Reverse Dependencies of Glymur
The following projects have a declared dependency on Glymur:
- allensdk — core libraries for the allensdk.
- autoparis — Python package for Autoparis Workflow.
- hippolyzer — Analysis tools for SL-compatible virtual worlds
- large-image-converter — Converter for Large Image.
- large-image-source-openjpeg — An Openjpeg tilesource for large_image.
- linc-convert — Linc Convert Scripts
- nabu — Nabu - Tomography software
- neuron-morphology — Tools for working with single-neuron morphological reconstructions
- pyraws — Python for RAW Sentinel2 data (PyRawS) is a powerful open-source Python package that provides a comprehensive set of tools for working with Sentinel-2 Raw data. It provides utilities for coarse spatial bands coregistration, geo-referencing, data visualization, and image processing.
- suncasa — "SunCASA: CASA-based Python package for reducing, analyzing, and visualizing solar dynamic spectroscopic imaging data at radio wavelengths"
- sunpy — SunPy core package: Python for Solar Physics
- tiatoolbox — Computational pathology toolbox developed by TIA Centre.
- tomoscan — "utilitary to access tomography data at esrf"
- tomwer — "tomography workflow tools"
- wsic — Whole Slide Image (WSI) conversion for brightfield histology images