Reverse Dependencies of geocoder
The following projects have a declared dependency on geocoder:
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- aether — Welcome to the Aether Platform
- apicrud — Flask REST framework for role-based access
- autoassistant — An auto-assistant chat built on AutoGen framework. An integrated tool in LetMeDoIt AI project.
- berset-engine — Bulding Energy Retrofit Scenario Evaluation Tool Engine
- carbontracker — Tracking and predicting the carbon footprint of training deep learning models.
- circadian-desktops — An app that changes your desktop background based on time of day.
- cmdbikes — Bike sharing at your terminal
- coderedcms — Wagtail + CodeRed Extensions enabling rapid development of marketing-focused websites.
- colortheme — Automate color theme configuration based on time of the day
- concha — Concha finds the optimal amount of perishable goods to produce.
- cpskin.citizen — An add-on for Plone
- ctodd-python-lib-location — Python utilities used for interacting with Locations
- dims-client — Raspberry Pi Client Registration
- dipense — An OSINT tool for it ninjas.
- djadmin — Djadmin is a django admin theme
- djadmin-ok — Djadmin is a django admin theme compatible with django 2.1
- django-amenities — App that provides amenities API
- django-cos — Wagtail-based COS for building efficient marketing websites out the box.
- django-geocoder — Python geocoder wrapper for Django, inspired by Ruby geocoder.
- django-geonames-place — Application to access Geonames Places directly from Django. The application can create places by using a geonames id or by using a search address.
- doom — no summary
- enviRobot-scoop — enviRobot service that can be held by Scoop.
- etl-server — {{ DESCRIPTION }}
- flaskLogTest — this is a simple flasklogger v=0.0.4
- foto — Command line photo manager
- foursight — Serverless Chalice Application for Monitoring
- foursight-cgap — Serverless Chalice Application for Monitoring
- foursight-core — Serverless Chalice Application for Monitoring
- foursight-smaht — Serverless Chalice Application for Monitoring
- fridayAI — fridayAI
- fuel-track — Lleva seguimiento del consumo de combustible
- funcnodes-weather — no summary
- gbmplus — GBM Plus API Python Library
- geemap — A Python package for interactive mapping using Google Earth Engine and ipyleaflet
- genwiki2024 — nicesprinkler
- geo-tool — 经纬度解析转换工具(Geographic location analysis and conversion tool)
- geofinder-vt — A brief description of your package
- gis-conflation-toolchain — gis-conflation-toolchain
- GISL — GISL is a versatile Python library designed for Geographic Information System (GIS) tasks. It offers methods to retrieve country names and codes, determine continents, geocode IP addresses, calculate distances between coordinates, find time zones, and get addresses from latitude and longitude. GISL also allows users to obtain the public IP address of the current machine, making it an essential toolkit for developers and researchers working with geospatial data.
- gptui — A GPT conversational TUI tool that runs within the terminal.
- Gpxity — A uniform interface to GPX services like mapmytracks or gpsies
- HafrenHaver — Goes on and on about the River Severn
- happy-learning — Toolbox for reinforced developing of machine learning models (as proof-of-concept)
- HeliosGPUController — Helios GPU Controller dynamically reduces Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) clock speeds by leveraging insights from the current energy mix and meteorological data. Data is obtained by the SMARD API and Forecast.Solar. The goal is to reduce power consumption of non-renewable sources.
- inky — Inky pHAT Driver
- intelurls — Parse Ingress Intel, Google Maps, and Apple Maps URLs
- intelxpy — Robust Python SDK and CLI for IntelX's API
- ip2geotools — Simple tool for getting geolocation information on given IP address from various geolocation databases.
- ipython-magic-folium — no summary
- isitdarkoutside — A simple tool which makes use of location and sunrise/sunset timings to determine whether it's dark outside or not.
- itallic — Detects potential corrupt entries in a dataframe with lat,lng and country tagged data.
- kratelabs — Kratelab's helpful scripts for MapboxGL maps.
- kyaah — Kyaah abstract away cognitive over-head of sending SMTP mail, together with other mailing operations things like, mail with file, tokens etc.
- LinuxServerStatsTelegramBot — Telegram bot manager to show linux server stats
- ll-la — Python API for LivingApps
- locationcrypto — Location based Cryptography uses location of the device in addition to the pass-phrase as key.
- LocUCT — no summary
- malwoverview — Malwoverview is a first response tool for threat hunting.
- markdown-customblocks — Python Markdown extension to add custom parametrizable and nestable blocks
- memacs — Visualize your (digital) life in Emacs Org mode by converting data to Org mode format
- memary — Longterm Memory for Autonomous Agents
- meshtastic-flasher — Graphical user interface to flash Meshtastic firmware to devices
- myhand — MyHand Bot, an advanced AI assistant, leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT, capable of engaging in conversations, executing codes, and assisting you with a wide range of tasks.
- neon-skill-date-time — no summary
- ohmyoled — 64x32 Oled Matrix Display
- olxsearch — Download small ad listings from OLX marketplaces"
- ovos-local-backend — mock mycroft backend
- ovos-skill-date-time — ovos skill plugin
- perfunctory — perfunctory
- plbmng — Tool for monitoring PlanetLab network
- poi-kml — This module defines classes and functions for converting a CSV file of points of interest with addresses to a KML file for importing into mapping software.
- projectpro — Code execution logging
- pyaemet — Python module to interact with the AEMET API to download meteorological data
- pyden — A Python API for info from the City and County of Denver, CO
- pyintelowl — Robust Python SDK and CLI for IntelOwl's API
- pythreatmatrix — Robust Python SDK and CLI for ThreatMatrix's API
- pyxa — pyXA is an open-source, flexible, high-performance function serving framework for Charlotte AI.
- securetea — SecureTea
- sentinel-downloader — A Python package for downloading and processing Sentinel satellite images.
- sketchpy — sketchpy
- Skills-ML — Algorithms for Jobs/skills taxonomy creation
- sparsezoo — Neural network model repository for highly sparse and sparse-quantized models with matching sparsification recipes
- sparsezoo-nightly — Neural network model repository for highly sparse and sparse-quantized models with matching sparsification recipes
- termocast — A simple weather cli
- TEStribute — Task distribution for GA4GH TES instances
- thejourneyplanner — Plan a quick walk in the car!
- timezoneutils — Package For timezoneutils
- tkintermapview — A python Tkinter widget to display image tile maps like OpenStreetMap or Satellite Images.
- traceCarbon — no summary
- tuesday — A python package for automation
- twitter-demographer — Twitter Demographer
- usaddress-scourgify — Clean US addresses following USPS pub 28 and RESO guidelines
- UTDF2GMNS — A tool to convert utdf file to GMNS format.
- VertFlow — Apache Airflow operator for running Google Cloud Run Jobs using green energy
- weathermap — Openweathermap api simplified
- welp — what should i eat?
- whereisip — Get the geolocation of the current server
- wolkenbruch — Send an e-mail reminder if precipitation is forecast