Reverse Dependencies of google-ads
The following projects have a declared dependency on google-ads:
- adsctl — Google Ads Control CLI and Prompt
- airbyte-source-google-ads — Source implementation for Google Ads.
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-backport-providers-google — Backport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-google for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-providers-google — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-google for Apache Airflow
- arcane-googleads — Un package pour interagir avec l'API Google Ads
- askdata — The official Askdata Python SDK
- autoads-test — Easy to use Ads library
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- ewah — An ELT with airflow helper module: Ewah
- gaql — A command line interface to the Google Ads Query Language (GAQL). Run with `gaql` or `gaql-tools`
- gaql-console — Google Ads Query Language Interactive Console
- google-ads-api-report-fetcher — Library for fetching reports from Google Ads API and saving them locally & remotely.
- google-ads-report — Easier to use
- google-ads-stubs — Type stubs for google-ads
- GoogleAdsQueryTool — This is a package you can use to query reporting data from the Google Ads API.
- nr-ops — An opinionated operator framework.
- p360-export — Persona360 data export
- pygoogalytics — PyGoogalytics allows a user to quickly and simply download Google Analytics and Google Search Console data
- sem-emergency-stop — Quickly stop all Google Ads advertising
- Soomgo-gather — no summary
- thefactory — TheFactory config module