Reverse Dependencies of furo
The following projects have a declared dependency on furo:
- cvfe — Canada Visa Forms (5257e and 5645e) Extractor.
- cvi — A Python package for both batch and incremental cluster validity indices.
- cx_Freeze — Create standalone executables from Python scripts
- cybee-grove — A Software as a Service (SaaS) log collection framework.
- cython-cmake — CMake helpers for building Cython modules
- cyto-dl — Collection of representation learning models, techniques, callbacks, utils, used to create latent variable models of cell shape, morphology and intracellular organization.
- dacy — A Danish pipeline trained in SpaCy that has achieved State-of-the-Art performance on all dependency parsing, NER and POS-tagging for Danish
- darbiadev-hermes — Shipping tooling
- darbiadev-onsite — Access OnSite data through FileMaker's JDBC integration
- darbiadev-sands — A wrapper for S&S' API.
- darbiadev-shipping — darbiadev-shipping
- darbiadev-shipping-types — A set of types to provide a consistent interface across multiple packages
- darbiadev-ups — A wrapper for UPS' API
- dask-ngs — Scalable access to bioinformatics data with Dask.
- data-annalist — Audit trail generator for data processing scripts.
- dataclasses-sqlitedict — Sqlite backed dataclasses. It is a light weight persistent storage for dataclasses.
- dataClay — Python distributed data store that enables remotely access and method execution.
- datacompy — Dataframe comparison in Python
- datapackage-convert — Convert your datapackages
- datarobotx — DataRobotX is a collection of DataRobot extensions
- datasette — An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
- datasette-enrichments — Tools for running enrichments against data stored in Datasette
- dbetto — A tiny text file based database
- dbsnaplake — A framework that convert Any Database Snapshot to Analytical Friendly Data Lake.
- dbus-objects — no summary
- dcbench — This is a benchmark that tests various data-centric aspects of improving the quality of machine learning workflows.
- debutizer — A tool for managing APT packages
- deduplicationdict — A dictionary that de-duplicates values.
- deepview — Base Data and Network Introspection Kit (DeepView) Library.
- deface-social — Liberate your posts from Facebook
- desktop-notifier — Python library for cross-platform desktop notifications
- dgipy — Python wrapper for accessing an instance of DGIdb v5 database
- dice-lib — Python Library for DICE
- dictdumper — DictDumper: comprehensive network packet analysis library
- DiffeRT2d — 2D Toolbox for Differentiable Ray Tracing
- digital-experiments — Keep track of digital experiments.
- dipcoatimage-finitedepth — Image analysis for finite depth dip coating process
- dirtem — Directory Template
- — Asynchronous Python API wrapper for the Discord Gateway API and Discord REST API.
- Discord-Advert-Framework — Framework for periodic advertisements on Discord
- discord-ext-ipcx — Maintained and updated version of discord-ext-ipc for v2
- discord-ext-modal-paginator — An extension for that allows you to paginate a Modal using buttons.
- discord-ext-music — An easy-to-use music extension for
- discord.http — Python library that handles interactions from Discord POST requests.
- discord-py-paginators — Extension for that provides various paginators.
- — Simple tools for
- disease-normalizer — VICC normalization routines for diseases
- divina — Package for causal, scalable forecasting
- dj-angles — Add more bracket angles to Django templates </>
- dj-blacksmith — Django Bindings for Blacksmith
- djalgo — A music composition toolkit
- django-cachekey — An smarter way to manage Django cache keys, inspired by Tanstack Query.
- django-email-relay — Centralize and relay email from multiple distributed Django projects to an internal SMTP server via a database queue.
- django-environ — A package that allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
- django-environ-plus — A package that allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
- django-fbv — Utilities to make function-based views cleaner, more efficient, and better tasting.
- django-ledger — Double entry accounting system built on the Django Web Framework.
- django-microsoft-auth — Simple app to enable Microsoft Account, Office 365 and Xbox Live authentcation as a Django authentcation backend.
- django-opfield — A custom Django field for storing and securely accessing a 1Password vault item.
- django-organizations — Group accounts for Django
- django-owm — Weather from the Open Weather Map APIs
- django-q-registry — A Django app to register periodic Django Q tasks.
- django-rich-logging — A prettier way to see Django requests while developing.
- django-signoffs — A mico-framework for collecting lightweight, non-crypto "signatures" for virtually anything.
- django-simple-nav — A simple, flexible, and extensible navigation menu for Django.
- django-twc-toolbox — Various tools for Django projects at The Westervelt Company.
- django-unicorn — A magical full-stack framework for Django.
- django-unicorn-gbusby — (Fork)A magical full-stack framework for Django.
- djpress — A blog application for Django sites, inspired by classic WordPress.
- dm-robotics-panda — Panda model for dm_robotics.
- dmgbuild — macOS command line utility to build disk images
- dmme — Diffusion Models Made Easy
- dMO — A package for learning cutting planes for mixed-integer optimization problems.
- dnnf — dnnf - dnn property falsification
- dnnv — dnnv - deep neural network verification
- dns-exporter — Multi-target Prometheus exporter with an exclusive focus on DNS monitoring
- doccmd — Run commands against code blocks in reStructuredText and Markdown files.
- docfly — A utility tool to help you build better sphinx documents.
- doex — Python library for conducting design of experiments
- doiget-tdm — A command-line application and Python library for obtaining the metadata and full-text of published journal articles for text data mining (TDM) purposes.
- domino — no summary
- donatello-py — A asynchronous/synchronous python wrapper for the Donatello API.
- dotnetinteropt — A high-level .NET interop library for Python
- doubletdetection — Method to detect and enable removal of doublets from single-cell RNA-sequencing.
- dqsegdb2 — Simplified python interface to DQSEGDB
- dropbox-index — Creates index.html for directory contents shared publicly on Dropbox. Easily share whole content of the directory without the need to send separate links for each file.
- drs.drslib — a set of libraries by DavidRodriguezSoaresCUI
- dslclib — 対話システムライブコンペティションに使用できるPythonライブラリ
- DSM_0.2 — Библиотека прогнозных моделей DSM
- dspeed — Fast Digital Signal Processing for particle detectors in Python
- dwas — dwas is a command line tool to define and run your development workflows
- dymoval — Dymoval is a Python package for analyzing measurements data and validate models.
- dynamic-metadata — This project is intended to document dynamic-metadata support.
- dynamodb-cache — A simple Dynamodb backed cache with TTL.
- dynsight — Simplifies analysis of Molecular Dynamics simulations.
- easyidp — A handy tool for dealing with region of interest (ROI) on the image reconstruction (Metashape & Pix4D) outputs, mainly in agriculture applications
- eddymotion — Pure python eddy-current and head-motion correction for dMRI, an extension of QSIprep's SHOREline algorithm (Cieslak, 2020) to multiple diffusion models.
- edges-cal — Calibration routines for EDGES data
- edges-io — Module for reading EDGES data and working with EDGES databases.
- edgetest — Bleeding edge dependency testing