Reverse Dependencies of glfw
The following projects have a declared dependency on glfw:
- ast-toolbox — A toolbox for worst-case validation of autonomous policies
- axuy — Axuy is a minimalist peer-to-peer first-person shooter.
- baconian — model-based reinforcement learning toolbox
- broken-source — 🚀 Broken Source Software Main Library
- castella — Castella is a pure Python cross-platform UI framework
- cattt — Cattt is a pure Python cross-platform UI framework
- coldtype — Functions for manual vectorized typesetting. More info available at: [](
- concur — Concur UI Framework for Python
- cudacanvas — Real-time PyTorch Tensor Visualisation in CUDA, Eliminating CPU Transfer
- cvlab-gui — Object Detection annotation tool entirely written in Python. Automatically annotate entire images using a pretrained object detection model or pseudo-classify single bbounding boxes with Self-Supervised pretrained models.
- demosys-py — Modern OpenGL 3.3+ Framework inspired by Django
- DigitalBrainSDK — A Python SDK for Digital Brain analysis
- drawy — Easily create interactive graphical applications
- dtcc-viewer — DTCC Viewer
- fastplotlib — A fast plotting library built using the pygfx render engine
- flappy-engine — A simple game engine for making Flappy Bird
- flaris — A lightweight and easy-to-use game development framework.
- flitter-lang — Flitter is a functional programming language and declarative system for describing 2D and 3D visuals
- flopsy — Redux-inspired state management
- glfw-toolbox — GLFW toolbox
- glotlib — Library for creating plots using OpenGL.
- glue-vispy-viewers — Vispy-based viewers for Glue
- gym3 — Vectorized Reinforcement Learning Environment Interface
- iceberg-dsl — A compositional diagramming tool for Python.
- imgui — Cython-based Python bindings for dear imgui
- joulegl — Low level rendering framework using OpenGL python bindings.
- LandSeed — Procedural terrain shader generator
- lanro-gym — Gymnasium multi-goal environments for goal-conditioned and language-conditioned deep reinforcement learning build with PyBullet
- lifeblood-viewer — view the LIFEBLOOD !!
- magwords — text-rendering library for OpenGL context
- mcio_remote — Python interface to connect to the MCio Minecraft mod
- meshcheck — Simple 3D mesh visualization tool
- metadrive-simulator — An open-ended driving simulator with infinite scenes
- mglg — no summary
- miur — Modern Interface for Uniform Reconnaissance
- moderngl-window — A cross platform helper library for ModernGL making window creation and resource loading simple
- modulename — this is a description
- moojoco — A unified framework for implementing and interfacing with MuJoCo and MuJoCo-XLA simulation environments.
- mtopengl — Minh-Tri Pham's extra modules for dealing with OpenGL in Python
- mujoco — MuJoCo Physics Simulator
- mujoco-py — no summary
- mujoco-python-viewer — Interactive renderer for MuJoCo Python
- ndv — Simple, fast-loading, n-dimensional array viewer, with minimal dependencies.
- nevergrad — A Python toolbox for performing gradient-free optimization
- nxdk-pgraph-test-runner — Executes and captures the results of in an emulator
- openvr — Unofficial python bindings for Valve OpenVR SDK
- openwfs — A libary for performing wavefront shaping experiments and simulations
- p5 — Creative coding in Python
- PhotonEngine — A game engine written in Python
- playsh — A playground for OpenGL fragment shader
- protonUI — A python GUI libraray using OpenGL and GLFW
- psychopy-glfw — Extension package for PsychoPy adding support got GLFW windows.
- ptspy — Pts is a python package for visualization and creative coding. It's the python version of the popular [Pts.js]( library.
- pufferai-gym3 — Vectorized Reinforcement Learning Environment Interface
- pxng — A library for fiddling with pixels
- py-gui-tool — PyGui is an easy to use gui.
- py5canvas — Library to create drawings and animations with an interface similar to p5js and Processing.
- pydear — Dear imgui binding
- PyDelFEM2 — a framework for geometry processing and finite element analysis
- PyFLOSIC2 — Python-based Fermi-Löwdin orbital self-interaction correction (FLO-SIC)
- pyglplot — A Python package for plotting.
- pyglui — OpenGL UI powered by Cython
- pyopenxr — Unofficial python bindings for OpenXR VR/AP device access
- pyoverlay — Easily create overlay on top of any game/application
- pyplotgui — Cython-based Python bindings for dear imgui and implot
- pyrocket-launch — Rocket Simulation Toy
- pyunity — A Python implementation of the Unity Engine
- pyviewer — Interactyive python viewers
- qlibs — Networking, gui, math and more
- qtpygraph — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- QuantumArtLibrary — Creative coding library for artistic expression of quantum behavior.
- regOct — A module implementing octrees for python
- rendercanvas — One canvas API, multiple backends
- rl-algo-impls — Implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
- roboverse-py — no summary
- SimpleWindow — A package to easily create windows in Python using GLFW, OpenCV-Python, NumPy, pywin32 and ctypes.
- slideflow — Deep learning tools for digital histology
- trap — The Transients Pipeline (or 'TraP') is a Python based system for detecting and responding to transient and variable sources in a stream of astronomical images.
- tsgengine — Too Scrappy Game Engine
- Unknown6656.CVGLPixelShader — A small package wich enables the modification of OpenCV or NumPy images using OpenGL pixel shaders written in GLSL.
- vispy — Interactive visualization in Python
- visualgl — A Python library for visualizations with OpenGL.
- vxpy — vxPy - Vision experiments in Python
- wgpu — WebGPU for Python
- wgpu-shadertoy — Shadertoy implementation based on wgpu-py
- whippersnappy — A package to plot and capture FastSurfer and FreeSurfer-style surface overlays.
- xgpu — no summary
- zoritori — yet another tool to help you read text in Japanese video games