Reverse Dependencies of GDAL
The following projects have a declared dependency on GDAL:
- 5dee — A package to install all necessary dependencies for spatial compute and remote agtech
- agri-tech — Loading and using Lidardata
- AgricolAI — AI Module for Agricultural application
- anuga — A set of python modules for tsunami and flood modelling
- apls — CosmiQ Works APLS Metric Implementation
- appmar — Python program for marine climate analysis.
- asf-tools — Tools developed by ASF for working with SAR data
- AST-data-eng — Data engineering for large scale geospatial datasets
- basinex — A basin extractor.
- bdcctools — Biodiversity Data Cleaning and Curation Tools
- BERATools — An advanced forest line feature analysis platform
- biopal — BIOMASS Product Algorithm Laboratory
- bipl — Openslide/libtiff/GDAL ndarray-like interface and lazy parallel tile-based processing
- burst2safe — A package for converting ASF-derived Sentinel-1 burst SLC products to the ESA SAFE format
- carst — Cryoshpere And Remote Sensing Toolkit
- cartolidar — Lidar data processing tools focused on Spanish PNOA datasets
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- catchment — A python package for catchment delineation
- ccfx — This package implifies regular coommon actions for quick prototyping in a user friendly way
- centerline — Calculate the centerline of a polygon
- cgls-cpe — This package is in the cgls cloud processing environment
- citycatio — CityCAT extension to create inputs and convert outputs
- cmaqsatproc — Processor to grid satellite data for comparison to CMAQ.
- cml-pam — The Population activity Modeller (PAM) is a python API for activity sequence modelling.
- coastal-resilience-utilities — A utility package for coastal resilience analysis.
- cog-generator — This package wraps around the native GDAL library which enables Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs generation at ease into your Python projects.
- cogeotiff — Cloud Optimized GeoTiff utility tools.
- CometTS — Time series trend analysis tools for user defined polygons in any time series of overhead imagery
- ConGen — Creating conservation planning datasets intuitively by playing with parameters and getting instant visualized feedback
- crash-mapping-tools — Standalone tools for processing crash data
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- cropmirror — 云稷基础算法库
- crs — Geographic Coordinate Reference System Encapsulation and Conversion
- cugdth — A Python package for GeoTIFF file handling
- cwbplot — Central weather bureau rfs team and open data useful tool for daily wrok.
- d-arth — The Satellite Imagery DataSet Toolkit
- datadings — datadings is a collection of tools to prepare datasets for machine learning. It's easy to use, space-efficient, and blazingly fast.
- deafrica-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Africa data.
- Delft-FIAT — Delft Fast Impact Assessment Tool
- detectree2 — Detectree packaging
- dgm1 — DEM from NRW (Germany)
- digitalarztools — Digital Arz tools for applications
- digitalearth — visualization package
- django-rgd — no summary
- djangocms-zb-organizations — Zibanu Organizations Plugin for Django CMS
- dlgis — Data Library GIS datasets
- dokanalyse — Arealanalyse av DOK-datasett
- DSSE — The Drone Swarm Search project provides an environment for SAR missions built on PettingZoo, where agents, represented by drones, are tasked with locating targets identified as shipwrecked individuals.
- earth2observe — remote sensing package
- ecodatatk — Developed for limnological and hydrological studies
- ecodev-cloud — Read/write helpers for disk/aws s3/azure blob storage
- ecometpy — ecometpy Library for FENGYUN Satellite
- ecoscape-layers — EcoScape habitat and matrix layer creation
- EEDL — Code to export arbitrarily large areas of data from Earth Engine to local storage and optionally process data locally afterward
- eis_toolkit — EIS Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of tools suitable for mineral prospectivity mapping. This toolkit has been developed as part of the Exploration Information System project which has been funded by European Union.
- elwood — An open source dataset transformation, standardization, and normalization python library.
- eobox — A toolbox for processing earth observation data with Python.
- eodatasets3 — Packaging, metadata and provenance for OpenDataCube EO3 datasets
- EOxServer — EOxServer is a server for Earth Observation (EO) data
- epippy — Expansion Planning Input Preprocessing in Python
- ESMValTool — ESMValTool: A community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP.
- etrainee-m4-utils — A package containing utilities for classification exercises in module 4 of e-trainee.
- example-pkg-eischaefer — A small example package
- excimer_referencer — A package to reference .jpeg, .bmp. and .png images using .xml metadata produced by an Excimer laser ablation system.
- fauxgeo — programmatically generate geospatial rasters for testing
- fgdb-to-gpkg — A lightweight Python package that converts Esri File GeoDataBases into OGC GeoPackages
- flask-tileserver — Locally serve geospatial raster tiles in the Slippy Map standard.
- forestatrisk — Modelling and forecasting deforestation in the tropics
- FragStatsPy — A Python wrapper for Fragstats.
- frontpy — FrontPy is a Python package designed for the detection and analysis of atmospheric fronts. It uses the Thermal Front Parameter (TFP) method to identify cold and warm fronts. The package also includes visualization capabilities, allowing users to plot the identified fronts over GOES-16 satellite imagery.
- fuslib2021 — Library for remote sensing images fusion
- fypy — fypy Package for FENGYUN Satellite
- GDAL-ecw — no summary
- gdal-mrr — no summary
- gdal-sid — no summary
- gdal-utils — gdal-utils: An extension library for GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
- gdal2numpy — An utils functions package
- gdalos — a simple gdal translate/warp/addo python wrapper for raster batch processing
- gdalTools — some useful tools in gdal
- gecosistema-gdal — A core functions package
- geefcc — Forest cover change from Google Earth Engine
- geocover-utils — Set of library and tools to work with GeoCover data (
- geodatacrawler — a crawler script to extract and author metadata of spatial datasets
- geodataExtent — Package for extracting the time and spatial extent of Geodata
- geodataflow.spatial — GeodataFlow backend implementation with GDAL/OGR library (OSGeo).
- geode-ml — Classes and methods to help with the creation of geospatial training datasets and deep-learning models.
- geofileops — Python toolbox to process large vector files faster.
- geogis — GIS tools based on GDAL
- geogst — geogst is a structural geology module
- geoio — Geo image reading/writing tools.
- geometamaker — metadata creation for geospatial data
- geonode-importer — no summary
- georasters — Tools for working with Geographical Information System Rasters
- georastertools — Collection of tools for raster data
- georeader — Module for reading spatial data files and services
- geosardine — Spatial operations extend fiona and rasterio
- geoserver-rest — Package for GeoServer rest API
- geoshiny — GIS data renderer
- geoslurp — Python postgreSQL-PostGIS client for managing earth science datasets
- geospace — Geospatial processing library based on GDAL and Google Earth Engine