Reverse Dependencies of geos
The following projects have a declared dependency on geos:
- banet — A deep learning approach for mapping and dating burned areas using temporal sequences of satellite images
- cartoee — Publication quality maps using Earth Engine and Cartopy!
- detectree2 — Detectree packaging
- diff-plonk — Diffusion Geolocalization package for PLONK models
- dx-utilities — Base utilities for engineering packages
- emiproc — Emission Processing Tool
- eviz — An easy to use visualization framework for Earth system models
- floatcsep — CSEP Floating Experiment application
- lbsntransform — Location based social network (LBSN) data structure format & transfer tool
- metobs-toolkit — A Meteorological observations toolkit for scientists
- ncvue — ncvue: A minimal GUI for a quick view of netcdf files, aiming to be a drop-in replacement for ncview and panoply
- paropy — Python package to process data from PARODY-JA4.3 dynamo simulations.
- pywatershed — pywatershed is a Python package for hydrologic modeling
- restoreio — Reconstruct incomplete oceanographic dataset