Reverse Dependencies of google-auth-oauthlib
The following projects have a declared dependency on google-auth-oauthlib:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- aa-eveunicalendar — aa-eveunicalendar plugin app for Alliance Auth.
- acmecontentcollectors-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel to collect data about the Islamic Recruitments.
- acmenewscollectors-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel to collect news articles, videos, and images.
- acrud — no summary
- adansonia — Utils package for common operations
- ae-cdnz — ae namespace module portion cdnz: distribute to and retrieve files from content delivery networkz
- ae-cloud-storage — ae namespace module portion cloud_storage: distribute files to and retrieve them from cloud storage hosts.
- agent-llm — An Artificial Intelligence Automation Platform. AI Instruction management from various providers, has an adaptive memory, and a versatile plugin system with many commands including web browsing. Supports many AI providers and models and growing support every day.
- agilecoder — AgileCoder
- agixt — An Artificial Intelligence Automation Platform. AI Instruction management from various providers, has an adaptive memory, and a versatile plugin system with many commands including web browsing. Supports many AI providers and models and growing support every day.
- agno — Agno: a lightweight framework for building multi-modal Agents
- ai-agents — An Open-source Framework for Autonomous Language Agents
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- airbyte-source-google-directory — Source implementation for Google Directory.
- airbyte-source-google-drive — Source implementation for Google Drive.
- aircal — Export and visualize Airflow DAG runs as events in Google calendar.
- aironsuit — A model wrapper for automatic model design and visualization purposes.
- alerthub — A Python package for managing email services across multiple platforms
- alfrd — Automated Logical FRamework for Dynamic script execution(ALFRD)
- algobowl — Competition-based group project for Algorithms courses
- alosi — Utilities for the ALOSI adaptive learning system
- amapy-core — The Core package for asset-manager. It provides the core functionalities like creating, midifying, downloading and uploading of the digital assets.
- amazon-login — Log into amazon seller central or vendor central using selenium.
- anguis — A generic key-store library.
- anoteai — An SDK for interacting with the Anote API
- apatterson189-google-api-helpers — LIbrary of helpers for using google apis
- api-services — A package for Google API services
- apteryx — Utilities and useful things for Apteryx Labs
- aqbt — Aquarium strain builder tools
- arcade-google — Arcade tools for the entire google suite
- arena-py — Draw objects and run programs in the ARENA using Python!
- arkalos — Arkalos is an easy-to-use framework for data analysis, building data apps, warehouses, AI agents, robots, ML, training LLMs with elegant syntax. It just works.
- arlo — Python Arlo is a library written in Python 2.7/3x which exposes the Netgear Arlo cameras via the apis that are consumed by their website.
- arnoldpaperboy — Deliver to stackdriver
- artemis_sg — Package for generating Google slide decks
- artifi — A Automation Tool Made By Noob
- asgutils — ASG Utils contains my main standard Python Librairies + some extra helpers functions
- asldatacollector — Package for collecting data and transforming to dataset
- athiruma-cloud-governance — Cloud Governance Tool
- attemptrequestslib — Small lib with custom functions
- audiossl — no summary
- authy_package — Generic robust authentication system
- auto-archiver — Automatically archive links to videos, images, and social media content from Google Sheets (and more).
- auto-labeler — A simple tool for automatically labeling and archiving emails based on your past activity
- autodrive — Simple but robust tool for interacting with the Google Drive and Sheets apis via python.
- autokitteh — AutoKitteh Python SDK
- automatic-time-lapse-creator — automatic_time_lapse_creator is a Python program for scraping images from a web cam url and converting them into a timelapse
- automation-file — no summary
- automation-file-dev — no summary
- avroconvert — Utility to convert avro files to csv, json and parquet formats
- ayv — A python library that wraps around the YouTube V3 API. You can use it find and manage YouTube resources including Videos, Playlists, Channels and Comments.
- BackgroundVellore — Predict the Genre for each 10-second interval of the video.
- Backup2Cloud — Backup specific folders to and upload to a cloud provider
- badexperiment — see
- bar-gmail — Get notifications and unread messages count from Gmail (Waybar/Polybar module)
- bark-monitor — A package to monitor your dog's barks
- batch-automation — Batch Automation Tools and Packages
- bdd-google-drive-helper — A simple Google Drive file uploader tool.
- BDevManager2 — A business development manager library
- beetlebox — Server-side admin tools.
- benchkit — Your End to End ML workbench.
- benchmark-runner — Benchmark Runner Tool
- bernard — Bot Engine Responding Naturally At Requests Detection
- bi_toolbox — An efficient and simple to use wrapper for streamlining BI workflows, integrating seamlessly with cloud services, databases, and reporting tools.
- bigquery-fdw — BigQuery Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL
- bindfiles — Google API Helper
- bits-google — BITS Google
- bloggerkit — A toolkit for interacting with the Google Blogger API
- bmoney — Budget Money - powerful budgeting tools extending Rocket Money transaction exports
- boilerio — A software thermostat and heating control system
- bondable — Bond AI is and SDK and UI for working with agents built using the OpenAI Assistants API
- bootstrap4-cdn — This package is for .
- botaclan — Bataclan's official bot
- botrun-google-doc-reader — no summary
- botrun-google-docs-reader — no summary
- bq-meta — BigQuery metadata
- bqq — BigQuery query
- bruin — Command line tool made by python for various toolbox used in UCLA
- BSMRes — Welcome to my MRes task exploring Goal Conflict using the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory.
- bucketpusher — Push local files to cloud storage bucket
- budgetcli — A simple async budgeting app to manage expenses and budgets in google spreadsheets
- bugwarrior — Sync github, bitbucket, and trac issues with taskwarrior
- c2cciutils — Common utilities for Camptocamp CI
- caad-rpa — RPAライブラリ
- calamardolauncher — Compose Calamardo's params and launches the binary to generate files.
- calapi — A light weight python wrapper for Google's Calendar API v3 written upon Google API Python Client.
- calendar-cli-kku — test file
- camguard — camguard - home surveillance system
- car-speed-detection — Camera-based Car Speed Detection for Autonomous Driving
- cd-drive — Wrapper to easily manipulate Google Drive files
- cedar-datacube — Creator for Analysis Ready Data (ARD)
- chastack — no summary
- chastack-utiles-google — no summary
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- chronolog-cli — Chronolog is an open-source command-line application that allows its users to chronologically log information about their day (hence the name). It was initially created to eleminate the tedious task of creating and organizing documents to log events, findings, progress, and more during the workday.
- chronos-api — API for my timesheet
- cleague-bot — "Discord bot to handle the Commander League",
- climailsystem — A small Package for sending and reading mails from cli
- cloud-data-connector — Intel's cloud data connector