Reverse Dependencies of frozenlist
The following projects have a declared dependency on frozenlist:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- aark-sdk — no summary
- aba_cli_scrapper — Scrappe all products and theirs related suppliers existing on Alibaba based on keywords provided by user and save results into a database (Mysql/Sqlite).
- act-workflow — A library for executing workflow nodes based on Actfile configuration
- acutracer — A Acuvity tracer that instruments the http calls
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- agentic-devops — Agentic DevOps Tool for automating and managing various DevOps tasks and configurations.
- ahttp-client — A framework for easy asynchronous HTTP request calling with decorations
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- AIDepot — AIDepot provides AI Access at scale. This is the python client.
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- aioblitzkrieg — @BlitzkriegAutobot asynchronous api wrapper
- aiocapsolver — Async API wrapper for
- aioguardian — A Python3 library for Elexa Guardian water valves and sensors
- aiohttp — Async http client/server framework (asyncio)
- aiolinkding — A Python3 library for Elexa Guardian water valves and sensors
- aionotion — A simple Python 3 library for Notion Home Monitoring
- aiopinboard — A Python 3, asyncio-based library for the Pinboard API
- aiorecollect — A Python 3, asyncio-based library for the ReCollect Waste API
- aiosignal — aiosignal: a list of registered asynchronous callbacks
- aiotest — Developer friendly load testing framework Based on asyncio
- aiotgbot — Asynchronous library for Telegram bot API
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- alexandria-tui — TUI application for downloading EBooks
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- ali2b-cli-scrapper — Scrappe all products and theirs related suppliers existing on Alibaba based on keywords provided by user and save results into a database (Mysql/Sqlite).
- alibaba-itag-sdk — iTAG内部用的SDK
- alibabacloud-ros-iacer — Iacer is a tool that tests Terraform and ROS(Resource Orchestration Service) templates.
- anjani — Telegram group management bot
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- arbor-process — A package for preprocessing data in the Arboretum project.
- artifi — A Automation Tool Made By Noob
- astana-hub — Get Networking cards from with ease!
- async_bakalari_api — Async API for Bakalari endpoint v3
- async-httpd-data-collector — Gateway facilitating asyncronous communication between sensory data-emitting devices, InfluxDB and the user.
- async-icq — ICQ/VK Teams Bot API interface
- asyncrepo — A library for providing a unified asyncio API for various data sources
- ategpt — ATE-GPT ('Ask, Think, Evaluate', powered by GPT) is a lightweight module for guiding a GPT-based LLM through a comprehensive thought process on any subject.
- atomgpt — atomgpt
- audiossl — no summary
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- autobiasdetector — tools for detecting bias patterns of LLMs
- azuracast-sse-client — Python SSE client for Azuracast
- b2binpay-python — Library for working with b2binpay api
- backtest-reg — no summary
- Bagels — Powerful terminal expense tracker.
- bcts-telliotfeeds — Tools for interacting with Tellor Protocol smart contracts.
- bctsag-telliotfeeds — Tools for interacting with Tellor Protocol smart contracts.
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- bindex — Commands for Beni
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- bluefin-v2-client — Library to interact with Bluefin exchange protocol including its off-chain api-gateway and on-chain contracts
- bluefin-v2-client-sui — Library to interact with Bluefin exchange protocol including its off-chain api-gateway and on-chain contracts
- bondai — An AI-powered console assistant with a versatile API for seamless integration into applications.
- BR-Logs — A wrapper for the BR-Logs API.
- BRAD-Chat — This package connects large language models with bioinformatics workflows.
- BsSalary-Extractor — This repository contains a Python program designed to execute Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Facial Recognition on images.
- calisum — A scraper and summarizer for caliap
- callbacker — Callback library for sync/async python
- can-i-charge — A CLI to fetch the status of charging stations
- candlestick-patterns — no summary
- candy-web — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- capmonstercloudclient — Official CapMonsterCloud Client:
- celeryviz — A tool for visualising execution of Celery tasks.
- cex-adaptors — no summary
- cfg-analysis-tool-py — CFG Analysis Tool
- chat_llm_cli — Simple yet effective command line client for chatting with big LLMs using the llm_lite wrapper or ollama models
- chatgptTTS — This is the simplest module for AI Conversations with TTS.
- cherry-indexer — A flexible blockchain indexing and data processing pipeline
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- chiefpay — ChiefPay Python SDK
- chunkgpt — A lightweight library for summarizing text that surpasses the token limit of specific OpenAI GPT-based models.
- chzzkpy — An unofficial Python library of Chzzk(Naver live-streaming service)
- claimm — CLI app for multi-model AI interactions
- claraterm — let AI do the heavy lifting in terminal, CoPilot for your Terminal
- clean-text-my — no summary
- clients-scanner — Local network clients scanner with deauth feature
- closer-web3 — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- CobWeb-lnx — CobWeb is a Python library for web scraping. The library consists of two classes: Spider and Scraper.
- comfy-catapult — Programmatically schedule ComfyUI workflows.
- commandeft — CommanDeft is a CLI tool that converts natural language prompts into executable commands or scripts using OpenAI's chat models.
- composer-notebook — interactive demo for composer application on Jupyter notebook
- ContextQA — Chat with your data by leveraging the power of LLMs and vector databases
- cori-ai — An AI-powered code review assistant
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- crmchatbot — A package for a crm chatbot that can answer user requests if it was related to crm data, and fetch some data based on the user request.
- custom-bgr — Customized background removal app
- daft-ingestion — lakehouse with daft
- daft-meizter-ingestion — lakehouse with daft
- daisy-llm — A toolkit for working and conversing with large language models. Featuring tokenized sentence queueing for TTS.
- dappier-py — Dappier Python SDK for interacting with Dappier APIs
- dareyou — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- datati — Download and preprocess your dataset from any source, all in one place.
- deepclient-test — Deep Client - a way to connect your favorite language with Deep
- demonstrable-whisperx-service — A standalone service for transcribing audio files using WhisperX
- deploya-aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- dev-install — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- dexteritysdk — Client for Dexterity - a modular derivatives decentralized exchange reference implementation
- difconnect — Parse WebSite for data and Connect to Diffusion Server
- dimweb-persona-bot — A dialogue bot with a personality