Reverse Dependencies of GetDist
The following projects have a declared dependency on GetDist:
- abacusutils — Python and C/C++ code to read halo catalogs and other Abacus N-body data products
- anesthetic — nested sampling post-processing
- chainplotter — no summary
- cmbagent — Multi-agent system for data analysis, made by cosmologists, powered by autogen.
- coolest — Standard for Strong Gravitational Lensing Analyses
- DeepDiagnostics — a package for diagnosing posterior quality from inference methods
- denmarf — Density EstimatioN using Masked AutoRegressive Flow
- fgivenx — fgivenx: Functional Posterior Plotter
- galapy-fit — GalaPy - Spectral modelling tool for galaxies in Python
- gns — Geometric nested sampling algorithm, as described in
- harmonic — Python package for efficient Bayesian evidence computation
- jaxili — This package provides tools to execute and implement Implicit Likelihood Inference tools in JAX.
- phazap — Gravitational wave phase reconstruction for low-latency identification of strongly lensed signals
- picca_bookkeeper — Helper to run Lyman-α analyses using picca
- procoli — A python package that wraps MontePython to provide profile likelihoods for cosmological datasets
- PTArcade — PTArcade provides an interface to the ENTERPRISE analysis suite and allows for simple implementation of new-physics searches in PTA data.
- pyp_beagle — Package for post-processing of results obtained with the Beagle SED fitting tool
- pypolychord — Python interface to PolyChord
- pypolychord-nompi — Python interface to PolyChord (cannot be used with MPI)
- shear-psf-leakage — PSF leakage for shear catalogue data
- simplifiedmc — A CLI that simplifies the usage of MCMC methods.
- tensiometer — Tension tools for posterior distributions
- Voiager — Perform cosmological analyses using voids identified in large-scale structure survey data
- xga — Python package to easily generate and analyse X-ray astronomy data products, ideal for investigating large samples.
- yabf — Yet Another Bayesian Framework