Reverse Dependencies of gnupg
The following projects have a declared dependency on gnupg:
- 0x20bf — 0x20bf: This document proposes an Internet standards track protocol for transporting, broadcasting and syndication of messages over common internet communications channels. The distribution of all documents related to this proposal are unlimited and unencumbered by any LICENSE, but some are included anyway.
- apk — awesome perception kit
- awsc — AWS Commander
- bagmanager — A thin wrapper around rosbag.Bag with some convenient methods
- bitwarden-exporter — Export Bitwarden vault
- cnspy-rosbag2csv — ROS1 rosbag to CSV file converter and vice versa.
- cnspy-rosbag2image — ROS1 rosbag to image file converter.
- django-gpg — GPG Support for Django
- goattoolbox — toolbox - a library of standalone python modules ready for use
- hra-etl — A small example package
- ldapKIT — Collection of useful scripts for ldap based user management.
- leap.bitmask — The Internet Encryption Toolkit: Encrypted Internet Proxy and Encrypted Mail.
- mooyoUtils — mooyo 常用工具包
- openpgp-requests — A wrapper to the requests module adding OpenPGP support.
- py3rosmsgs — Python 3 Port of ROS 1.0 messages from genpy generated python classes and pre-compiled binaries.
- pydtk — A Python toolkit for managing, retrieving and processing data.
- pyrosenv — Set an environment for easy work with ROS in python without setting things up
- pysswords — Manage your login credentials from the terminal painlessly.
- python-secrets — Python CLI for decoupling secrets (passwords, API keys, etc.) from source code
- python-xdoc — no summary
- pythonate — General purpose helper functions and classes for Python3 projects
- rosbag-dash — Provides modules to create plotly figures and dash apps from ROS bag files.
- xeauth — Top-level package for xeauth.
- xefab — Top-level package for xefab.
- xtransfer — A file transfer cli to rule them all.