Reverse Dependencies of google-cloud-secret-manager
The following projects have a declared dependency on google-cloud-secret-manager:
- acb — Default template for PDM package
- acit4040-config-helper — no summary
- adam-authsession — no summary
- adam-credmanager — no summary
- adam-signurl — Libreria para firmar archivos en GCS
- adpipsvcfuncs — Service functions for the Adaptive Pipeline Workflow project.
- afl-ai-utils — A sample test package
- airbyte — PyAirbyte
- airflow-caching-google-secret-manager-backend — Use Google Secret Manager with environment variable fallback and caching.
- airless — Airless is a package that aims to build a serverless and lightweight orchestration platform, creating workflows of multiple tasks being executed on FaaS platform
- airless-google-cloud-secret-manager — Airless package to manage google secret manager
- analytics-mesh — Facades and common functions necessary for data science and data engineering workflows
- anyscale — Command Line Interface for Anyscale
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-backport-providers-google — Backport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-google for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-providers-google — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-google for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- bibt-gcp-secrets — Functionality often used by BITS Blue Team (GCP Secret Manager).
- bibtutils — Functionality often used by BITS Blue Team. [DEPRECATED]
- bits-aviso-python-sdk — RepositÅ“ory containing python wrappers to various services for bits-aviso.
- bits-gaia — BITS Gaia
- bits-google — BITS Google
- bits-retreat — BITS Retreat
- bits-secrets — BITS Secrets
- Brevo-dc-cli — datacontract CLI for Brevo's data team
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
- calitp-data-infra — Shared code for developing data pipelines that process Cal-ITP data.
- cannlytics — 🔥 Cannlytics is a suite of tools that you can use to wrangle, standardize, and analyze cannabis data
- cbpa — cbpa
- cloud-utilities — Utility modules for Public Cloud
- cloudly — Utilities for cloud computing.
- cloudops-google-secretmanager — no summary
- cloudops-secret-manager-google — The cloudops-secret-manager-google package
- cloudsecretmanager — A unified interface for managing secrets across multiple cloud providers. This package includes concrete implementations for Azure Key Vault and Google Cloud Secret Manager, providing a consistent and simplified API for secret creation, retrieval, and management. It is designed to facilitate secure and efficient secret handling in cloud-based applications, promoting best practices in secret management.
- cmp-utilities — Utility modules for Cloud Management Platform
- cocnc — CNC is the first framework for application deployment, a fully distributed and customizable PaaS developer experience, based on docker-compose config files
- cognite-forge-template — Automation of software used for data science in Cognite, including Databricks, PowerBI, Git and Grafana
- computing-toolbox — Computing Toolbox for daily computations
- configu — Configu Python SDK
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- dapla-team-cli — CLI for working with Dapla Teams
- dapla-toolbelt — Dapla Toolbelt
- dappier-py — Dappier Python SDK for interacting with Dappier APIs
- database-factory — Database Factory;
- database-to-bigquery — Read from SQL server and load to Google BigQuery
- datalake-framework — Datalake Framework
- dataverk-gsm — GSM integration for dataverk
- db_compare — Tool to compare database schema and objects
- dbs-statement-downloader — Python library that downloads e-statements from DBS
- dbt-shuttle — A toolkit for managing DBT and data shuttle SQL transformations
- demisto-sdk — "A Python library for the Demisto SDK"
- dgps-utils — Utility functions for DemocracyGPS
- dj-secret-settings — Provide settings to Django from a secret store such as Google Cloud Secrets
- django-enhanced-settings — Allow for more complex and dynamic settings for Django
- dms_check — Check compatibility of Oracle Database with DMS migrations
- do-data-utils — Functionalities to interact with Google and Azure, and clean data
- dreams-core — brought to you by the dreamslabs discord community
- ds-planner — A package for zap platform
- dvh-tools — no summary
- dwh-oppfolging — Oppfolging python package for DWH ETL
- dyacon — Yaml config package
- easy-expectations — A package that simplifies usage of Great Expectations tool for Data Validation.
- easy-ge — A package that simplifies usage of Great Expectations tool for Data Validation.
- environ-secretmanager — no summary
- envix — convinient secret manager.
- envyconfig — YAML reader with ENV interpolation.
- fast-crypt — A CLI tool for encrypting and decrypting files using GitHub authentication, with support for Google Cloud Secret Manager.
- ffostrame — A do-it-all Python package for you and me
- flytekitplugins-identity-aware-proxy — External command plugin to generate ID tokens for GCP Identity Aware Proxy
- foremast — Tools for creating infrastructure and Spinnaker Pipelines.
- gcloud-functions-utils — no summary
- gcp-pal — Set of utilities for interacting with Google Cloud Platform
- gcp-pilot — Google Cloud Platform Friendly Pilot
- gcp-secret-manager-cli — A command-line tool for managing GCP Secret Manager
- gcp-secretmanager-cache — A utility to cache google cloud platform secrets and allow concurrent access that also always provides the latest enabled version of a secret
- gcphelpers — Helpers for GCP functions
- GCPSecrets — Package to access GCP Secrets through Dictionary interface
- geddit — Zero-configuration fetching of configuration resources
- gentropy — Open Targets python framework for post-GWAS analysis
- get-gcp-secret — Get value from Google Cloud Secret Manager.
- ggvlib — no summary
- ghak — no summary
- git-secret-protector — A tool for managing secrets in Git with AWS Parameter Store integration.
- google-cloud-utilities — A few handy Python functions for interacting with Google Cloud Platform
- google-dataproc-templates — Google Dataproc templates written in Python
- google-pso-data-validator — A package to enable easy data validation
- great-expectations — Always know what to expect from your data.
- great-expectations-cta — Always know what to expect from your data.
- gsheets-plaid — Tool for syncing bank transaction data to Google Sheets with Plaid.
- guzman-utilities — Utilities for Guzman Energy
- — Haapi Games Common
- happtiq-commons-google-cloud — no summary
- hashkern — A tool for managing resources in a mono repository
- heimdall-mail-notifier — This module allow user to execute an SQL request in Bigquery and send the result in a mail attachment send by mailjet
- honeydew — Collection of connectors for ETL
- houston-client — Houston Python Client
- ijr — IJsvogel Package
- inbound — declarative data ingestion.
- indxdatalaketools — Package that allows the upload of files to a datalake
- ipulse-shared-data-eng-ftredge — Shared Data Engineering functions for the Pulse platform project. Using AI for financial advisory and investment management.