Reverse Dependencies of girder-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on girder-client:
- dsa-helpers — Utility functions for working with the DSA girder client.
- dsa-reg — Register DSA items thumbnails and return homography matrix, image size, x offset, y offset, scale x, and scale y. The registration code is based on OpenCV
- feelpp-benchmarking — The Feel++ Benchmarking Project
- fusion-tools — Modular visualization and analysis dashboard creation for high-resolution microscopy images
- geowatch — no summary
- girder-client-mount — Mount a girder server via fuse
- girder-job-sequence — Utility package for running Girder jobs in a sequence.
- girder-worker — Batch execution engine built on celery.
- gwvolman — WholeTale Girder Volume Manager
- hi-ml-cpath — Microsoft Health Futures package for deep learning on histopathology images
- hidebound — A MLOps framework for generating ML assets and metadata.
- histomicstk — A Python toolkit for Histopathology Image Analysis
- icon-registration — A package for image registration regularized by inverse consistency
- kwgis — The kwgis module
- monailabel-weekly — Active Learning Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
- nlidatamanagement — A tkinter GUI for uploading tagged data to Girder and Zotero.
- oai-analysis — Image analysis for the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) knee magnetic resonance image (MRI) dataset.
- openmsistream — Python applications for materials data streaming using Apache Kafka. Developed for Open MSI (NSF DMREF award #1921959)
- pyluna-pathology — Transformation functions and services for multi-modal oncology data
- slicer-package-manager-client — Python client for interacting with the Slicer package manager endpoint.
- smqtk-dataprovider — SMQTK Data provision abstractions and implementations
- vip-client — Python client to use the Virtual Imaging Platform (VIP) through its RESTful API.