Reverse Dependencies of google-cloud
The following projects have a declared dependency on google-cloud:
- actinia-core — Actinia Core is an open source REST API for scalable, distributed, high performance processing of geographical data that uses mainly GRASS GIS for computational tasks
- auto-tensorflow — Build Low Code Automated Tensorflow, What-IF explainable models in just 3 lines of code. To make Deep Learning on Tensorflow absolutely easy for the masses with its low code framework and also increase trust on ML models through What-IF model explainability.
- bigquery_sync — no summary
- bloggen — Deploy a dir of md files as a static site
- bq-jobrunner — Enables to easily query multiple BigQuery queries with any dependencies.
- bqcon — Python Package for doing basic operations over google big query
- bqtools-json — A Big Query json utility package
- bqtxflowutils-2 — Sync data transformation information from BigQuery to GitHub and create a dynamic Markdown documantation.
- bucket-adapter — A generic adapter for gcp/aws services to upload/downlaod files on bucket.
- cloud-io — Handle I/O from cloud buckets
- compsyn — python package to explore the color of language
- couchformation — Couchbase Cloud Automation
- counterfactual — This project is a framework for counterfactual analysis
- crunch-kernel — Kernel connecting functions
- crunchkernelpackage — Kernel connecting functions
- custom-utils — Utilities for database connectors, slack alerter, loggers etc
- data-algebra — data_algebra is a data manipulation language that can both generate SQL queries and work on Pandas DataFrames.
- datasett — no summary
- db_compare — Tool to compare database schema and objects
- django-dynamic-storages — A collection of file fields and associated components to allow for dynamic configuration of storage properties for file-based fields within Django models.
- do-data-utils — Functionalities to interact with Google and Azure, and clean data
- earthscale — Earthscale CLI
- easygcpz — no summary
- easytag — A command-line tool to use Google's Cloud Vision API to label images.
- example-pkg-AGAIN — Sync data transformation information from BigQuery to GitHub and create a dynamic Markdown documantation.
- example-pkg-AGAIN-2 — Sync data transformation information from BigQuery to GitHub and create a dynamic Markdown documantation.
- example-pkg-AGAIN-3 — Sync data transformation information from BigQuery to GitHub and create a dynamic Markdown documantation.
- flood-forecast — An open source framework for deep time series forecasting and classfication built with PyTorch.
- gaelib — Google App Engine Library
- gcp-pal — Set of utilities for interacting with Google Cloud Platform
- gcpdns — A Python module and CLI for managing zones and resource record sets on Google Cloud DNS
- gcpy — Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Python helpers for functions, queues, collections and more
- gfrancodev-glogger — Log Aggregator
- handprint — Run handwritten text recognition services on images of documents
- hazelbean — Collection of geospatial algorithms, parallel computation utilities and project management tools.
- honeydew — Collection of connectors for ETL
- hvar — HvarConsulting
- hypermodel — Hyper Model provides functionality to support MLOps
- idg-metadata-client — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- jinja-gcs-loader — Simple Jinja2 GCS Template Loader
- klops — Klops: Koin Machine Learning Ops
- knada-kafka-consumer — no summary
- latch-cloud-clients — no summary
- latch-gcp — no summary
- lib310 — lib310 Python Package
- lib310-lite — lib310 Lite Python Package
- limber — Serverless DAGs orchestrated via Python
- llm-cache-test — LLMCache is an open-source caching solution designed to operate seamlessly within your cloud infrastructure.
- llmcache-test-nb — LLMCache is an open-source caching solution designed to operate seamlessly within your cloud infrastructure.
- logshuttle — Python 3 log handler for sending log records to Google Cloud Stackdriver service as custom logs in batches.
- looqbox — A looqbox package to write python scripts in the platform
- macry — Python object-document mapper (ODM) for google FireStore
- matos-gcp-provider — Python matos gcp provider
- metamart-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for MetaMart
- ml-liv — no summary
- mlbench-core — A public and reproducible collection of reference implementations and benchmark suite for distributed machine learning systems.
- mlrun — Tracking and config of machine learning runs
- moonpy — Personal utils
- movva-salesforce-tools — Pacote com ferramentas de integração com a salesforce
- NathanJamesToolbox — Collection of tools developed for NathanJames
- nb-llm-cache — LLMCache is an open-source caching solution designed to operate seamlessly within your cloud infrastructure.
- odap-ga-downloader — Extractor for Google analytics
- omd-emea — Generic code for processing and execution for OMD EMEA
- openmetadata-data-profiler — Data Profiler Library for OpenMetadata
- openmetadata-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- oracle2postgres_schema_validator — Tool to compare Oracle objects with Postgres objects
- ox-bqpipeline — Utility class for building data pipelines in BigQuery
- p360-ga-downloader — Extractor for Google analytics
- petaly — Python ETL tool
- pii-data-generator — It generats the dummy 'Personally identifiable information' data
- politweet — library for processing italian political tweets
- provenance — Provenance and caching library for functions, built for creating lightweight machine learning pipelines.
- pyga4 — Python Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Data Extraction and Analysis Toolkit
- pyinsta-functions — no summary
- pykemen — Added file attatchemn support to emails
- pynumaflow — Provides the interfaces of writing Python User Defined Functions and Sinks for NumaFlow.
- pypper — no summary
- quail — A python toolbox for analyzing and plotting free recall data
- quollio-core — Quollio Core
- rcd-dev-kit — Interact with OIP ecosystem.
- reproduce — Computational reproduction library.
- rowan-ds-tools — A suite of commonly used DS functions/classes
- simplecloudfunlocaltest — Funcion para explicar en el data hub
- sparecores-crawler — Pull and standardize data on cloud compute resources.
- spintop — The python client to
- srec-nlp — no summary
- tap-annie — tap for extracting data
- tap-filesanywhere — `tap-filesanywhere` is a Singer tap for extracting 'files from anywhere', built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- target-bigquery — target for writing data to Google BigQuery
- tekkare-dev-kit — Interact with OIP ecosystem.
- testing-pubsub — Run a temporary instance of Cloud PubSub emulator for Python tests
- tmg-etl-library — TMG Etl library
- tmllib — etl tools for machine leraning.
- tnh-scholar — TNH Scholar is an AI-driven project designed to explore, query, and translate the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village community.
- trell-ai-utils — Trell Database connectors, slack alerter and loggers
- viai-sdk — A Python SDK for the Google Cloud Visual Inspection AI product
- wiraconcha — This is a python package with lots of helpful function for working with GCP. Someday, like in the case of the Inca god wiraconcha, it will probably be replaced with Apu