Reverse Dependencies of globus-sdk
The following projects have a declared dependency on globus-sdk:
- appfl — An open-source package for privacy-preserving federated learning
- atlas-consortia-commons — The common code supporting the web services in the consortia.
- balsam — HPC Workflows & Edge Service
- bdbag — Big Data Bag Utilities
- brainbox-ibl — International Brain Laboratory data pipeline library
- cfde-submit — A command line tool for submitting CFDE Datasets
- dagonstar — DAGon* is a simple Python based workflow engine able to run job on everything from the local machine to distributed virtual HPC clusters hosted in private and public clouds.
- deriva — Python APIs and CLIs (Command-Line Interfaces) for the DERIVA platform.
- deriva-client — A Python-based application suite of client software for use with the DERIVA platform.
- diamond-hpc — Diamond is a Python package for running tasks on HPC.
- diaspora-event-sdk — Diaspora Event Fabric SDK
- django-globus-portal-framework — A framework for collating Globus Search data for use with various Globus services.
- dkist — DKIST User Tools
- dkist-processing-common — Common task classes used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines
- dkist-processing-cryonirsp — Science processing code for the Cryo-NIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-dlnirsp — Science processing code for the DLNIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-ops — Automated Processing smoke test and operations workflows
- dkist-processing-test — Example instrument code used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines to test processing infrastructure
- dkist-processing-vbi — Processing code for the VBI instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-visp — Science processing code for the ViSP instrument on DKIST
- dlhub-sdk — Python interface and utilities for DLHub
- educelab-globus — EduceLab Globus module
- fair-identifiers-client — FAIR Research Identifiers Service Client
- fair-research-login — A generalized library for storing native auth tokens
- foundry-ml — Package to support simplified application of machine learning models to datasets in materials science
- garden-ai — Garden: tools to simplify access to scientific AI advances.
- git-annex-remote-globus — git annex special remote for Globus
- gladier — Tooling for rapid deployment of automation tooling.
- globus-action-provider-tools — Tools to help developers build services that implement the Action Provider specification.
- globus-automate-client — Client for the Globus Flows service
- globus-batch-transfer — Tool to automate file transfer between globus endpoints. Moves data in source directory to destination, and deletes source after successful transfer.
- globus-cli — Globus CLI
- globus-compute-endpoint — Globus Compute: High Performance Function Serving for Science
- globus-compute-sdk — Globus Compute: High Performance Function Serving for Science
- globus-jupyterlab — JupyterLab extension that incorporates Globus functionality
- globus-nexus-client — Unofficial Globus Nexus Client (based on SDK clients)
- globus-pilot — A CLI tool for cataloging pilot 1 data
- globus-sdk-tokenstorage — Globus SDK TokenStorage Extension
- globus-search-cli — Globus Search CLI
- globus-timer-cli — CLI for interacting with the timer API
- grake — tool for managing storage on the UM GReat lAKE cluster
- hubmap-commons — The common utilities used by the HuMBAP web services
- ibl-pipeline — Datajoint schemas for IBL
- ibllib — IBL libraries
- intake-esgf — An intake-esm inspired catalog for ESGF
- materials-commons-cli — Materials Commons CLI
- mdf-forge — Materials Data Facility python package
- mdf-toolbox — Materials Data Facility Python utilities
- parsl — Simple data dependent workflows in Python
- ProxyStore — Advanced data flow management for distributed Python applications
- py-entangle — A python native parallel processing framework based on simple decorators.
- pyadcirc — Python library with utilties to handle ADCIRC files and runs.
- Skyway-cloud — Skyway -- a Python package for bridging on-premises and cloud resources
- ufs-pyutils — Python Toolbox of API used for UFS applications.