Reverse Dependencies of gensim
The following projects have a declared dependency on gensim:
- 170051277-trab-final-gces — Pacote utilizado para o deploy do trabalho final da disciplina Gerência de Configuração e Evolução de Software (GCES).
- 2022-2-gces-ifpf — no summary
- aamraz — This project is a collection of Natural Language Processing tools for Kurdish Language.
- acdh-spacytei — A package to ease processing (not only) TEI documents with spaCy
- adaptkeybert — AdaptKeyBERT extended keyphrase extraction with zero-shot and few-shot semi-supervised domain adaptation.
- AdDownloader — A cmd tool for downloading ads and their media content from the Meta Ad Library.
- ads-linguistics — The ADS Linguistic Library
- advanced-data-processing — An advanced data processing pipeline for machine learning workflows
- advdpp — An advanced data processing pipeline
- agl_anonymizer_pipeline — This package is made to censor sensitive data in images and extract the contents. NER is planned for the future.
- ai-dataproc — no summary
- aibox-nlp — AiBox Natural Language Processing Toolkit.
- aideml — Autonomous AI for Data Science and Machine Learning
- aiflow — AI Flow, an extend operators library for airflow, which helps AI engineer to write less, reuse more, integrate easily.
- aksara — Aksara is an Indonesian NLP tool that conforms to the Universal Dependencies (UD) v2
- align — Analyzing Linguistic Interaction with Generalizable techNiques. Read the latest ALIGN tutorials.
- alita-sdk — SDK for building langchain agents using resouces from Alita
- AMLpp — Wrapper for ml library
- AMPLE-AIML-Model — no summary
- analysta-index — Extension of Langchain loaders, llms and retrievers for Analysta
- angel-tag — An Ancient Greek Morphology Tagger
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- annif — Automated subject indexing and classification tool
- ansible-aisnippet — Ansible-aisnippet Generate ansible tasks with ChatGPT.
- antivirals — Finding antivirals for the novel coronavirus.
- antm — Aligned Neural Topic Model for Exploring Evolving Topics
- aovec — Make Word2Vec from aozorabunko/aozorabunko
- application-gces-2-2022-douglasmonteles — no summary
- article-history — A tool to find similarity between (historic) articles
- arxivquery — A simple wrapper for extracting Arxiv search results to a workable dataframe
- ASAPPpy — Semantic Textual Similarity and Dialogue System package for Python
- asia-ds1-toolbox — Toolbox for Asia data science challenge
- asreview — ASReview LAB - A tool for AI-assisted systematic reviews
- AuDoLab — With AuDoLab you can do LDA on highly imbalanced datasets.
- augly-jp — Data Augmentation for Japanese Text
- autoai-libs — A library of transformers to support portable representations of AutoAI pipelines
- autoanno — Investigation into using AutoML and Topological Data Analysis for Automated Annotation
- AutoChatbot — Package that makes chatbots automatically
- autodl-gpu — Automatic Deep Learning, towards fully automated multi-label classification for image, video, text, speech, tabular data.
- autogoal-gensim — Gensim algorithm library wrapper for AutoGOAL
- autogoal-nltk — Scikit-learn algorithm library wrapper for AutoGOAL
- autopipeline — no summary
- autotm — Automatic hyperparameters tuning for topic models (ARTM approach) using evolutionary algorithms
- AxlNLP — my nlp tools
- azureml-automl-runtime — Contains the ML and non-Azure specific common code associated with running AutoML for public use.
- azureml-contrib-explain-model — no summary
- azureml-contrib-interpret — ML contrib interpret package contains experimental functionality to interpret ML models
- azureml-designer-classic-modules — A variety of modules for data processing, model training, inferencing and evaluation.
- azureml-train-automl-runtime — Used for automatically finding the best machine learning model and its parameters.
- azureml-training-tabular — Contains ML models, featurizers and scoring code which can either be used with AutoML or standalone.
- bagofconcepts — This is python implementation of Bag-of-Concepts, as proposed by the paper "Bag-of-Concepts: Comprehending Document Representation through Clustering Words in Distributed Representation"
- BahnarTextAugmentation — Bahnar Text Augmentation
- bambu-qsar — bambu (bioassays model builder) is CLI tool to build QSAR models based on PubChem BioAssays datasets
- BanglaFastText — no summary
- banrep — Analítica de Texto en el Banco de la República
- bardi — A flexible machine learning data pre-processing pipeline framework.
- bedrock — Bedrock is a high-level text pre-processing API, written in Python and can run on NLTK or Spacy as its backends.
- bella-tdsa — Target Dependent Sentiment Analysis (TDSA) framework.
- bengalinlp — BengaliNLP is a natural language processing toolkit for Bengali Language
- berteley — Topic modeling for scientific articles
- bertopic — BERTopic performs topic Modeling with state-of-the-art transformer models.
- bio-embeddings — A pipeline for protein embedding generation and visualization
- biotranslator — BioTranslator: Cross-modal Translation for Zero-shot Biomedical Classification
- blast-embedding — A BLAST-like algorithm using embeddings for bioinformatics
- Blauwal3-Network — 用于网络的蓝鲸数据挖掘附加组件。
- blessmore — A python package to load Shona FastText embeddings,Train Fasttext Embedding and clean Shona text data
- BlueWhale3-Network — 用于网络的蓝鲸数据挖掘附加组件。
- BnFeatureExtraction — no summary
- bnlp-toolkit — BNLP is a natural language processing toolkit for Bengali Language
- BnVec — no summary
- botiverse — botiverse is a chatbot library that offers a high-level API to access a diverse set of chatbot models
- bpemb — Byte-pair embeddings in 275 languages
- brainwalk — Spatial graph embeddings for ObsidianMD
- breds — Bootstrapping Relationship Extraction with Distributional Semantics
- bs-ds — A collection of tools from bootcamp.
- bugbug — ML tools for Mozilla projects
- build2vec — Python package for building data embeddings
- bundestag — Download, parse and analyse votes in the german federal parliament, aka 'Bundestag'
- bunkatopics — Bunkatopics is a Topic Modeling package and Exploration Module
- bytetrade-recommend-model-sdk — no summary
- c2xg — Construction Grammars for Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics
- CangJie — This project aims to provide multiple knowledge tracing models.
- capstone-text-mining — Capstone Text Mining Techniques
- catd — A Chinese co-word analysis with topic discovery package
- cbc-nlp — Simplify NLP pre-processing.
- ccheck — A human-friendly framework for testing and evaluating LLMs, RAGs, and chatbots.
- — Cognitive Data Transformer for text, image, audio, and video processing
- centroid-summarizer — Extractive text summarization using centroid distance
- cepy — Implementation of the connectome embedding workflow.
- chatbot-demo — no summary
- checkpointed-steps — no summary
- ciderpolarity — no summary
- cinnamon-generic — [Generic Package] A simple high-level framework for research
- CLaF — CLaF: Clova Language Framework
- classification-text-email — compiled packages
- cltk — The Classical Language Toolkit
- cntm — Citation-informed Neural Topic Models
- CodeComb — no summary
- cogdl — An Extensive Research Toolkit for Deep Learning on Graphs
- coggle — 数据挖掘和人工智能项目最佳实践