Reverse Dependencies of glob2
The following projects have a declared dependency on glob2:
- ace-upload — For uploading documents to brewlytics MinIO
- ael-satellite-tools — This module can dowinload and process satellite products
- ai2-tango — A library for choreographing your machine learning research.
- ait-learners — Webinterface for accessing CR exercises.
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- asrassessment — Provides Phoneme Error Rate & Visualisation Assessment
- automatise — Automatise: A Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining Tool Library
- automatize — Automatize: A Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining Tool Library
- BactFit — Coordinate transformations for bacterial cell masks
- Beaver — python daemon that munches on logs and sends their contents to logstash
- bifabrik — Microsoft Fabric ETL toolbox
- butcher — General-purpose build system for projects spanning multiple git repos
- cert-issuer — Issues blockchain certificates using the Bitcoin blockchain
- clk — A framework to help you have an awesome CLI
- cmos-noise-map — A tool to create a read noise map for CMOS detectors by modelling Random Telegraph Signal. This was originally created for use by LCOGT's BANZAI pipeline.
- compile-commands — Compilation Database Manipulation Utility
- ConcurrentImageRead — Read Image Directory or Image List simultaneously with multi-processing
- cross-cal-resourcesat — A python package to cross calibrate ResourceSat 2 sensors like LISS III, AWiFS or LISS IV.
- dartastlatools — Tools for DART and ASTLA project
- datanator-query — A python API to for querying datanator DB server
- datanator-query-python — A package to query and format the data in the integrated Datanator database
- datmo — Open source model tracking tool for developers
- DigitalBrainSDK — A Python SDK for Digital Brain analysis
- Discus — Generate high-quality data to unlock all AI possibilities
- django_make_app — Define models and fields using YAML and generate app for Django with views, forms, templates etc.
- doger — An awesome log utils for python, enjoy~
- dotflz — Utility to keep copies of dotfiles in one place
- edabyalex — A Python package for streamlined Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Extraction Transform Load (ETL)
- elita — Continuous deployment (continuous delivery) and infrastructure management REST framework
- enrichsdk — Enrich Developer Kit
- equilipy — no summary
- equilipy-hpc — no summary
- evaScanner — Find the open source vulnerabilities to get more details
- facelandmarks — Human face landmarking via machine learning model
- fcmtool-bqmn — My first Python package for extracting Functional Connectivity Matrices
- FiReTiTiPyLib — Python libraries used as support/tools.
- frametovideo — Converts frames into video
- fusionexport — The FusionExport SDK in Python
- fw-gear-project-settings — For a given project, clone the permissions and gear rules to a new project, or export the settings for import to another project.
- galah-python — Get counts and information on species from many different atlases
- GIFgraph — GIFgraph provides animated data visuals in the form of GIFs.
- gimp-labeling-converter — it provides a CLI tool that converts XCF file to a new format suitable for labeling. The tool also make the users able to add their own handlers for addling support to other types of outputs.
- gnomadapi — selenium wrapper to access gnomad db from the cmd
- gnuper — Open Source Package for Mobile Phone Metadata Preprocessing
- GoWork — Library to help track your credentials and database engines
- gwmemoritz — no summary
- hellbox — Build system for font development.
- hukudo — no summary
- image_datasets — Image datasets for computer vision projects
- image-sky — Run many jobs transparently on aliyun fc and other cloud services
- ImageDataAugmentor — Augment Image Data
- IPP-Macro-Series-Parser — OpenFisca -- a versatile microsimulation free software
- just — Automatically just read and write files based on extension.
- kMCpy-victor — Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation using Python (kMCpy)
- lias — reformatted imports via the command line.
- makeprojects — IDE project generator for Visual Studio, XCode, etc...
- mat-classification — MAT-classification: Analysis and Classification methods for Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining
- mat-clustering — Clustering Methods for Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining
- mat-data — MAT-data: Data Preprocessing for Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining
- mat-model — MAT-model: Model Classes for Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining
- mat-similarity — Similarity Methods and Functions for Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining
- mat-summarization — Summarization Methods for Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining
- mat-view — MAT-view: Visualization Tools for Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining
- merchise.lint — Merchise Lint Checks (for CI)
- mindsponge-ascend — simulation package of next generation molecular modeling in mindspore
- movelets — Movelets for Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining
- MrSnippets — A complete collection of commonly used code Snippets in Python
- mt-SetFile — A configuration tool to work with MetTrack and MetCal
- napari-bacseg — Bacterial segmentation and analysis platform than can inport/export files in multiple formats. Integrating many tools such as Cellpose, ColiCoords, Oufti/MicrobeTracker.
- ncempy — openNCEM's Python Package
- neidspecmatch — Matching NEID Spectra
- net-van — Small and easy to use feed-forward ANN library.
- ngs-analysis — Analyze deep sequencing of complex libraries
- niah — Find the open source vulnerabilities to get more details
- noterm — notebook-terminal application
- nwpoetry — Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
- ord-schema — Schema for the Open Reaction Database
- packit — Python packaging in declarative way (wrapping pbr to make it flexible)
- packtivity — packtivity - general purpose schema + bindings for PROV activities
- para-cada — Executes your command for each file selected using glob expression(s).
- pcoss-scheduler-pkg-ksazon — Tabular data PCOSS calculations module
- pelicun — Probabilistic Estimation of Losses, Injuries, and Community resilience Under Natural hazard events
- PicSimSearch — Python package for image search based on keypoint-based feature extraction and matching
- pink — Reformatted code via the command line.
- pipz — Private Package Management Utility
- pkg-utils — Utilities for linking setuptools with version metadata, README files, requirements files, and restoring overridden entry points
- planemo — Command-line utilities to assist in building tools for the Galaxy project (
- planet-download — A package for acquiring and processing Planet images
- planet-image-acquisition — A package for acquiring and processing Planet images
- poetry-windows-fix — A fix for Poetry; Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
- pulsar-agile — Python toolkit for agile release managing, building and issue tracking
- pvimage — PV EL Image Processing Tool
- pycad-medic — A medical imaging library for Python
- pydocedit — A package to take edit doc/docx/trf files.
- pyjit — PyJit to embed c++ into python
- pykale — Knowledge-aware machine learning from multiple sources in Python
- pyswcloader — analysis tool for neuron swc files
- python-iprofile — A CLI for handling IPython 4+ profiles startup scripts.
- pytrx — An object-oriented toolset for calculating velocities, surface areas and distances from oblique imagery of glacial environments
- pywren — Run many jobs transparently on AWS Lambda and other cloud services