Reverse Dependencies of Genshi
The following projects have a declared dependency on Genshi:
- asm — Python API ASM carrier
- bots-ediint — Bots open source edi translator
- collective.recipe.template — Buildout recipe to generate a text file from a template
- ena-upload-cli — Command Line Interface to upload data to the European Nucleotide Archive
- erpbrasil.edoc.pdf — Impressão de documentos fiscais a partir do XML: NF-E, NFC-E, CT-E, MDF-E, GNRE e etc.
- hcoop-meetbot — Plugin for Limnoria to help run IRC meetings
- html5 — HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification
- html5lib — HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification
- html5lib-modern — HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification
- htmldiff2 — Diffs arbitrary HTML inline.
- — DVD and other multimedia tools
- — main website
- librarypaste — A simple pastebin implemented in Python
- lribeiro.cherrypy.templating.genshi — Genshi renderer for lribeiro.cherrypy.templating
- m9s-trytond — Tryton Server
- mondialrelay — Python API MondialRelay carrier
- mrw — Python API MRW carrier
- Nitrous — Nitrous gives TurboGears 1 a boost
- odoo12-addon-report-py3o — Reporting engine based on Libreoffice (ODT -> ODT, ODT -> PDF, ODT -> DOC, ODT -> DOCX, ODS -> ODS, etc.)
- odoo13-addon-report-py3o — Reporting engine based on Libreoffice (ODT -> ODT, ODT -> PDF, ODT -> DOC, ODT -> DOCX, ODS -> ODS, etc.)
- onegov.core — Contains code shared by all OneGov applications.
- pagemarks — Free, git-backed, self-hosted bookmarks
- pages — Static site generator
- py3o.template — An easy solution to design reports using LibreOffice
- Pylons — Pylons Web Framework
- pypagedlist — Easy paging through SQLAlchemy query object
- recapturedocs — Library for
- relatorio — A templating library able to output odt and pdf files
- rst2html5 — Generates (X)HTML5 documents from standalone reStructuredText sources
- rst2html5slides — rst2html5slides generates a slideshow from a reStructuredText file.
- seurvalencia — Python API Seur Valencia carrier
- sprox-jmr — A package for creation of web widgets directly from database schema.
- tg.devtools — TurboGears 2 DevTools is a command-line toolkit that streamlines TurboGears2 development.
- trytond — Tryton server
- trytond_account_payment_sepa — Tryton module for SEPA payment
- trytond_account_payment_sepa_cfonb — Tryton module for CFONB SEPA payment
- trytond-edocument-uncefact — Tryton module for electronic document UN/CEFACT
- trytond-marketing-automation — Tryton module to plan, coordinate and manage marketing campaigns
- trytond_notification_email — Tryton module for sending email notifications
- TurboGears2 — Next generation TurboGears
- tw2.fontawesome — ToscaWidgets 2 wrapper for FontAwesome
- tw2.recaptcha2 — ToscaWidgets2 widget for Google reCAPTCHA API v2.0
- vipersci — The VIPER Science package is software to support the activities of the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) Science Team.
- wordstream — word streamer; conversational and dissociatively play with text with a command line and web interface