Reverse Dependencies of ftfy
The following projects have a declared dependency on ftfy:
- pixeltable — AI Data Infrastructure: Declarative, Multimodal, and Incremental
- polos — [CVPR24] Polos: Multimodal Metric Learning from Human Feedback for Image Captioning
- ppdiffusers — PPDiffusers: Diffusers toolbox implemented based on PaddlePaddle
- py-data-modori — LMOps Tool for Korean
- py-metricks — Simplification of the connection to the Admetricks REST API in Python.
- pygrambank — A python library to curate Grambank data
- pyragnarok — A package to running RAG models, especially for the TREC 2023 Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) track.
- python-benedict — python-benedict is a dict subclass with keylist/keypath/keyattr support, normalized I/O operations (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml) and many utilities... for humans, obviously.
- pyThunderbird — python based access to Thunderbird mail with nicegui frontend
- pytorch-fcd — Package for calculating Frechet CLIP Distance (FCD) using PyTorch
- qai-hub-models — Models optimized for export to run on device.
- qai-scraper — QAI Web Scraper
- qai-server — no summary
- rank-llm — A Package for running prompt decoders like RankVicuna
- related-ontologies — A package to generate related clinical ontologies (LOINC, SNOMED-CT)
- rer.solrpush — Prodotto per Regione Emilia-Romagna relativo all'indicizzazione dei contenuti con solr
- rer.ufficiostampa — Policy for Ufficio Stampa
- rf-clip — no summary
- salesforce-lavis — LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence
- samagra-docparser — Document Parser built to extract information from pdfs.
- scrapedict — Scrape HTML to dictionaries
- scraptrawler — Tools for scraping Magic: the Gathering tournaments and decklists.
- self-supervised — Self Supervised Learning Algorithms with Fastai
- Shiba — A Python API for PriceMinister WebServices
- sm-grams — no summary
- smashed — SMASHED is a toolkit designed to apply transformations to samples in datasets, such as fields extraction, tokenization, prompting, batching, and more. Supports datasets from Huggingface, torchdata iterables, or simple lists of dictionaries.
- spacy-pytorch-transformers — spaCy pipelines for pre-trained BERT and other transformers
- SqueakyCleanText — A comprehensive text cleaning and preprocessing pipeline.
- squp — A backend engine for Squarespace that uses splinter/selenium for automated data entry
- stablefused — StableFused is a toy library to experiment with Stable Diffusion inspired by 🤗 diffusers and various other sources!
- standardebooks — The toolset used to produce Standard Ebooks epub ebooks.
- stepcutis — A document analysis program
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- surya-ocr — OCR, layout, reading order, and table recognition in 90+ languages
- surya-ocr-vlite — OCR, layout analysis, and line detection in 90+ languages
- svdiff-pytorch — Implementation of 'SVDiff: Compact Parameter Space for Diffusion Fine-Tuning'
- t2v-metrics — Evaluating Text-to-Visual Generation with Image-to-Text Generation.
- t2wml-api — Programming API for T2WML, a cell-based Language for mapping tables into wikidata records
- tabcmd — A command line client for working with Tableau Server.
- table-linker — no summary
- tailors-fast — no summary
- tedective-etl — The XML-to-OCDS parser for the TEDective project based on lxml
- terratorch — TerraTorch - A model training toolkit for geospatial tasks
- test-data-modori — LMOps Tool for Korean
- texify — OCR for latex images
- text-dedup — no summary
- text-machina — Text Machina: Seamless Generation of Machine-Generated Text Datasets
- text2math — Simple package for generating ngrams and bag of words representation from text.
- textdescriptives — A library for calculating a variety of features from text using spaCy
- TextPinner — A python library for pinning a text to one of texts list. Useful for natural commands parsing.
- tha — A Khmer Text Normalization and Verbalization Toolkit.
- thingsvision — Extracting image features from state-of-the-art neural networks for Computer Vision made easy
- ThreeDJCG — Joint Captioning and Grounding
- tknlp — no summary
- torchmultimodal-nightly — PyTorch Multimodal Library
- transformers — State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow
- turbo-alignment — turbo-alignment repository
- twitter-nlp-toolkit — Tools for collecting , processing and analyzing twitter data
- unibench — This repository is designed to simplify the evaluation process of vision-language models. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and scripts for evaluating VLM models and benchmarks.
- unimernet — UniMERNet: A Universal Network for Real-World Mathematical Expression Recognition
- unipercept — UniPecept: A unified framework for perception tasks focusing on research applications that require a high degree of flexibility and customization.
- UniversalClassifier — A python library for classifying images.
- v-clip-server — Embed images and sentences into fixed-length vectors via CLIP
- v-diffusion-pytorch — v objective diffusion inference code for PyTorch.
- versatile-audio-upscaler — Versatile AI-driven audio upscaler to enhance the quality of any audio.
- versatile-audio-upscaler-fixed — Versatile AI-driven audio upscaler to enhance the quality of any audio -- Now supporting Numpy +1.26
- visen — Format Vietnamese string tone
- vision-aided-loss — Vision-aided GAN training
- visualcomet — Codebase for the Visual COMeT model code
- vktrs — Video Killed The Radio Star
- wdoc — A perfect AI powered RAG for document query and summary. Supports ~all LLM and ~all filetypes (url, pdf, epub, youtube (incl playlist), audio, anki, md, docx, pptx, oe any combination!)
- words-n-fun — Semantic library of the Data Services agency
- x-clip — X-CLIP
- XEdu-python — XEdu
- xklb — xk library
- xLSTM — A novel LSTM variant with promising performance compared to Transformers or State Space Models.
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.