — Soda SQL library & CLI
- stormware — API connectors for data analysis and task automation
- swap-python-sdk — SWAP Python SDK
- tokyo-lineage — Tokyo Lineage
- uefivars — UEFI variable store tools