Reverse Dependencies of future
The following projects have a declared dependency on future:
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- a2svm — Simple CLI tool to create and delete easily virtual hosts in Apache.
- aa-rag — RAG server for ai2apps.
- aap-client-python — AAP Client
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- abagnale — Generate fake traffic to websites.
- ablelabs — no summary
- AcademicTorrents — Academic Torrents Python APIs
- acdcserver — no summary
- acq400-hapi — A python package for connection ACQ400 series D-TACQ products.
- acryl-PyHive — Python interface to Hive
- ActiveDirectoryEnum — Enumerate Active Directory with standard vectors
- acts — Android Comms Test Suite
- adaptdl-sched — Dynamic-resource trainer and scheduler for deep learning
- adaptdl-sched-modified-pandyaka — Dynamic-resource trainer and scheduler for deep learning
- AdaptiveDecisionMaking-2018 — Code and lab resources for Neural and Cognitive Models of Adaptive Decision Making course (2018)
- addm-toolbox — A toolbox for data analysis using the attentional drift-diffusion model.
- adg — A powerful diagram generator and evaluator for many-body formalisms in physics and chemistry
- ADMCode — Code and lab resources for Neural and Cognitive Models of Adaptive Decision Making course (2018)
- adsmsg — Interpipeline communication messages
- adsputils — ADS Pipeline Utils
- advutils — advanced utilities for general purposes
- aep-parser — A .aep (After Effects Project) parser
- afh-dl — A command-line tool for downloading files from AndroidFileHost.
- agavepy — SDK for Tapis
- agent360 — 360 agent
- agentcrypt — Symmetric encryption using the ssh-agent
- agfusion — Python package to annotate and visualize gene fusions.
- agrc-usaddress — Parse US (optimized for Utah by AGRC) addresses using conditional random fields
- agsadmin — ArcGIS Server REST Admin API Proxy
- agsconfig — Provides classes that can edit ArcGIS service configuration as either running services (ArcGIS Server Admin JSON format) or Service Definition Drafts.
- agstools — ArcGIS Server 10.1+ Administrative Command-Line Tools
- agstream — Agriscope python library to access data
- ahocorapy — ahocorapy - Pure python ahocorasick implementation
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- aiida-fleur — AiiDA Plugin for running the FLEUR code and its input generator. Also includes high-level workchains and utilities
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- airflow-fs — Composable filesystem hooks and operators for Airflow.
- aironsuit — A model wrapper for automatic model design and visualization purposes.
- ak-androguard — A fork of official Androguard project. Androguard is a full python tool to play with Android files.
- ak-frame-extractor — Python-based GUI tool to extract frames from video files produced with Azure Kinect cameras.
- ak-minio — MinIO Python Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage for Python
- akeyless-ansible — Ansible plugins for Akeyless
- aleph — ALEPH is a bioinformatics tool for structure interpretation and generation of fragment-based library for Molecular Replacement.
- aliceoverwatch — ALICE OVERWATCH: Online Monitoring via the HLT
- alignak — Alignak is a monitoring framework compatible with Nagios configuration and plugins
- alignak_backend — Alignak REST backend
- alignak_backend_client — Alignak REST backend client library
- alignak-backend-import — Alignak backend import
- allensdk — core libraries for the allensdk.
- allure-additions — pytest plugin for adding additional information into allure report
- alo7-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- AltAnalyze3 — AltAnalyze3: Advanced RNA-Seq Analysis Workflow
- ampdata — Ampiato AmpData Python library.
- ampersand — The really, really minimalistic static site generator
- AnduinBridge — Wraps injected Anduin DB routines in REST API.
- angel-cd — Community Discovery algorithm
- angelcommunity — Community Discovery algorithm
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anpy — Python client for website
- ansible-inventory-manage — Ansible Inventory CRUD library
- ansible-vault-manager — Python tool to manage Ansible vault-ids
- anthem — Make your Odoo scripts sing.
- anticipate — A type checking and adapting library
- antinex-core — AntiNex publisher-subscriber core for processing training and prediction requests for deep neural networks to detect network exploits using Keras and Tensorflow in near real-time.
- antinex-utils — AntiNex Utilities for Keras and Tensorflow
- ants-client — ANTS Framework client
- anuga — A set of python modules for tsunami and flood modelling
- anvil-uplink — The Anvil server uplink library
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- Apache-TrafficControl — Python API Client for Traffic Control
- APASVO — A graphical tool to perform event detection/picking in seismic traces.
- api-cloudvps-py — Basic api client for cloudvps
- api-py — Python client library for the Voxel51 Platform API.
- apigee-python — Apigee python client.
- ApiMeter — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- apiutil — Boiler plate for coding against APIs.
- apmto — Simple python package wrapper for converting apple media formatted files into high-compatible formats.
- appr — cloud-native app registry server
- apricopt — A library for simulation-based parameter optimization
- apricotpy — A python event loop with persistence support
- archetypal — Retrieve, construct, simulate, convert and analyse building archetypes
- arcimboldo — a suite of programs for x-ray diffraction structure solution
- arcpyext — Extended functionality for Esri's ArcPy site-package
- argo-events — Community Maintained Python client for Argo Events
- argus-gui — Tools for 3D camera calibration and reconstruction with graphical user interfaces
- armory — Python utilities and tools
- asap-ban-machine-model — no summary
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- aseqe — Python API for the Quantum Espresso software
- ashpool — A quick and easy way to reconcile two data series.
- askoclics — Askomics CLI
- asn1PERser — Parse ASN.1 schemas into Python code and encode/decode them using PER encoder
- Aspidites — Aspidites is the reference implementation of the Woma Language
- astro-tigger-lsm — Python libraries and command-line tools for manipulating Tigger LSMs
- astrojobs — Get the latest astronomy job and rumor news in your command line.
- astrophysix — Astrophysical simulation project documentation package
- atlasapi — Expose MongoDB Atlas Cloud provider APIs
- atm — Auto Tune Models