Reverse Dependencies of fs-s3fs
The following projects have a declared dependency on fs-s3fs:
- akurdyukov-tap-clickhouse — `tap-clickhouse` is a Singer tap for ClickHouse, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- bazaar — Agnostic file storage
- BentoML — BentoML: The easiest way to serve AI apps and models
- django-pyfs — Django pyfilesystem integration
- efs — A simple wrapper around fs to work with flask and switch between local and s3fs
- eo-grow — Earth observation framework for scaled-up processing in Python
- eo-learn — Earth observation processing framework for machine learning in Python
- fort-health-tap-healthie — `tap-healthie` is a Singer tap for Healthie, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- fugue-cloudprovider — A collection of utils for Fugue to run on cloud providers
- graphchain — An efficient cache for the execution of dask graphs.
- jupyter-fs — A Filesystem-like mult-contents manager backend for Jupyter
- kentoml — no summary
- kingalban-tap-userflow — `tap-userflow` is a Singer tap for UserFlow, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- liiatools-dagster — Children's Services Data Tools - Utilities for cleaning and normalising CS data by Social Finance
- lp-backup — Script to create local backups from Lastpass
- mantik — mantik for mlflow
- meltano-tap-hubspot — `tap-hubspot` is a Singer tap for tap-hubspot, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- meltanolabs-tap-mysql — `tap-mysql` is a Singer tap for mysql, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- msaFilesystem — Agnostic Abstract Filesystem API which allows to use S3, GCS, Azure Datalake, your local FS, Youtube etc Optimized for use with FastAPI/Pydantic.
- ocfl-py — ocfl-py - A Python implementation of OCFL
- openedx-django-pyfs — Django pyfilesystem integration
- oviond-tap-active-campaign — Singer tap for ActiveCampaign, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- oviond-tap-drip — Singer tap for Drip, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- oviond-tap-go-high-level — Singer tap for GoHighLevel, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- oviond-tap-keyword — Singer tap for keyword, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- oviond-tap-mailchimp — Singer tap for Mailchimp, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- oviond-tap-moosend — Singer tap for Moosend, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- oviond-tap-shopify — Singer tap for shopify, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- oviond-tap-stripe — Singer tap for Stripe, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- oviond-tap-vimeo — Singer tap for Vimeo, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- oviond-tap-whatconverts — Singer tap for WhatConverts, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- shaped-target-clickhouse — `target-clickhouse` is a Singer target for clickhouse, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- singer-sdk — A framework for building Singer taps
- stelar-spatiotemporal — Spatiotemporal data processing for the STELAR project
- stored-agent — A framework for building agents that persist state between interactions.
- tap-applehealth — `tap-applehealth` is a Singer tap for Apple Health, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-brevo — Singer tap for brevo, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-clerk — `tap-clerk` is a Singer tap for Clerk, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-datateer-graphql-api — `tap-datateer-graphql-api` is a Singer tap for DatateerGraphqlApi, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-delighted — `tap-delighted` is a Singer tap for Delighted, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-ex1 — `tap-ex1` is a Singer tap for Ex1, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-exact — `tap-exact` is a Singer tap for Exact Online, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-filesanywhere — `tap-filesanywhere` is a Singer tap for extracting 'files from anywhere', built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-formbricks — Singer tap for Formbricks, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-freshservice — `tap-freshservice` is a Singer tap for Freshservice, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-geotab — `tap-geotab` is a Singer tap for Geotab, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-getresponse — `tap-getresponse` is a Singer tap for GetResponse, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-googlemeet — `tap-googlemeet` is a Singer tap for GoogleMeet, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-instantly-ai — `tap-instantly-ai` is a Singer tap for InstantlyAI, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-kiotviet — `tap-kiotviet` is a Singer tap for KiotViet, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-messagebird — `tap-messagebird` is a Singer tap for Messagebird, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-norwaycitybikeapi — `tap-norwaycitybikeapi` is a Singer tap for NorwayCityBikeAPI, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-octopus — Singer tap for Octopus, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-openexchangerates — `tap-openexchangerates` is a Singer tap for openexchangerates, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-partnerize — `tap-partnerize` is a Singer tap for Partnerize, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-paylocity — Singer tap for Paylocity, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-planetscaleapi — Singer tap for PlanetScaleAPI, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-playstore — `tap-playstore` is a Singer tap for Google PlayStore Console Reports, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-prefect — `tap-prefect` is a Singer tap for prefect, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-qualified — `tap-qualified` is a Singer tap for Qualified, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-ruddr — `tap-ruddr` is a Singer tap for ruddr, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-salesforce-connect — `tap-salesforce-connect` is a Singer tap for SalesforceConnect, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-sec — `tap-sec` is a Singer tap for tap-sec, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-shiftbase — `tap-shiftbase` is a Singer tap for shiftbase, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-stackerhq — `tap-stackerhq` is a Singer tap for StackerHQ, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- tap-totango — `tap-totango` is a Singer tap for the Totango API, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- target-db2 — `target-db2` is a Singer target for db2, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- target-firebase — Singer target for Firebase, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- target-redcap — Singer target for redcap, built with the Meltano Singer SDK.
- typhoon-orchestrator — Create asynchronous data pipelines and deploy to cloud or airflow
- xblock-sdk — XBlock SDK